so the message was the "hitler is in all of us" while showing footage of normal people being friendly to "hitler" and german protests agains immigration, implying it can happen all over again and that german people are still acceptable of hitler's ideals, showing it as a threat.
Aren't germans cucked enough?
or maybe I didnt get it
So the message was the "hitler is in all of us" while showing footage of normal people being friendly to "hitler" and...
What's going on, here?
Is it worth watching? I don't expect it to be thought provoking but is it watchable at least?
Everyone that doesen't want to get run over by muslims is litetally hitler.
I fucking hate being a german.
Probably paid for by Merkel's party. Germans should deport her first.
There was good in Hitler's policies, like it or not, from a nationalistic perspective. And excluding jewish persecution.
She should be hanged for treason
The movies grand message is literally
>If you're against immigration you're Hitler
>Therefor you must let all rapefugees in and become New Afghanistan
Reminder hitler's love of nature meant he was one of the first modern conservationists. Reminder he hated smoking and it was the German's who discovered the link between smoking and lung cancer.
Reminder the Final Solution was never really envisaged at the outset. but due to the chaotic power structure of nazi dual governance it ended up becoming a tragic reality.
I haven't seen this. Is their depiction of Hitler even 1/10 as funny as in Danger 5?
Why does Germany bring up Adolf so much?
Leaving alone the fact that the dude was Austrian, plenty of countries have had bastards that have 'manipulated' people into loving them, but you never see these countries self-flaggelate themselves to the degree that Germany does over Hitler.
>Final Solution
no, it started really funny and all but because is a move and treating political issues the second half is extremely shit with an awful ending.
would work wonders as a sitcom tho
This one is better
>Aren't germans cucked enough?
Basically, no. They need to get cucked harder and harder and they need to do it to themselves, that was the message.
They actually did a documentary on "rising right wing movements" in Europe going country by country, and they (at least in my country) just went to some stupid hick villages that no one takes seriously and portrayed them as if brownshirts are going through cities beating up Jews and taking their shit right now and they blamed it on the nations themselves, with the conclusion that there should be no more nations and we should just accept Ahmed's cock basically.
It's really fucking nefarious propaganda.
Nobody makes movies about Napoleon. The French Revolution is too complicated and boring to follow. WW2 was an easy one side v other side narrative that's still having shitloads of movies made about it.
French Revolution is pretty based though. I'd watch hundreds of movies based on it, but I guess I'll just have to settle for The Rose of Versailles for now.
>And excluding jewish persecution
>implying jews arent parasites who destroy every society they settle in
he's the darth vader of the real world. big black and white bad guy, a demon incarnate, witch his black coat etc etc.
Tbh nothing Napoleon did was worse than what had already happened with the Reign of Terror
There are actually many films about The French Revolution.
Any cool ones though? Or just shitty ones where Rip Torn plays Louis XV?
He is a comic book villain. In fact, the pop-culture portrays the Nazis in a more sympathetic light than they really were.
Hitler was a modern Genghis Khan, an individual whose policies and brutal actions ended up making him an enemy to his entire generation and their children.
Plus, Hitler's racial persecutions were much more widespread than those that came before him, so that just made him worse.
Hitler has essentially become a secular Satan, a being so synonymous with wanton evil, that he gets brought up solely to demonize people you don't like.
All he wanted to do was paint
It depends what you think is cool.
I can just report that national guilt is on all time high. Of course they would make a movie like that right now to cash in on it.
Makes sense with the refugee crisis right now.
It is funny to see other countries online ask "Why is germany doing and giving so much?". Sup Forums especially seems dissapointed with their weird germany nazi fetish.
Meanwhile we in germany are mostly feeling guilty and saying that we aren't doing enough.
because none of those people "manipulated" anyone. That was the point of the movie. Hitler merely did what the german people wanted. He was always clear on his intentions.
I wanna see a movie about Robespierre going to law school as a wide-eyed, slightly autistic idealist, studying hard and graduating, going to the Estates-General and eventually learning how to become a great speaker and a champion of the people.
And then after that I want to see him slowly going insane trying to rationalise everything awful and wrong that the revolution eventually becomes to the point where he's sentences children to be beheaded and screaming out 'BLOOD, BLOOD!' in the legislative assembly like an edgy /tg/ poster before being backstabbed by corrupt coalition of politicians who knew they were next if he wasn't stopped.
Robespierre dindu nuffin, he was right about everything
Instead of seeing Hitler as a non-human monster who condensed all reasons for the second world incident in one person and demonising him and thus absolving the germans, we should think about how all of this could have happended and whether it can happen again resp. is happening again
hitler was a human as well (even with some ethics) therefore a second one is possible.
The Film is actually about the power oft the media and that, if you belive what the movie is blatantly telling you , you're an idiot who can't think form himself and the reason why we can't habe nice things.
It's redpill as fuck.
>weird german nazi fetish
yes germany today is so much better, have fun fitting abduls cock up your ass
But hitler was right.
If he had won he would have been a fucking national hero in germany and would have statues erected of him for 100's of years.
>government using tax payer money to fund classes teaching refugees how to hit on white women
>fined 250,000 euros for every refugee rejected
>having your language simplified to help refugees understand it better
there's not a country on Earth more cucked and embarrassing than Germany
Yeah, especially the end with the credits was just awful.
actually almost all german cinema needs this kind of message or it wont get funding from the state.
see kriegerin too
its also to the point of hilarity where b-movie imbeciles like schweiger are so pro refugee it shows they smell the statefunds
Rise up my friend. You are the change your country needs.
Looking at Sup Forums or the average people I meet, they are right
They want a genocide but they have been pussified by 50 years of socialism and want someone else to do it for them
If there was any party calling for genocide (any minority or even christians) they would get into the parliament
Right about what?
>If he had won he would have been a fucking national hero in germany and would have statues erected of him for 100's of years.
History doesn't work that way.
Source on the top one so that I can use it to derail threads in the future.
It would have been funny to explore how he respected the Green party, trying to convince them to his ways.
Yeah sorry but the whole interracial cuckolding thing is also exclusively american.
Our degenerates are into swinging not really into cucking.
Also you have no idea how white our country is.
We would need 50 years more of immigration and we wouldn't be half as diverse as america.
If you think there is an "abdul" in my ass you should check your own because there should be 10 tyrones in yours.
If there aren't then maybe you should stop getting your news from Sup Forums
Considering the rise of right wing extremist in Europe, i think the movie atleast tries to make a point.
Sorry for not being Sup Forums.
Just like how people still worship Stalin and Mao
butthurt kraut
enjoy your caliphate
But that's the fault of left wing policies.
Some do
Its true about money. False about language.
Yeah, they still have statues everywhere and their birthday is a national holiday
Right wing extremists?
In what sense, not wanting to give your country away is extremist?
I have relatives who work at our job center.
Women still don't get hired if they wear an headscarf.
You have no fucking idea how racist this country still is.
Thank you kind anons. In exchange I will share with you my most powerful derailment tool. With this you can kill any discussion.
some asian regions still worship gengis khan
Why do racists get so mad when you call them racist?
Lol. Im no kraut. Muslims in Europe prefer democracy.
Now go kiss Erdogans ass, t*rk.
he looks like the real hitler
week 20 shilling this shit???
read the book instead
how are you supposed to get a decent waifu...
I guess because they don't think they're wrong to be racists. Or because they think race has nothing to do with their entirely-based-upon-race ideas.
Why does everyone oversimplify the immigration crisis from both sides?
It's not just neonazis versus evil jews
>government using tax payer money to fund classes teaching refugees how to hit on white women
What the fucking fuck? Source?
>how are you supposed to get a decent waifu
you know the answer
Blocked in Austria. TOPKEK.
i know you guys are of low IQ because this is Sup Forums but muslims arent the problem, assimilation and multiculturalism doesn't occur naturally it needs to be worked at and your government is advocating mass immigration with no plans to secure the cohesiveness of the population
but go ahead and go back to Sup Forums though because every race and culture is inferior to europe and murrica
pls galko
Ah I remember being 12
And if you don't wanna curbstomp anyone brown you apparently are a cuck.
Don't pretend you are not as bad as the people you are complaining about.
>low IQ
like most immigrants. are you a racist?
MWAAHHHHHH the german man has always been known for his cuckoldness.
Okay that seems like normal sexual education. Which they clearly sorely need.
Is it really that weird to you guys? What the fuck is wrong with it?
Kill yourself.
I feel you. I'm Swedish.
To be fair. He did kinda set back the ideals of liberty quite far after he got in power. Hell, before him black people had it relatively good in France compared to the rest of the world.
Must feel a bit shit for French people, spend all that time, murdering people by the thousands in the name of liberty, only to go back to having a monarch a few years later making it all worthless. Wonder how things would have turned out if he didn't get as spanked as hard by the Brits as he did.
meh, a pejorative is a pejorative
people get pissed
People oversimplify everything on Sup Forums - Hitler, National Socialism, Weimar Republic, German Revolution and so on.
It's Sup Forums's fault. They refuse to believe the reality and history is more complex than their imagination.
Ah I remember being a liberal
>assimilation and multiculturalism doesn't occur naturall
Why does it need to occur at all? Rhetorical question. Kill yourself.
Suck a nigger cock.
>Must feel a bit shit for French people
I doubt it. It's a weird country and weird people. They seem to have revolution in their genes.
>all these comments saying how all niggers and race traitors will be executed
>ever since the refugee crisis started there wasnt a single instance of anyone getting attacked by whites let alone murdered
Is there a more cucked race than whites?
They sit at home, saying rope day is coming, but wouldnt lift a finger, they want someone else to do it
So for one they dont want to attack anyone becomes "they might hit back or I might go to jail"
For two they dont even want to support a neonazi party with their vites, let alone financially, because "I don't want to be called racist"
This is so pathetic
Fuck off. We don't owe kebab shit, we don't need to "work at it" we need to remove them.
When I was in middle-school I was super conservative. I hated all the popular things to hate that conservative natter on about. It wasn't until years later that I started thinking about things differently.
>americans are as white as southern italians with a million black ghettos everywhere
>they have the audacity to call germany cucked because they help refugees
This is gold.
If immigration and diversity is so fucking evil then america is the biggest cancer on the planet.
This better be nothing but Russians in this thread because americans have no right to call anyone names here.
How do you think actors do evil roles? They find it within themselves. That's why we find them so fascinating.
Fuck off, Satan. They clearly sorely need a bullet to the head.
You did a liberal studies degree?
>doesn't agree with a little girl making bad arguments
>I'll call them a liberal even though I don't really know what it means
Call me a cuck next plz.
And the sad part is, America and the rest of Europe is partly to blame.
Imagine if they didn't have the "you did a bad thing in your history" card hanging above their heads everyone keep reminding them off, where everything they do they need to filter through a "will doing this make us a bit like the Nazis".
America went to Vietnam and killed a fuckload of kids for nothing, Soviet conquered all of eastern Europe and beyond and squatted on the throne of Slavdom. Yet nobody really gives a fuck about that because America and Russia has the balls to say "so what, we don't care, your countries are shit anyways".
why does hitler have brown eyes?
I choose the nerd, the dumpy one, and the class rep as my waifu herem.
Because this hitler is half italian.
Remember. It's the white mans job to prod up all the other races so they can continue not giving a shit about any other race than their own.
Russians are the biggest cancer of Europe
They ruined half of Europe in 50 years.
They still wage war on European soil every year
The last thousand years they did nothing but rape murder and rob, and backstab their allies
Not a single thing rapefugees can possibly do will amount to a fraction of the shit Russia was responsible for.
Even Hitler wanted them eradicated, even more than the jews.
If you call yourself rightwing, but support Putin, I recommend you shoot yourself in the dick so you can never reproduce
>middle school
Your tryhard is showing