Why was she such a fucking crybaby?

Why was she such a fucking crybaby?

The entire operation was obviously going to advance her career insanely fast afterwards even though she was being used as a patsy and enabling a grey area interpretation of jurisdiction and S.O.P.

If she kept her fucking mouth shut and went with the program she would've been director of something instead of getting shot, having a gun pointed at her head, forced to sign some bullshit and listening to a morally ambiguous speech about wolves.

>muh constitution
>muh authorised use of force
>muh moral relativity

No cop cares about any of that.

They just want promotions and better pensions.

>Why was she such a fucking crybaby?
she's a woman
it's kinda what they do

>Benicio Del Torro Stealing The Whole Movie: The Movie

Fuck women.

>emily blunt will NEVER step on your balls
just die in my sleep already
( ._.) ( ;_;)

She became Sicarioâ„¢

>>Fuck women.

#783 on the List Of Things You'll Never Do


>Why was she such a fucking crybaby?

Because sometimes all the training in the world doesn't prepare you for certain things. It didn't prepare her for Mexico or the way officials down there dealt with things. I give her credit, however.

If the film starred you, OP, you would have shit your pants less than halfway into it. The rest of the film would feature you scrambling from restroom to restroom, trying to find enough toilet paper to wipe up your shitpants.

Atleast the movie itself doesnt end on some bullshit fairytale moral high ground.


>Why was she such a fucking crybaby?

She represents the American public

Maybe the sequel will.

Didnt the movie a tacky sex scene? I hate this shit.

The most impressive and hialrious thing is the ending. Now, for a movie which looks like another female power fantasy, the ending goes through great lenght to show that in the evry fucking bitch is just a weak little slut.

I loved that. I loved how she breaks down. And obviously a leeser movie would let her shoot him in the end, but not this one. Hes in her head, put in her place where she belongs.

The comparison to her daughter and his condescending manners are the cherry on top!

i really know people like this who are in law enforcement or something similar. they would react the same way because their entire lifes have ben cherrys and pies. they are worried about facebook posts instead of someone trying to decapitate them. there really is a land of wolves. Most people never go through it tho.

>entering Mexico is like entering some Mad Mad type of apocalypse shithole with no rules

Really, Hollywood?

>listening to a morally ambiguous speech about wolves.
True suffering

Mexican goverment cooperates a lot with the US since Mexico's last president started to crack down on drugs and shit
They very clearly were already expected to arrive there by the Mexican Army and they were even escorted by some agency.


I can't fucking stand her face.

Because mexico be dangerous n shit

delete ur posts

why is she so perfect ;__;

are you saying you don't have naked mutilated bodies hanging from buildings down there?

I'm from Juarez and the opening scene is one of the most stunning things I have seen in my life. It was like that at the time.
The latter part in El Paso where they oversee the city from kilometers away is total shit tho' even the CGI was awful. Totally took me out.

This is why /tg/ says lawful good=lawful stupid.

But if all fictional portrayals of FBI agents are accurate, I wouldn't be able to relate to a single one of them IRL.

FBI agents are super fucking indoctrinated and boring to talk to. They're protocol robots with a big budget.

Dealt with them over some software bullshit at a company I worked for.

Spent hours with field agents showing them our processes and security protocols so i expected to eventually shoot the shit with them but they have no interests besides work and their careers.

One dude who had worked undercover going after organized crime through ancillary black market fields told me a couple stories and the details and way he told them were so fucking boring I just stopped listening.

I completely understand as I checked out of the first X Files movie as soon as they showed Dallas being in the middle of a desert with mountains in the background. Why do they do this shit?