Be able to commit crimes with a 100% guarantee of not getting caught

>Be able to commit crimes with a 100% guarantee of not getting caught
>Still get caught

Japanese """"""writers"""""" have to be the dumbest motherfuckers ever.


>Establish a rivalry between Light and L
>L dies
>Light gets caught by some other cunt

They never quit while they're ahead.

another anime hate thread? join me in

Isn't that Kaijis actor on the left? He's pretty good.

yeah, movie ending was a lot better

what happened?

>it's a "stupid people try to write smart characters" episode

I watched it a long time ago, as far as I remember

raito writes L's real name at some point. and assumes he is dead. in the end we see L is alive, because he already wrote his name before raito (which cannot be overridden), but gave himself maximum amount of time before his death. in that time he worked on catching raito as kira

and after kira is caught, L just waits until he peacefully dies

Remember when Japan was a bastion for arthouse cinema?

Remember when Sup Forums was good?

Remember that the anime ended at L's death. What comes after never happend.

well if the book was real you would kill people you know and because you are detatched from it they would start dropping like flies and you woul get caught because of your relationship with victims

>you would kill people you know

The thing that bugged me most about DN was Light himself.

I never bought that he could be so smart to fool everyone for 37 episodes straight, he just came off as a Gary Stu up until the plot demanded him to die.


>Le mary sue accusation face

So basically you have no real criticism

Not him but he has a point.
>mastermind for the L arc
>complete retard for the Near/Mello shitfest

Read about the legal principles of mens rea and actus reus

You'd be unable to be convicted unless governments rewrote large chunks of criminal law and basically made writing people's names illegal or some shit

I think you'll find:

The number of people I know the names of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> than the number of people who know me m8. I could death not a different person every day forever and never kill anyone I actually know irl