Just finished the first season. It's pretty good, but when does it get God-tier?
Just finished the first season. It's pretty good, but when does it get God-tier?
What do you mean
Learn how to read.
What do you mean?
4th season is when it peaks. It's still good after that though
Price hangs himself.
Cooper Dies.
Betty gets cancer at the end.
It doesn't
>he thinks spoiling Mad Men makes a difference
Literally nothing happens: the show
Season 1, episode 1.
the finale is shit
It doesn't. I followed the show when i had nothing else to watch, and i understand why it works but at the same time, i thought that aside from some exploration of a certain moment in time and characters, there was not much to grab on for that many seasons.
Well except January Jones and Christina Hendricks of course, but that's my dick talking.
However there was one episode i really liked and kept when Don is in a diner and waits for his second wife to come back, and then she doesn't and he's freaking out and in despair and he thinks she's lost or something happened to her.
That episode only spoke to me on a personal level.
>he believed Sup Forums when they said Mad Men was good
You got meme'd on, son.
literally pleb: the opinion
well by the seventh episode -the marriage of figaro, i think- it's pretty obvious that mad men is on a higher echelon than brba deadwood etc...
by the finale you should be convinced it's working on another level
by the end of the third season you'll be praising god that it exists
by the fifth season you'll actually believe in god for bringing such beauty into existence
by the end you'll be a patrician and ready to accept matthew weiner as your god and saviour
but seriously, the show just keeps getting better and topping itself, arguably until de fifth season... sixth and seven are more polarising but in my opinion essential tv, along with the sopranos or the wire
You wanna ride that dick any harder? You're delusional if you think Mad Meme is better than BrBa.
Do you superhero loving morons ever let up? Not every thread needs to be filled with poorly done troll posts.
only children think breaking bad is better than mad men
how does "fly" compare to the psychological depth of episodes like "the phantom", "The monolith", "Mystery date", etc...
Fourth and fifth seasons are the best, but the show is phenomenal through to the end.
Personally OP, I'd space it out. I waited for the final episodes to show up on Netflix and managed to avoid spoilers. Once the credits rolled on the final episode, I exhaled a deep breath. It had been a good run. I have trouble putting into words what it felt like. It does not move fast. But it moves at a steady pace. One day, I'm going to start it over from the beginning, and do it again. But that will be years from now.
Honestly the first season is by quite a decent measure, especially in terms of the writing, the worst season. With season 2 they are still working out how to shoot the show and so many episodes end with a pull out through a door frame that it almost feels like satire. However, the overall quality of s2 is higher. By the time you get to s3 the show has really found its feet and it continues to be pretty amazing for its entire run.
>but when does it get God-tier?
The first season.
Everything before season 4 felt like a different show upon rewatch.
Mad Men was a much better show than Breaking Bad. The last few seasons of BB were shit.
Even though I liked S1, I think all 6 of the following are superior.
S4-S5 is truly eye wateringly good.
Because of the way the show is it's like it's a couple of different shows in one.
Season 1-2: Generation 1
Season 3: Generation 2
Season 4-5: Generation 3
Season 6: Generation 4
Season 7: Generation 5
It outdoes itself time and time again.
>Jesse and Walt are friends
>Okay they're friends again
>Okay we're not friends but we have to work together
Yeah Yeah it's great
the shift towards -starting around the fifth season, maybe the fourth- the darker end of the sixties was amazing.
It doesn't really.
>Drugs xD
>Science :P
>Not having health-insurance social commentary :/
reminder the show is a jew trying to say the 50s/60s were all the fault of the goyim, and the world is so much better now.
Are you implying the 50s/60s were better? Go back to reddìt, you le wrong generation faggot.
The implication being jews need to be in control because the goyim can't take care of himself.
Whoops, looks like you're lost, stormweenie. Here, let me redirect you to your containment board.
50s and 60s had better architecture
You're welcome to offer a conflicting interpretation.