Looks like Black Panther is going to be the ultimate WE flick

Looks like Black Panther is going to be the ultimate WE flick

Fucking great, just what we needed

Yeah, I can't wait. It'll be awesome.

>African country
>Not ravaged by corruption and anarchy
That's sci fi alright

> realism or logic in a superhero flick

60 year old detected


This has to be the biggest piece of white-guilt I've ever seen on fiction. Not even those slave dramas come close to that, holy shit.

I hope blacks become inspired to start their own Wakanda like that one time they tried a century ago.

That was cringey as fuck but nothing can kill my hype for BP movie.

It's a super tiny nation sitting on top of a massive pile of wealth. It's like those tiny gulf oil countries, but the natural resources are even more lucrative, and the rulers aren't complete monsters.

>most technologically advanced nation in the world
>only metahuman is your own dictator




I can't wait people to realize that Wakanda basically was totally cool with the rest of the black folk going through slavery and colonialism even though they were technologically advanced enough to prevent it.

In the comics Wakanda is an isolationist monarchy that isn't interested in sharing its wealth or technology with other black countries, though. No racial solidarity or anything.

If that was an European nation with blonde/blue-eyed white people, would it be okay?

That is basically what Asgardians are though.

sweet hiphop beat shoehorned in because literally anything starring black people, and retrospective, Africa, has to have a hip hop beat to it.

Like the Malian empire where Mansa Musa was procclaimed the wealthiest man throughout history and pretty much singlehandedly controlled the Mediterranean market with his wealth but yet this is his great magnum opus for the African people to remember him by.

Even with all the gold in the world niggers can't achieve shit.

African nations couldn't care less about other African nations anyway or else you'd have the most powerful and stable ones looking to help other people out, but it's just too much work.

U mad white devils


lol i fucking hate black people

>totally cool with the rest of the black folk going through slavery
maybe cause it was other africans/arab berbers capturing and selling them to whitey in the first place?

i'm 22 years old and it's happening right now

Land of the bulls, home of the BLACKED

>its okay as long as it isnt me

Idris Elba is an Asgardian in the MCU.

Wait, where are the white people?
0/10 not diverse enough
fuckin' racists

You mean the one they tried last year or so in Georgia with pyramids and all

>think norse god-aliens cannot be mixed even though they never saw anyone black for about 700 years.

Don't be racist user. Besides they're a bunch of cucks anyone, they willingly converted to christianity.

They better shoehorn some Tony Stark in this flick if they want to see those foreign dollars.
Foreigners fucking hate movies about niggers.
I know because I'm a foreigner myself.

the fact that a glorified mud hut is still standing after all these years is kind of amazing.

anyone -anyway

its only racist if the majority/total population is white, famalam


They've tried that. we brutally killed their leader and turned their country into rubble

Boarer wars? Zulu?

Can't, he's already being shoe horned into spider-man

[Spoiler]judging by the ending of civil war though, they may shoehorn cap into this[/spoiler]

>sweet hiphop beat shoehorned in because literally anything starring black people, and retrospective, Africa, has to have a hip hop beat to it.

It's like the ching chong music the 80s always used to denote a chink was on screen. Jangly dischordant twanging.

I mean what are they gonna do, play jazz or rnb or funk or dowop or motown or pop or.. I mean they're black.
Obviously the only music blacks listen to is hiphop.

why are you people so predictable?


>thinking this movie is going to make its money back
nigga plz

Fucking based. TFA still failed in China tho kek

they kept all their little wealth to themselves while the rest of africa is in the shitter, that's pretty funny, the guy is cool sure but they ain't making money off just black people.
gotta unfreeze bucky and pair him up with falcon to make it worthwhile




>nobody will get the AOE 2 cheatjokes

just turn my archers into trees famaslama

what was white guilt about it? its a fictional sci-fi country with a retarded premise

you guys are so fucking sensitive holy shit worse than tumblr

No because its a fictional place. That defeats the entire purpose of the meme.

There's no reason why black panther can't be an asian woman

why are black people so predictable?

Wakanda is a special case because they are the sole source of the ultra-premium metal Vibranium which is the shit Caps shield and BPs suit is made of.

Basically Wakanda has the highest GDP per capita in the whole Marvel universe


this sounds so shit, no way i'm watching this

Wakanda is a cool idea, and Black Panther was one of the better parts of Civil War.

Could work. Who cares if it turns into WE.

Bucky and Falcon - Buddy Cop movie in the land of Wakanda


but user, you could have 3 Caps.

That fucking mud church is still standing after several centuries.
Same can't be said of much of Detroit.

>hip-hop music starts playing

We should send all refugees and immigrants to Africa.
The will be so much better living in a technologically advanced utopia.


Why isn't Tony Stark there if its the most advanced country on Earth?

Wakanda is what Liberia would have been like if the tribes never went to war with the americo Liberians

and stopped shitting on the beaches