What was his problem?
But seriously, did he think he could win the war with some stoned natives?
What was his problem?
But seriously, did he think he could win the war with some stoned natives?
>“But his soul was mad. Being alone in the wilderness, it had looked within itself and, by heavens I tell you, it had gone mad.”
So he was just crazy then? Is it inevitable? Seems like Willard wasn't far off becoming the next Kurtz
>he broke from them, and then he broke from himself, i've never seen a man so broken up
>when i saw them, the tiny little arms, all hacked into pieces, it reminded me of a slug, crawling across a straight razor
did you know brando improved that line?
That's the point...
Kurtz went native and forgot what it meant to be civilized. It was a tragedy because Marlowe still respected him for disavowing the company's many lies about the civil man and the justice of the empires free trade colonial agenda.
But in the end Marlowe couldn't Kurtz wife the truth: that Kurtz saw the abyss and went insane.
Apocalypse Now >>>>>>> Heart of Darkness.
Are you fucking dumb?
Was just about to make a thread.What do I watch first
Original or Redux ?
Redux is bad
Original. Redux adds some cool scenes, but it really messes up the flow of the movie.
If you really dig the original you can watch Redux later for the bonus content
but that's what Redux is, the same movie with mandatory bonus content that fucks all the pacing and injects some weirdly unfitting humour
Get real. Late '60s Vietnam served the perfect backdrop for the hopelessness for humanity the novel tried to convey. Everything about the movie is perfect.
>What was his problem?
He was a real jerk.
Okay? I don't think you understand that a movie based on a book cannot exist without the book first.
Redux is better in every way. ADHD faggots use the worthless complaint of pacing because people talking is boring to them.
doesn't mean the movie can't be better
Okay...? That doesn't mean that the movie can't be superior to the book. See:
>The Godfather, Parts I & II
>The Shawshank Redemption
>A Clockwork Orange
What was your point again?
You children still believe that movies are better than books?
don't listen to this faggot
things like that fucking 40 minute french plantation scene and the surfboard thievery added fuck-all to the movie
This isn't a GoT thread faggot
All original versions are 8gb+
Unfortunately I'll have to watch redux
You children still think game of thrones is a book worth reading?
Seldom, but it happens.
No one said movies are better than books. It was said that in this case, this movie is better than the book than inspired it.
has both versions and the documentary about the insane produciton too
you're doing yourself a serious disservice by watching Redux first
there's literally nothing wrong with the redux
no seriously, read Heart of Darkness. it's fuckin' fucked.
That is stupid. The book inspired a great movie by itself being a masterpiece. Heart of darkness is also objectively genius.
I disagree. Redux is inferior in every way. Call me ADHD, but it's fucking boring.
I'm shaking my head at you family.
Yeah nah. They're both really fucking good but the book is still way better
thanks lad
have a cool wallpaper for your service
He's not arguing that you literal double-nigger. Everyone in this thread actually AGREES that Heart of Darkness is an outstanding piece of world literature, but Apocalypse Now is simply perfect.
Does anyone have a link to the workprint version?
>What was his problem?
Bad writing
I ordinarily wouldn't say this to a paisano, but you might want to stop watching movies forever.
Nah senpai this movie was boring but hipsters love it for "muh symbolism" and 3deep5me
The redux was boring. The theatrical version is straight kino.
What did he mean by this?
I never knew how much i wanted a remake with Norm playing Kurtz. Just imagine him turning the story about the kids arms into a rambling anti joke.
What humour?
People who watch pretentious boring movies
surfboard stealing and the uso girls
"What is atmosphere?"
"What is mood?"
"What is setting?"
"What is theme?"
"What is an objectively interesting plot, about a Green Beret assassinating a rogue Army colonel?"
French plantation scene was one of the best scenes in either version.
Oh I've only ever watched the redux, the uso girls is just weird though I never really found that funny
But it was terrible??
It wad hella fuckin kino u pleb
>where are the gooks haha this is gay af lol what are they even talking about
>why is France in vietcongo anyway totes unrealistic
My first watch was Redux and i could still feel how out of place that and the plantation were.
Back to your capeshit thread.
Dien Bien Phu was in 1954. Was it common for the French to still be there in ~'68?
I don't think that was supposed to be funny.
>Out of places
>What was his problem?
he looked into the abyss
This is the stupid interpretation.
The actual point is kurtz's solution to a US victory in vietnam was by destroying the people/civilization living there. To fight savagery with more savagery. But that would've defeated the entire purpose of being there at all.
>But seriously, did he think he could win the war with some stoned natives?
>win the war
You can't be this dumb.
>But seriously, did he think he could win the war with some stoned natives?
This question alone signifies you understood jack shit about the whole movie. Fuck off. This board is 18+
Enlighten me double dubs