now that the dust has finally settled and we can clearly distinguish valid criticism of this piece from the reddit memes, was this the first masterful cape film?
Please post memes if you want to, I can appreciate it as much as the next guy, but I'd genuinely appreciate some serious discussion. Just rewatched this yesterday and was blown away at how wonderfully complex this was. Might rewatch again tonight or tomorrow desu.
Sebastian Sanchez
need to share with someone, don't mind me
Daniel Reyes
>shit plot >shit villian >shit cgi custom >masterful cape film
Jordan Lopez
WB can't make a decent DC superhero movie unless it's Batman related, and even then that's a maybe.
Nicholas Perry
Marveldrone plz
Grayson Clark
I liked it, have seen it several times, and think the costume is one of the best superhero costumes so far (with the exception of the part covering the eyes)
Charles Allen
>Fantastic 4: Rise of Silver Suffer had a shit cloud villain >Oh no problem lets make another one!
Lucas Russell
Watchmen and V for Vendetta
Bentley Parker
>Jonah Hex >Catwoman >Green Lantern >Steel >Batman Forever >Batman and Robin >Superman Returns
While Superman Returns was actually ok, audiences weren't too enthusiastic about it, and that led WB to not make the sequel.
Chase King
>wonderfully complex
I know you're memeing but this movie is genuinely unredeemable.
There's literally a scene where Hal talks with his shitskin friend in a room, Blake Lively enters, and the director/writer/actors completely forget about that character. He just vanishes but in the context of the scene, he's still sitting there watching Ryan and Blake have a tender moment awkwardly.