I've seen angels fall from blinding heights

>I've seen angels fall from blinding heights
>But you yourself are nothing so divine
>Just next in line

How can anyone deny this as the GOAT Bond theme song?

It's easily my favorite.

Because it's not Goldfinger

Casino Royale is honest to God the only Bond movie I have seen. Which other ones should I watch?

Depends. Do you like older movies? Goldfinger is a good starting place. Can you stand a bit of 70s campiness? The Spy Who Loved Me is perfect. Looking for something a bit more recent? Check out Goldeneye.

Did Chris Cornell sing that one?

If so, then it is not GOAT.

I quite liked the Jack White one.

Chris Cornell absolutely nails that song

Adele and Sam Smith are completely outclassed

Live and let die is shit let's be honest

I first saw the totally ridiculous ones like Moonraker and You Only Live Twice (Sean Connery with faux eye-folds!), so the rest are much less crazy in my opinion. I quite liked From Russia With Love.

because a view to a kill exists

>Live and let die is shit
It's pretty bad, yeah. I just watched it recently and it didn't age at all well. Then again, Roger Moore is by far the worst Bond.

nailed it

honourable mention: you only live twice

>Sean Connery
which is the one which takes place entirely in hospital/dormitory place?

Quantum of Solace


It's second to Live and Let Die

> Quantum of Solace

Are you having a kek?

GoldenEye is the one and true Bond movie

I like The Living Daylights.
But im sucker for 80's

none of them do, every Bond takes place in multiple locations

You might be thinking Never Say Never Again

Mah nigga. Here's my personal top 5:
A View to a Kill (Terrible movie, amazing song)
You know my name
The World is not Enough (again, terrible movie, underrated as fuck song though)
You Only Live Twice
Spectre's song The Radiohead one

woooh ooh ooh oh

Die Another Day is the patrician James Bond movie theme song actually.

0/10 bait

>mfw the song is so bad, it's not even bait

Quantum of solace a shit. I don't even remember what happened in it except that it had oilnfields or something.