I can't believe this fucking shit

I can't believe this fucking shit.

What in the fuck.

They put billions of hours into getting all the tiny buildings and shit in the background right, and this fucking gets through.

Fuck Star Wars.

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That pic is worth a thousand laughs.

I'll bite; what's wrong with it?

What'm I suppose to be upset about, in this picture? I'm sure I would be, if I could suss your intentions.

It's just the angle m8

I think it's the fact that R2 has to be missing his bottom 1/3 to be sitting in that wing.

Look at R2...

"Do your feet get cold, R2-D2?

"Well, it is very cold in space."

Maybe it folds up.

Like a collapsible cup.



why would any of that room need to be CGI

R2 didn't fit in the Naboo Starfighter either. They ended up coming up with a telescoping head to explain it away.

uhh.. why
couldn't he just sit a bit higher and not have a disjointed body?



I can't tell if this is the movie or the Clone Wars cartoon.

It was probably a case of no one realized he didn't fit properly and then when people started asking about it they just came up with a bullshit explanation.





>these graphs made by sperglorgs, AFTER, the movie has come out, and with no input or foresight from the actual Lucas creative team hinting at or matching any of it.

Someone creating a hollow model for entertainment, and a completely different person trying to "engineer" the insides of it is the ultimate form of autism

tehre's like no impact to any of this.



sometimes I wonder what's truly was going on in the mind of lucas when he made this.



I can't believe how bad it all looks.


even the fucking chairs and table are CGI

I think something that bothers me more than the CGI is the cartoony designs of the robots. It just brings everything down.

I always hated how these giant battles are always just two armies standing in an open field trading shots like it's the 18th century. Just pound the enemy with artillery or something.

I thought this was from the Clone Wars cartoon for a second. Fuck.

All this time after the original trilogy, I can still go back, watch it, and enjoy it. I can't even watch this clip now without wondering why it was made.


nice reference in the filename, mate.


>sometimes I wonder what's truly was going on in the mind of lucas when he made this.


Knowing Lucas, that room probably wasn't CGI but he made it look like it was, for some reason.


Thanks Yoda. I'm a trained military officer, in command of an entire division, but would never have thought of concentrating our artillery on this high value, poorly protected target.

Arm chairs aren't CGI. You can make out the leather print on them.

That's right.
They've made props for everything, even that giant hole in the ground city from ep3. A three meter tall diorama. All made to look like shitty cgi for some reason.

"Coldly exploits the works of craftsmen and artists in a sterile, computer-controlled environment" is right.


these are the only tolerable ones

After Effects tier camera shake always look awful

And this single matt painting shits all over this.


>They made Palpitine's office CGI

Fucking why. Was that really fucking necessary Lucas?


Why did they land in the forest and not in the city?

>Ah, victory.
Fuck, that cracks me up even now.

So was Coruscant like the shipping address that Sheeve gave to Kamino when he placed his order? It just seems weird to ship the clones there, then ship them to the battle?

>Modern artillery would completely annihilate this supposedly futuristic army before they ever reached the city

to avoid getting shot down by AA?

the city had zero defenses and no army, only a few palace guards


but those rinky dink fighter droids just flew right in.


what? r2d2 being cut in half to fit into the space craft?

jews have a poor sense of scale what did you expect?

how would they know that they didn't have that, could've hidden them, why take the risk

ground troops rolled in first. literally the same thing happened to denmark during ww2, nazi regime rolled in some tanks and they surrendered immediately


>leaving your highly defensible position to fight your enemy on an open plain while they're under the protection of their shields.

To be fair this criticism isn't limited to the prequels, but it's especially relevant, my problem with the big battles in star wars is that no one acts with any shred of tactical knowledge or instinct of self preservation.

He probably gave Kamino the jedi temple's address, since he used a fake jedi name to make the order.

It's depressing how the first one has the better effects

>how would they know that they didn't have that, could've hidden them, why take the risk

Because Naboo was well known in the galaxy to not have an army? The only reason the Trade Federation didn't invade sooner was because Sheev told them not to.

are you saying that nations never ever keep the size of their military forces a secret to other hostile nations?

someone post the Lucas webms pls

"We're not soldiers, but guardians of peace."


>they surrendered immediately

They were back in the pubs an hour later

>My time to shinaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-



>me it ain't starts playing

packpedaling will get you nowhere


these books are lit

but yeah,
>star wars engineers



>Implying you actually noticed it when you saw the movie.


>Naboo fighters with hyperdrives

oh lord

>Sheev was a senator from Naboo
>he secretly orchestrated the whole blockade and invasion of Naboo because he knew it was an easy target and the crisis could be exploited for his own personal gain

So in this context, it wasn't a secret as to the strength of Naboo's defenses. It's not hard to figure out. There's no reason at all for the Trade Federation to have not landed directly in the city other than there needed to be a bullshit reason for Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan to meet Jar Jar.



Post the one where based JJ btfos a Droideka

there's so much love and passion and..well, look at all these modeles and sketches. then Why the movies are shiiiiiit?
A stop motion star wars movie would be rad

>It was probably a case of no one realized he didn't fit properly
what do you mean? your post makes as little sense as the picture.



sheev was supposed to be a mastermind

This is the best explosion there has been in Star Wars, certainly better than the Death Stars which always seemed to just sorta 'pop'

It's where his space bank account was, and they insisted that the shipping address match the billing address to prevent fraud.

The Phantom Menace has a very pleasing aesthetic in my opinion. I think it's the fact that it has rather muted colors, whereas Clones and Sith has very bright and cartoony colors.

this scene always gets me. them running off reminds me of roadrunner, all that's missing is the meep meep

mweep mweep

>"Should we put safety railings at the end of the platform George?
>"No, in the future safety won't exist"
>"But George there are small steps that could be easy to trip on right by a drop to certain death, considering how VIPs live here wouldn't there at least be a knee high railing"
>"No, I don't want to here about this any more, get to work on Dexter Jettster's diner, you know the 50s themed one"

>they have shield generators

Fuck the dialogue was shit.


They made sure, even in the official artbook with bullshit schematics for the vehicles, to never show an angle where they'd have to draw R2's legs in. It's not the angle. They just fucked up in OP's shot.