>third world dictators are good guys now
This was almost as retarded as US Goverment giving the Avengers to UN instead of just nationalizing them.
I still liked him
>third world dictators are good guys now
This was almost as retarded as US Goverment giving the Avengers to UN instead of just nationalizing them.
I still liked him
3rd world dictators are always treated as friends by western governements as long as they play ball.
Also Ghaddafi>Assad.
Wakanda are an advanced and peaceful race who contribute to humanity.
That being said, it is a completely fictional place and had to literally be made up for black comic book readers because no place in sub-Saharan Africa at any point in time has ever not been a third world shithole or contributed anything to humanity.
But yeah Black Panther was cool.
They needed a black atlantis.
>because no place in sub-Saharan Africa at any point in time has ever not been a third world shithole or contributed anything to humanity
Well... Not while blacks have been in control. Rhodesia and South Africa were going places but were cut short by external pressure.
>"Third world"
Why do fake comic geeks post here again?
That country looked like a shit hole in the movie. The only nice places were owned by the goverment.
The MCU version looked nothing like comic version. Stop trying so hard.
It was clearly very advanced, they had all those sterile white sci-fi rooms and glowing orange monitors
If you're talking about Lagos, that's Nigeria. If it's the post-credit scene, we only saw the interior of one building, jungle and mist, and then the Panther statue.
They closed themselves to the rest of the world, including other blacks. Wich make me think that they also despise other blacks.
Yeah. They're pretty cool.
>not liking Based Black Panther
im a fucking Sup Forums tard who grew up in newark new jersey, surrounded by loud and violent niggers, so im pretty fucking racist
and i still love the guy in both the comics books and the movie
>not reading spoiler
I sincerely doubt he was actually created for the 5 black guys who read cape comics in the 70s.
Race issues aside, an afro-futurist country is a cool concept that can be enjoyed by people of any creed, as long as they don't attach some retarded "they did it to appease niggers" or "we wuz kings" narrative to it.
apparently not user
you need to go deeper
>I sincerely doubt he was actually created for the 5 black guys who read cape comics in the 70s
Except he was.
isn't that exactly what they did though? Are you implying they didn't have some underhanded blackxploitation behind the original character?
Prove it.
Black Panther was catered specifically to black readers. That was the point, to create a black superhero.
i meant not liking him in general, as OP makes it seem as though its odd to have liked him
you fucking nigger
Black Panther isn't cool user, T'Challa is badass. Fucking badass.
I'm taking my wife's son to see the Captain America vs Ironman movie, be loves the black panther character what am I in for?
your wife's son would probably enjoy batman vs superman more
children of single mothers end up to be DamageControl fags more often
How so? The stories were never about some urban black guy getting revenge on the (white) Man, like virtually all of blaxploitation is.
In fact the most famous run has a white guy POV.
After looking at have they ever mentioned in the Comics if Wakanda was involved in the Trans-Atlantic Slave trade back in the day? I think that would be an interesting angle but Marvel wouldn't touch it now. it would make so many people butthurt.
they never went to wakanda in civil war, wakandan's where killed in nigeria
>Black Panther was catered specifically to black readers
>That was the point, to create a black superhero.
Not the same thing and Marvel already had a black superhero.
T'Challa is fucking BADASS
They created an entirely new place in the same way they did for Cable and it was only created after it was pushed that they didn't have enough minorities, same with new mutants and a lot of other All New type drivel. You act like pandering comes out of nowhere.
They've been doing it for a long, long time.
Considering they've pretty much never touched on slavery in the US, there's really no reason to focus on that part of history in the rest of the world either.
You should probably read some non-big 2 comic if you want grown-up themes.
Did you miss the credits scene where Black Panther lets them store Bucky in Wakanda?
>no place in sub-Saharan Africa at any point in time has ever not been a third world shithole
What about the Mali empire user?
I think they meant about building things that last sort of deal.
I mean even native americans figured out mound building.
Is there a white supremacist villain I can root for?
>white supremacists
this meme again
>after it was pushed that they didn't have enough minorities
I've honestly never seen those complains pre-2000s.
>You act like pandering comes out of nowhere.
I act like I've seen no indication that they were particularly pandering to an existing demand, because I've seen no indication of it. Nobody was asking for the X-Men to have a Russian kolkhoz farmer and an Irish whose power is screaming really loud.
Exploitation and pandering aren't really the same thing.
No but you can cheer for Black Panther the guy is badass hes like a black Batman he is so badass.
This shit was so fucking dumb. They should have had Dormammu there with a tear going down his face.
Well your last sentence is literally based on point of view. If you're a white guy and all you see is white guys buying comics and then they change what they're making and do not understand why.
It isn't hard to accuse people of pandering. I mean aren't a lot of these people self-avowed isms of all stripes? Their bias leads to point of view.
You're looking for evidence that isn't going to be apparent.
Like Marvel isn't going to come out and go, We want girls and minorities user!
They'll create an all new, whatever team, to give as wide a shot of characters to be projected onto.
That is what you're asking to be ancedotally explained to you.
Did they ever explain how a city full of heroes could not stop 9/11?
>showing genocidal maniacs being saddened by 9/11
You just know they would have been exstatic, but Marvel couldn't show them that way because it would make them iredeemable to readers, and considering how often Doom and Mags turn coat that wasn't happening.
Well the Malians did have a nice empire.
Sadly it was built using mud-bricks which require continuous maintenance and when the eventual collapse happened the effort to maintain libraries and mosques faded.
Doesn't mean it wasn't worthy of
This pic related is Captain Britain.
this is fucking stupid jesus christ.
I mean don't these people WANT to bring down the order that the twin towers represented?
>You're looking for evidence that isn't going to be apparent.
Maybe because it's not there and all you have is loosely constructed and biased conjecture.
*worthy of recognition
Eat da poo poo
She's one of 9 million captain britains in the multiverse, yeah. Also she was created in the last 5 years, we're talkking about creations that predate the 80s here.
Any reason why this whore is showing so much skin?
I understand some of the art they did was interesting but as a world thing on world stage it is small potatoes which is why people shit on it.
And the fact that africans helped the colonials enslave their enemies thus giving the colonials a reason to stay there in first place is like celts helping Rome build cities on their land without realizing what they were doing.
I understand the sentiment and feeling at time that a lot of people were scared so it makes sense if you can remember how it felt just after it happened..but sometimes people can be dumb.
so did slavery never happened in the marvel universe?
>replying to those three and not me, the person who posted originally
So basically what you are saying is go stone or bust.
Seems a bit meh of a criteria.
No I'm constructing a point of view that makes sense based on the evidence. If you want to bring more people to your product, then you widen scope of the people that would project onto it, ensemble casting.
It makes sense in business but it is still pandering.
It happened, it was referenced a couple of times, but it doesn't come up that often because it's ancient history in their context. The segregation era is more likely to be brought up.
monarchy you meme loving fuck, he's part of the monarchy.
Sorry user, I was posting to multiple people and you slipped through.
A lot of stuff was overly patriotic for awhile. Remember Freedom Fries?
I genuinely always liked Black Panther.
Because he was never a stereotypical gangster nigger or shit eating savage.
He was a good person, who did good things, and was badass as fuck.
Plus he's a king of his own country.
He was also the best character in the movie.
"You were consumed by vengeance, and so was I"
Well the mutants were a discriminatory 'allegory' for a lot of social issues.
it's to placate the infidels
>the evidence
The "evidence" is literally only "there are minority and female characters". The intention is entirely contructed by you.
> If you want to bring more people to your product, then you widen scope of the people that would project onto it, ensemble casting.
You're saying that like they even got X-Men in soviet Russia, or like there's any evidence that this actually works. Black people's favorite superhero is Sipder-Man (the white one), not any of the characters that were allegedly created to appeal to them.
By that reasoning you literally can't include minority characters without it being interpreted as pandering.
>What is a benevolent dictators and/or divine right absolutist
You aware you can be both a monarch and dictators right? The terms are not mutually exclusive.
Non-constitutional monarchies are by definition dictatorships.
Not just stone but in a larger historical sense, making shit that lasts is seen as a byproduct in how culture is valued after whatever group built it.
I mean if you want to see any better evidence of this, look at Aztecs, Olmec, Incas, Mayans.
I mean we could find out that some time long ago that step pyramid was built by a civilization not far from Japan that is in ocean.
Building things that last captures the imagination and makes people writing the history respond more favorably to it.
See Dinosaurs. Or Easter Island
Any reason why she wouldn't?
You just seem to be a victim of the "muh big buildings" meme.
There's a lot more to history than stone temples.
I think the time the creation is created in matters as much as content itself at least in terms of understanding this argument. Intention matters and a lot of people were worried not enough people were reading comics so they created things to expand out to try and lure other demographics in. I never put the onus on it succeeding or that various minority groups need to be attracted to it.
Falcon, Sam Wilson was created in an utterly racist time and his sources go back to when world war 2 propaganda stuff was being made and was turned into something more worth while. I see that as non-pandering because not only when it was made but how it was made and used.
If you took Sam-Cap out of that context and dropped him in his all-new team book that he's in, it would look like pandering without the build up.
Distinction in arguments matter because it is literally how you're defining them. Same reason you see character purity arguments, legacy arguments versus genderbending and racewashing characters.
>See Dinosaurs. Or Easter Island
Those are weird-ass examples.
The dinosaurs never built shit yet they're more popular in pop culture than the Sumerians.
The Easter Island people were so intent on building shit for reasons that they killed themselves doing so and have left nothing to interpret who they were beyond statue builders (not that anybody cares about them either way).
Obviously but I am explaining why pan-african history gets shat on. In terms of world history Indian explorers and Chinese ones did more for world and trade than most people will ever know.
I was using examples that capture the imagination beyond their initial value of what they actually are. The idea of the Romans instead of Rome itself.
>a lot of people were worried not enough people were reading comics
> they created things to expand out to try and lure other demographics in
You can't keep just saying stuff. The industry was doing fine in the 1970s.
Your criteria (that a minority character has to be created during a racist time period to not be perceived as pandering) is completely arbitrary, and I don't know why you'd expect people to agree with it.
I never said it had to be created in a racist time, I said context matters. I also said nothing about 1970s. I said pandering happens as they try to expand into markets beyond their initial readerships and if everything was fine. Why did a lot of rights end up being sold to keep companies from going under, the big 2 have had problems.
That says nothing for the other companies as well but we'll just stick to limited point that context matters when you're talking something as if it takes advantage 'blacksploitation' type shit versus just creating a character without motivation or agenda (pandering)