>Promise me, Ned
Eternal /got/ general
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Reminder Bobby B got cucked and went to his grave ass hurt about it.
>Promise me, Ned
Say something nice about the Queen in the North
Source now
Why was he made to be so unambiguously evil?
because he's a villain
That whore is disgusting
I would love to see her dominating a petite girl.
Previous Thread because OP is retarded
vera skokoff
differetn names on other sites
how am i retarded
Is this always the sign of a bad episode?
her being a main character gives screen time to theon, podrick & brienne this season
very weak b8 fag
reminder that D&D wrote the best line in the series
I mean, it's not like she's obese. She just went from skinny and on the move almost constantly to comfortably in one location and slightly plump
>the cuckwars are just beginning until end of this season and got gets banned again
blame the autists who can't handle a tripbro making successful threads
He didn't seem evil to me till he lit his daughter on fire. Misguided maybe, stuck in his ways with some issues with pride... never evil. Than it's snowy, my feet hurt, twenty good men. So he lit his lizard daughter on fire.
hopefully its fakeon
She gained the weight IRL though. Not for any reason other than that she's a lazy little shit.
Anyway slightly sheer dress in the pic is sexy as fuark
Promise me, Ned
succ on my biddies
promise me
Promise us, Ned.
Promise me, Ned
>Promise me, Ned
Promise me, Steve