/got/ general


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first for mods being terrible

1st for dorne

The Night's King bids you rise

first for bimfu.

Nth for Lyanna!

Do not forget to post a link for the old thread, my friend

What would have happened if Theon hadn't been a retard during the Ironborn invasion? Could he have stopped Euron?

>Theon raids Winterfell and captures Bran and Rickon, hastily returning to Pyke
>His exploits earn him renown among the Ironborn, and he is known as "Theon the Cunning" and "the Young Kraken"
>Asha is pushed back to irrelevance in the face of a strong son of Balon Greyjoy

I'm a fan of book Theon and it pisses me off that he was so close.

Also Alfie Allen is probably the best actor on the show but I just can't take him seriously as Theon. Theon is supposed to be dark handsome bull, not a goofy-looking witeboi who can't go two seconds without making a fool of himself.

Prev thread:

why did it 404?

did OP get banned?

why was the previous thread deleted?

Hahaha holy shit this is ridiculous

Episode 3 info has already been leaked

1st for the Lannisters

First for sexual tension!

There were three threads at once

Makes sense they got deleted be honest.

Three active threads.

One with a pornstar as the OP image so that's gotta go, second was made second so it's kind of a bastard, so that's gotta go, third was made third so also a bastard, so that's gotta go.

>The War of the Three Threads, they called it. Well the other two are dead!

Promis me, Ned!


i'm not watching this season. did jon come back to life?


Euron took care of that

The mods have been pruning and banning alot tonight. Too much shitposting and trolling I guess.

>tfw Kit is prettier than Maisie

>Even after all these years, Ser Barristan could still recall Ashara’s smile, the sound of her laughter. He had only to close his eyes to see her, with her long dark hair tumbling about her shoulders and those haunting purple eyes.

so with lady stoneheart and thoros of myr confirmed does this mean season 6 is going to be the best season ?

>now it ends

Book theon was an edgy fuck that got BTFO by his own cruel intent, like show theon

That's the Night King, not Night's King, completely different characters.

>lady stoneheart and thoros of myr confirmed

Kit is prettier than a lot of girls user

user asshole

If he put forward a claim, I'd bet Victarion would back him, but not Asha. By capturing Bran and Rickon, he's already destroyed any possible alliance with the North, though they can't attack him out of fear of killing the kids. Asha would still try to sue for peace, while Theon would probably either press claims on lands in the North and Riverlands for the new Ironborn Kingdom. Either way, Aeron will still call for a Kingsmoot, and Theon would lose.

Euron didn't win because he's eldest after Balon and Theon was captured. He won because he roused the support of enough Captains with promises of glory, dragons and a shit load of booty. Theon wouldn't be able to promise any of that.

Also if Theon did return with the Stark boys, I definitely wouldn't put it past Euron to simply kill him.

Tyrion is a Targ after episode 2 isnt he

No but Stannis is still alive

>And now it begins.
>Nah, Wittenz.

Why does Ned call Ser Arthur Dayne 'Wittenz'? Is it a nickname?

I actually think Season 2 Theon is better written than Clash of Kings Theon, at least in so far as his internal conflict over Robb vs his family.

In the book he's a little too nonchalant about it. It's like the conflict is entirely subconscious until after he gets REEK'd.

>E P I C

Pretty sure conquest is the last thing on nu-theons agenda.


season 2 theon was really great

i thought alfie was overrated by a lot of the people here but after rewatching some theon scenes from s2, he's actually one of the best actors left now

Why Ned got such a big forehead?

So what's Varys' fucking problem? He a blackfyre?

He is a mermaid

yes stoneheart and thoros were confirmed days ago


not on the show

Occasionally an actor can bring something to the role. This was one of those times.

Cause he is a spic.



cat must be just rotting bones by now if they decide to bring her back after being dead for so long.

he's referencing that scene in Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels where one of the guys that grows all the weed says "chill Winston"

Stoneheart not confirmed at all

Who's this fag stag?

What evil intent? Literally everyone has evil intent, that's how Westerosi feudalism worked. You move up in the world and gain respect by fucking bitches and conquering shit, ten times so if you are Ironborn and have to prove yourself to literally all the Ironborn that you are fit to rule them someday.

Add the fact that book Theon was a kid that was made to feel inferior his entire life, a foreigner living in the hall of his father's conqueror. What was he supposed to do, be Robb's bitch boy for the rest of his life?


now ive gotta jerk off AGAIN

BwB leader is probably Ian McShane tbqh

kal of house krypton

I haven't read any of the books for a few years now and im sick of the DUMB&DUMBER show corrupting my memory of the good ASOIAF world i remember.

I also cant be fucked rereading all the books so where does /got/ think i should start?

where did the show officially get too fucked up that it was unrecognisable from the books?

the show is better than the books ever were

Ian Mcshane said he played a former soldier who renounced violence and now lives on some island and healed a much beloved character who's either Jon or the Hound, but isn't Jon

Elder Brother hype!
Cleganebowl hype!

I like how in Season 5 Theon is still traumatized and agonizing over the fact he murdered two kids but when Sansa learns those kids were just some peasants she's like "Oh wow, so it was nothing then! Hahaha! Whew!"


just listen to the audibooks as you lift, get two things done at once.

>ywn see Henry Cavill as Arthur Dayne

Hopefully he'll get some better actors to work with back on the isles.

>ASOIAF audiobooks
>grandpa doing retarded voices for every other character

What kind of monster hates on Roy Dotrice

>getting hard during the awkward as hell sexual descriptions.

Ian Glen (Jorah Cuckmont) did the Dance of the Dragons.

Not really a book, but he did a good job. It's up on Youtube.

> Yfw Euron literally dindu nuffin

>not young Bobby B

Is he playing the mad king?
I assume Martin stole the character for his work, giving the burn them stuff.

Your right. In the show it was self defense. Thanks dnd

well he was on his kings way

Only if they get Joshua Jackson to play Rhaegar

Daily reminder that David Wenham would be the perfect Rhaegar

No. Willem Dafoe plays the Mad king

>self defence
>imblying you can attack a drowned storm-bridge

What's with all the talk about Spidy dying?

no aegon in the show, so no mummer's dragon / blackfyre. Whats the point of varys then?

>tfw Stannis is still alive and is going to become king
It was all a ruse guys!

I think he's memeing you because DnD listed Night King as Night's King. So you got double memed

Antics with the witty dwarf.

haha yeah :D xD

In the show he's supposed to be dany's man. Blackfyre get cucked once again.

You mean more dick jokes? They seem to have run out of antics.

Or it just proves that Varys is pro targ afterall in the books

In the books he's reuniting targ with blackfyre; thats his master plan.

That's silly.
You're silly.
Keep being silly.

>yfw aegon is hannibal and westeros is rome

this is true in so many ways

More like epirus

The show is going to veer so far from the books.

I bet you anything they're going to do make Lyanna Jon's mother. Jon and Dany are going to get married, defeat the walkers, unite the kingdom and prove war can solve all your problems happily ever after.

The show is fucked.


if bittersteel was alive and his mentor, maybe

and Tyrion is Targ in the show as well


So whats this tower of joy shit? They gonna reveal Jon is the son of that bitch who slept with the last Targ king or what?

i knew what you meant just from epirus

aegons campaign will probably end just like pyrrhus without any outside help, but him having a mercenary army and being sent from some mercantile thalassocracy into a civil warring empire is pretty hannibal esque desu, he even has the fucking elephants from strickland right?

Doubt it
Only 'evidence' is him not getting eaten by the dragons which others have done
