What animated shows does Sup Forums like? It seems like everyone considers every adult cartoon reddit. Is it pretty much just classic simpsons?
What animated shows does Sup Forums like? It seems like everyone considers every adult cartoon reddit...
Who considers Bojack reddit?
There are very few animated shows I like. Simpsons is classic. Family Guy and American Dad are okay. South Park is good, although I don't really watch it anymore.
Rick and Morty is alright, but it gets old pretty fast tbqh. Never really liked Bojack.
Unrelated animation
that's not adult cartoon.
Everyone with taste.
There are three things that Bojack Horseman does well: It has a well done intro, it is conceptually ambitious and Will Arnett is a good voice actor.
The show fails in every aspect of its execution. It's not animated well. It's not written well. It's schizophrenic in its identity. Does it want to be a zany and sprightly with cartoon rules where writers invent outlandish contrived plots and actions lack consequences (Todd gets an amusement part because Disney made a typo Oh how funny!) or does it want to take itself and its characters seriously and have them face experience realistic angst? Right now it wants to be both and the result is an absolute mess. Its drama lacks punch and is often exaggerated and theatrical. Its humor is clumsy. Bojack being run by an amateur creator and it shows.
The show is hailed by an audience who was lulled into low expectations by the first 6 episodes of being merely a bad sitcom. They are the ones who are easily impressed from seeing the show evolve from a bad sitcom to a bad sitcom with DRAMA.
It sounds like you've watched the entire show, possibly more than once.
Venture Bros, Rick & Morty (inb4 leddit)
Didn't I see you in another thread essentially making the same points? Do you just wait around Sup Forums waiting to shit on Bojack Horseman whenever it's mentioned?
Yeah I have watched the entire show more out of inertia than enjoyment. I was trapped by the idea that they might pull the show together into something worthwhile, I was wrong.
>Do you just wait around Sup Forums waiting to shit on Bojack Horseman whenever it's mentioned?
Not just Bojack and not just Sup Forums either. I sit around on Sup Forums all day with only infrequent breaks for sleep and nourishment until a thread about a thing you like pops up so I can shit on it.
I have no regrets.
I think it blends both tones perfectly. It transitions very well between the two. Its humor is consistently funny.
Honestly, it sounds like your issues are nothing more than subjective opinions, but you are PASSIONATE with them.
Do you always write thesis statements for things that are simply meant to entertain people?
With this perspective, your whole life must be a massive conglomerate of suffering.
>I think it blends both tones perfectly. It transitions very well between the two. Its humor is consistently funny.
Your post leads me to believe you haven't watched much TV from a critical perspective.
You have the "I liked it, so it must be good" mentality.
so many fags butthurt that bojack sucks
big deal your show sucks so what
I really don't understand why people like Benture Brothers
or Robot Chicken
I guess Harvey Birdman was sortuv okay not really
i like superjail a lot as far as adult cartoons go
children's cartoons can be adult-quality in their humor, in my opinion
old episodes of spongebob for instance
adventure time when its not being lame with the kiddie romance stuff
Me too senpai
bojack's supposed "feels" are way overrated. it's very by-the-numbers
but it's a really funny show. the jokes are good.
also based hanawalt designed the show's art design.
Sup Forums generally loves old school adult swim like Space Ghost, Harvey Birdman, and Sealab. Funny because theyre kind of the originators of the whole random sporks and chimichangas humor this board hates.
Not sure about Sup Forums but I really like The Life & Times of Tim. It's on Youtube if anyone enjoys awkward comedy and wants to give it a shot.
I think that's the point of the writers. S1 is just random Boajck stuff, shit hits the fan on S2.
All the foreshadowing, all the little details you find once you've watched this show a couple times.
Ok, animation is not perfect, but that's not why we're watching a netflix cartoon show, right?
Herb kazaaz arc was 2deep4me, maybe it's just me being a whiny depressed cunt in this precise moment of my life, but BH pulls the right strings and most of the time it's a horsekick in the feels.
Daria is an old favourite of mine.
The GOATest
Why can't it just be a show?
This is what I don't like about Sup Forums. Such passion in their hatred. Thinking their opinions are based on "critical analysis" and therefore worth more. Thinking they're superior to everyone for hating everything people like.
>Why isn't this thing I like immune from criticism?
>hey guys what do you thing about this thing?
>here's my oppinon exressed like I'm at least trying to be literate
South Park
Rick and Morty
Adventure time
South Park
Aqua teen
Robot chicken
Family Gay
Hey buddy, I don't like the show either but this is a bit much. Literally nothing you said is objective. These aren't criticisms. They're opinions being treated as criticisms. I think most of the jokes are pretty clever though. That's an opinion you can't prove right or wrong. It's up to the viewer to decide that.
And now you're butthurt. You're acting like such a pretentious fag.
>trying to be literate
you're trying to sound smarter than you are and you know it.
Why are you criticising someone for analysing a television show, on a board created for that exact purpose?
> Literally nothing you said is objective
That's just plain not true. Look if you've watched the show you must acknowledge its crisis of identity, its "tonal inconsistency". How it attempts to operate BOTH on cartoon rules (as seen in jokes like "Vince Adultman", the Improv Cult, Disney Typo amusement park, J.D. Salinger game show among others) while simultaneously the premise is predicated on the SERIOUS DRAMA and PERSONAL CONFLICT of the titular character (and eventually those around him).
In the showrunners attempt to incorporate these two disparate elements they've done a lamentable job. As its done right now the wackinesss and the seriousness are side by side in the same episodes. More than once their attempts at seriousness are spoiled by misplaced attempts at humor. Look, I'm not saying that you can't be both funny and dramatic. Tragicomedies have a rich history. Bojack is just an example of a show that fails at it.
Holy shit you're a loser.
it's not objective that what you're describing is a critisism or a downside
you're just too pleb to appreciate anything on more than one level I think
a show having multiple tones and themes over the course of a season isn't a "crisis of identity", you could say this about almost any sitcom. Go on, name one sitcom where every episode has the same tone, contains zero instances of straight-faced loss or suffering for any of characters
My gripe isn't that it's a tragicomedy, it's that the way that they attempt to blend those elements within the show is done so poorly as to make them both worse.
Even Scrubs handles its serious moments in a more poignant manner than Bojack.
So much of the show's drama comes off as melodramatic, blunt and overly theatrical. If Bojack's dramatic scenes were in a live-action sitcom, it would be blasted for its hackneyed writing. Bojack benefits greatly from the low expectations set for anything animated.
>F3 Futurama
>1 result
Yeah there was alot of shit in the post-Fox seasons, but the humor sticks. It's the most re-watchable of any "adult cartoon"
real big guys watch King of the Hill
Holy shit. Even being pretentious doesn't cover your asshurt for the notion that people actually like the series.
king of the hill is amazing, for instance.
>Rick and Morty
yes, mainly
dont know that
dont watch that
>Adventure time
>South Park
older season yes, newer seasons yes, a little
>Aqua teen
completely fucking sucks
>Robot chicken
see above
>Family Gay
actually funny and smooth to watch sometimes
This. Sup Forums is filled with edgelords
I think Archer manages to skew older than the Average leddit user due to its references. That show is fucking bananas with how self indulgent it is.
Pretty much these
>no Clone High
Seasons 1-3 of Archer were fantastic.
The newer ones have been a bit meh
its all the same stupid shit
fucking meta jokes
You confuse "asshurt" for disappointment. Not in the people who like the series, I don't care, but in the creator and the product itself.
I don't hate Bojack. On the contrary, I watched both seasons because I wanted it to be good. I wanted my expectations for a 'smart' and 'ground-breaking' animated series to be met, but I'm disappointed in its failure.
Hopefully, Bojack's legacy will be one that inspires more outlets to take a chance on story-driven adult animation. Ones that surpass the mediocre limits achieved by Bojack.
This one
To be honest this:
I know exactly why i dont like something and can point out the reasons. I have no "passionate hatred" towards people who justify their reasoning with adjectives like "entertaining" and "fun"... They just should stay in the said shows dedicated subreddit so they can relate with likeminded people.
Using sweeping generalizations and shit like 'crisis of identity' doesn't actually mean anything. It's the kind of shit I'd expect from the New Yorker film ''''''critic'''''' section. You know, the people who give a film 0/100 because it has a political message they don't agree with (see, London has Fallen).
You've done the classic 'discussion' tactic of using words you've read other people use in sentences to try and trick the dumb and feeble minded into thinking you've made objective statements, rather than opinions you've attempted to portray through eloquence.
You are doing what Metacritic does. Putting more import on a specific opinion (in this case, your own) in order to sure up the inevitable "You're pretentious" or "Nice opinions bro, I disagree". To which you come back to ad homs, reducto ad aburdum and other logical fallacies to try and maintain your opinion as being the objective truth when it's nothing more than an opinion, a slightly better than average typed opinion (by Sup Forums standards) but an opinion nonetheless.
I quite liked Moonbeam City. It was essentially Archer: 80's Detective Series (and also less funny). I liked the art style, music and VA.
also this, even if old.
No he just wasn't irked by the things that annoyed you. If I watch a cartoon show I don't need pure Drama, having some "Out of place" plots that lighten shit up is totally fine. Of course it could have been done way better, but the true horror of Bojack is the animation.
I liked it for not having a happy end every episode. Consequently it wasn't as predictable as most shows and that was interesting enough.
I'm the one who wrote the original post that set everyone off and the post you're replying to isn't me.
I've also made it plain by what I mean through a "crisis of identity". What is the show at its core? What does Bojack Horseman ULTIMATELY. Because, like I explained, it's trying to be simultaneously two VERY DIFFERENT THINGS and the result is practically 2 different shows fighting each other for airtime and stepping on each other toes. Stuff like Vince Adultman and J.D. Salinger gameshows next to their theatrical monologues about their angst and perpetual depression butt up against each other poorly.
Duckman is GOAT.
That is the most you are gonna get out of Sup Forums, people here can't accept different opinions because they feel really strong when they rant on the internet.
This, except take out Family Gay and Adventure Time and add in Bojack
Yeah but some people didn't feel that strongly about that point. Don't you understand subjectivity?
Some people just liked Bojack for those two "series" in one: It's a show you can watch when you are bored, but it isn't completely meaningless and predictable.
If I want to watch something artistic and deep I'm not gonna watch a cartoon sit-com, elements of that are enough to make a show interesting.
>It's a show you can watch when you are bored, but it isn't completely meaningless and predictable.
>If I want to watch something artistic and deep I'm not gonna watch a cartoon sit-com, elements of that are enough to make a show interesting.
You just admitted what I said about fans of the show originally: LOW EXPECTATIONS
The praise that gets heaped onto Bojack is the product of it simply being something more than Family Guy.
Unlike everyone else ITT I actually think you have some good points. I'm a fan of Bojack, but I concede that the show has problems with mixing humor and drama and sometimes it feels contrived.
That being said, I think it's a problem with some episodes more than others, and that the overall quality of the show isn't diminished too badly if you try to not overanalyze. It's only a two season show so far and I'm confident it will improve going forward.
I'm well aware of what you said, you've explained that perfectly well. I don't even disagree. It is almost as like there is two main writers trying to do what they want, but also to do what the other wants, despite not wanting to.
The problem is typing it like the opinion is worth more because you use generic terms like 'crisis of identity'. There is no 'crisis', they're trying to do multiple things; for good or for bad. They don't have to struggle to decide what they want to be, simply that what they're doing isn't actually working that well. I still enjoy it.
Opinions are wonderful in that regard and the best thing you can get out of having one is perhaps changing somebody else's or getting a different side of the argument.
Yeah, I've noticed that. The problem is when it comes to stuff which is poor, one way or another, and people defend it isn't poor. That doesn't mean you can't like it, but it's can still be bad for some reason. The difference is, Sup Forums (and lots of other boards) spout their opinion like it's self evident or that there has been a world conference and it was decided X is objectively bad and somebody disagreeing is breaking the law or some shit.
Example. BvS had some really poor shit in it. Does that poor shit mean you can't enjoy it? Nope. The problem was people going
>I don't like BvS
>I do like BvS
Etc. Shame, really. But people have to push down the anger at people being like this and just remember this is Sup Forums and you're going to get shitposters, falseflaggers and genuine people (of both sides) and getting mad over it is pointless.
Dude you are arguing against statements I haven't made.
I have low expectations when I watch shows. Obviously. So I am happy if a show does something new.
Bojack did, so it was good as in "I had a satisfying viewing experience".
On a artistic scale it is just below average, something you can watch.
No reason to hate it just because it is popular, I can enjoy it my way. If someone thinks it is the best show ever let them think that, good for them if they can enjoy things so easily.
Yeah it is basically brand loyality. People who like x can't stand x being bashed. So they become aggressive towards a phantom majority that challenges their view.
People disliking x feel the need to go against the "mainstream" because people on Sup Forums are just assholes like that. Even worse if it is two brands being compared.
Literally no one ever talks about how great this show is.
Oh, Brian!
Eh,,, I prefer eponymous myself...
youre a moron
I like the simple, childish humor of Robot Chicken. Don't watch it like I used to, but it still gets me to laugh.
fair enough
Regular show.
I am a man with many regrets
>Adventure time
Except Adventure Time actually designed one of their characters based on shitposts from Sup Forums
The other thing?
So great. Could not be done today
No love for Home Movies and Bobs Burgers?
Catching up with BB on Netflix and it's pretty quality
I just realized his mum's name in his phone isn't 'mum' it's Bea that is genuinely sad...
So is Archer worth watching?
>How it attempts to operate BOTH on cartoon rules (as seen in jokes like "Vince Adultman", the Improv Cult, Disney Typo amusement park, J.D. Salinger game show among others) while simultaneously the premise is predicated on the SERIOUS DRAMA and PERSONAL CONFLICT of the titular character (and eventually those around him).
So something can't both be cartoony and have serious emotional themes? I don't really think that's fair. A show can have both of these things without having a crisis of identity and I don't think Bojack does.
This tbqhwyf
Fuck Australia for getting the complete series on DVD
>it's that the way that they attempt to blend those elements within the show is done so poorly as to make them both worse.
You've stated that but I don't really see you offering examples of where this actively makes the sad moments worse. I would even argue it adds to it, the fact that Bojack is the only one who sees through Vincent Adultman adds to his feeling of social isolation.
Patrician as fuck taste
I enjoyed bojack and generally its character derived humor or even jokes, but often felt the serialized comedy a little tryhard (see: the continuity of the ridiculous concepts in which part of the joke is that the show is continuing to incorporate these things into its own world).
honestly, I can understand the tonal wonkiness argument because at points it feels like the show is a dramatic sitcom and then undercuts it with an animal pun or equally silly joke to try to have it both ways.
Fuck off
>calls Adventure Time reddit
>approves of Rick and Morty and Futurama
>This is why I hate about Sup Forums Long posts that are ontopic and not complaining about things like me!
Fuck off
I know it's literally a kids cartoon but sometimes Chowder has me in stitches
It's just so damn weird
I think it was one of the last good kids cartoons
Aside from that I watch Ugly Americans several times a year
I think the worst thing Comedy Central ever did was cancel it two seasons in
It was great
Drawn Together is pretty good too
For example, the recurrent sneezing pic? That's pretty funny imo
People write Daria off a tumblr show but it's not that at all. Shes says snide comments to people but she always tries to help them and she eventually learns that even thats not a good way to live. Great show.