Why did the Hulk movies do so badly?

Why did the Hulk movies do so badly?

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because it's hard to write/relate with a giant green angry rage monster who just wants to kill everything, only works in small parts like in avengers

The fuck it is. They can have all the compelling drama and tension they want during the scenes as Banner, and then give the fans the ultimate Hulk rampage in the climax. Instead we got those 2 fizzle pop pieces of shit. The hulk is easy.

He means normies. The average movie goer will not care about or relate to the Hulk.

Because they both did a bad job at making them.

>They can have all the compelling drama and tension they want during the scenes as Banner, and then give the fans the ultimate Hulk rampage in the climax

that's what 2008 hulk had

I really enjoyed Ed Nortons version of the Hulk, but he made a really shitty Bruce Banner

It's about a person of color. There's no market for that.

Ang Lee's one is pretty good (especially because it came before all the MCU shittery), the only problem is the outdated CGI.


the Norton Hulk wasnt that bad

it was an enjoyable film

I think its just hard to write a Hulk film without it being too memey or serious

I know it is Fedora tipper shit to say, but I actually like Ang Lee's Hulk

2003 Hulk was awesome

Bullpoopy. How hard is it to relate to "I have anger problems"? How hard is it to make an emotionally engaging and thrilling story about a force of nature in the form of a man's extremely volatile emotions?

These were just shitty movies.

No it isn't. He had a quaint brawl with a grey version of himself. It was pretty low key.

this so much. I watched it recently, there's barely any quips and Norton gives a great performance.

Tim Roth is also fantastic.

but then it becomes Man of Steel levels of over-the-top and excessive.

>that part where they fight
Goddamn that was great.

the CGI isn't too shabby either. Honestly the movie is the most overlooked MCU movie.

The Blu-Ray had some fantastic behind-the-scenes stuff, almost all of the explosions and car flips were all controlled practical demolitions. Norton had a lot of input into how Bruce was in this film. Tim Roth also pulled off most of his own stunts. They really put a lot of effort into 2008 Hulk.

it's the superior filme


Because you have a paradox - Bruce Banner wants to NOT Hulk out, while the audience wants him to. The audience can't root for him because their goals and the protagonist's do not line up.

As it damn well should. It's Hulk we're talking about here.

>i relate to genius billionaires in robot suits and captain "excuse madam i gotta go powder my nose" murica

The first one was too deep for the average Marvel pleb that just wants "LE HULK SMASH! XD"

The second was just a shitty movie that was unlucky enough to follow Ironman.

The CG was bad even for early 2000s standards.

Sometimes I forget that The Incredible Hulk is part of the MCU desu

>capeshit will never have anything like this anymore

and all this talk about relatable is bullshit

the only movie to at least approach an interesting presentation was the first one