/wot/ - Wheel of Time General


The Wheel of Time turns, and ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legends fade to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. In one Age, called the third age by some, an Age yet to come, an age long pass, a wind rose in the Mountains of Mist. The wind was not the beginning. There are neither beginnings or endings to the turning of the Wheel of Time. But it was a beginning.

>What is the Wheel of Time?
The Wheel of Time (abbreviated as WoT by fans) is a bestselling series of epic fantasy novels written by the American author James Oliver Rigney, Jr. under the pen name Robert Jordan.
It has recently been announced that it will be getting a tv series adaptation by a currently unknown "Major Studio".


>What do we know so far?
Just the announcement made by Harriet McDougal (Jordan's wife).

Is this series any good?

More interesting, albeit it centralized, than Game of Thrones.

Yes, then no, then yes again.

>better that asoiaf

no. and stop trying to make a general.

i'm not OP, didnt even know they were making a movie, but its about time. completely surprised they made a hbo out of the unheard of asoiaf and not WoT.

Either way WoT Is leagues ahead

I remember they tried to make this into a tv show early last year, but the pilot was fucking awful and boring that it never happened.

oh and dont talk to me like that you ugly fucking faggot

They only made that Pilot because Red Eagle was desperate to hold on to the rights. They had a Use it or Lose it clause in their contract. Red Eagle lost the rights recently.

Kind of annoying to see it get a TV adaptation.

On the bright side, it went completley under the radar, so anything new that comes out won't be tainted by the previous failure.
Fingers crossed it doesn't suck as bad as the Chronicles of Shinananana

There is basically zero possibility of a Wheel of Time adaptation being good. Either it would be picked up by a smaller producer and have an insufficient budget, or a bigger one, and it would be censored and butchered into politically correct drivel. Imagine a HBO adaptation trying to portray the Aes Sedai. Can't have women being flawed, they'd be "corrected" to be "powerful" and "independent" when in the books they're petty, egotistical lemmings high on their own sense of superiority. They're basically the modern day far left.

>Can't have women being flawed, they'd be "corrected" to be "powerful" and "independent" when in the books they're petty, egotistical lemmings high on their own sense of superiority.

Yeah, but the main character Aes Sedai are mostly good. Moiraine, Egwene, Nynaeve, Elayne, etc.

It's really just the Red Ajah that are regressive SJW shitbags. And they're mostly villains anyway.

>Try to read this crap because according to you people it's "good"
>First book is replete with every moth-eaten cliche, Tolkein motif and generic character archetype imaginable without even TRYING to hide it or put a new spin on them
>MC has absolutely zero personality
>Bloated with pages upon pages of useless crap; insufferably slow until the last 30 pages, could have been trimmed 300 pages with no loss

How did this get popular? I don't even read fantasy much and it was offensively bad

Really, fuck TV. Make some awesome 5hr movies.

Considering how well-loved the series is, I'd say it's probably just not your cup of tea.

Or, can we not say that anymore? Does everything have to be complete irredeemable shit if you don't happen to like it? Sorry. Forgot my internet etiquette.

And I forgot to mention. The bad guys are called Darkfriends and Trollorcs

Holy FUCK what kind of hack does that?

The biggest problem would be scale and how much would have to be pared away. A lot of the story should definitely be trimmed but look at how much was removed from ASoIaF and how few characters it has, relatively speaking.
WoT would be butchered even more because Robert Jordan was not telling a morally ambiguous story.


Worst fantasy series in existence.

All of them are. The Blue are less of it, but in the end every Ajah is regressive and extremely arrogant. At the end of the series even the Green Ajah ends up getting decimated because despite all their bragging about being the "battle ajah", they never actually bothered learning how to fight.
Even Moiraine, even though she is good, and a well written character, is extremely manipulative and secretive to a fault. This is not me complaining about the writing, but it is a significant aspect to her character (and one that I actually like, as she develops past this as the series goes on) that she has serious issues with actually talking to her allies and cooperating, because she's so used to everyone bowing and scraping and obeying her without question that she simply doesn't know how.

Just imagine the D&D trying to portray a character like that, guys who get basic shit from ASoIaF wrong. They'd take a character who has flaws and just got "Nope she's strong empowered and men are always wrong".

Can you explain why this can be loved? I am capable of seeing the appeal in things I don't like, even with stuff like Harry Potter, YA stuff in general, Twilight, 50 Shades, etc.

But this crap was just everything bad about fantasy and fiction in general. If it was 300 pages, okay, but it was 800!

>How did this get popular? I don't even read fantasy much and it was offensively bad

Fantasy readers are the greatest plebs ever, I'm not even exaggerating, they'll eat up any terrible, melodramatic, cliched 1000 pages long soap opera crap with the barest hint of medieval conventions, vomit it out, and eat it again.

Tell us what we should enjoy, oh internet patrician. Please grant us your wisdom.

Your complaints are mostly flipped on their heads as it goes on. One of the biggest plot points of the series is how Rand changes. He starts off as a very generic, idealistic protagonist kid, and he's basically put in a pressure cooker for 11 books of the series until he's so far off kilter that he has a psychotic episode. You really can't judge this series until the third book at the very least. With that said, if it's not your cup of tea, that's fine. Not everyone likes it, and that's fine.

I've only read New Spring, which I guess is sort of a prequel.
It seemed okay, I guess. I liked how he described the scenes in the city, the smells and the sounds and all that, but the characters were mostly annoying, or hard to relate to.
Its a setting where apparently someone will challenge you to a knife fight for even looking at them the wrong way because everyones apparently up thier own ass.
Thats not interesting, thats annoying.
I can't even remember how it ended, but I did like the different schools of magic, with the different colors and all that.
It might make for an interesting show if they made the characters more human, and less like anime characters.

>>First book is replete with every moth-eaten cliche, Tolkein motif and generic character archetype imaginable without even TRYING to hide it or put a new spin on them
To be fair, this is literally how authors are told to write their first major fantasy debut; they're advised to write something familiar.
Very very few authors have strayed from this with any success. Much of the first book has many homages to Tolkien, intentionally.

On second thoughts I also should mention that Rand is not some super special snowflake who is immune to the madness that affects male channelers in the series, this is one of the major things that makes him a (somewhat) interesting protagonist. Rand knows he's going insane, and dealing with that while trying to function in his role and save the world despite that is a big part of the plot. By book 4 he's suffering dissociation, by book 6 he's having auditory hallucinations, and by book 8 he's deep into PTSD territory and having full blown visual hallucinations and severe paranoia.

but he gets a harem so it's worth it

Did someone tell you to start with New Spring? Or did you just decide to go chronologically.

Because that's a bad place to start.

you see i read the books, and i read the image you posted and i still don't see why the points in the image are bad.

That's because you are a true pleb.

everyone fucks everyone and girls are sometimes evil and men are mad, it's pretty good

>How to spot someone who only states the authors name when asked what they're reading

ASOIAF literally uses a quote from Robert Jordan as a selling point on the jacket. Their strategy for getting people to buy into the series was to use the Wheel of Time in all its glory to give ASOIAF a chance