B a n s h e e

Is this show Kino?

That eliza asshot

Skinhead has a nice cock.

Based jobe is finally back to form.

does anyone know wat kinda haircut bunker has? its dope af

shaved sides with slickback?

is there a name for it? and the hair on top is super thin. reminds me of 50s hair cut

do what other people do, print out closeups and show a stylist, if they see it, they can reproduce it.

it's close...

For all the bullshit gun play and ridiculous unrealistic fight scenes all the characters are interesting and act like you expect them too...

People are always one scene away from dying and messing with serial killers and trained killers etc is gonna bring bodies, I liek how the show makes sure of that

post dushku panty and butt cheek

I have a feeling they're going to kill her off already, which is annoying.

>show in it's last season
>2 episodes left
She's a pile of clichés rolled up into an uninteresting character. Including her and the garbage-tier serial killer plot into the concluding season of Banshee was a big mistake. Making Proctor the big bad of this season should´ve been the priority - not the insertion of a ham-fisted CSI-esque melodramatic monster hunt.

>yfw holy trinity of Strike Back, The Knick and Banshee is now about to be over

Sup Forums pleb as usual, these threads never hit more than 50ish replies

I agree the writing of those pieces is bad but I like Eliza so I'm being more gentle than usual

they really made hood super jumpy and edgy in this last episode. very opposite of how he is normally like.

>spent a year or whatever doing fuck all in a cabin
>now cant sit still for 10 minutes all of a sudden

getting put in jail even for a little last episode fucked with his head and turned on his old senses

Why the fuck did they add this retarded satanic character? This should be 100% between Hood and Proctor.
Fuck, even the Neo-Nazi shit is taking too much time out of it.
There are only two episodes left, if we don't have some kind of final fight between Hood and Proctor while that guy with the glasses gets beat by someone else, then all the build up this series had is gone to waste.
You had enough loose ends to tie up. Why create more of them?
I'm baffled.

It's lame as shit what it is

would love to hear what are some good shows from you

this. main plot and subplots have switched screen times.

why does brock even have that corrupt police lady in his squad

because he knows proctor will find a way to have influence so its better to know whos corrupt and who isn't

>Dushku and Hood fuck offscreen
>Rebecca and Hood fuck offsreen

I remember when this show was fun

At least the fight scene was cool today.

So I've just recently watched this, what else is similar/good?

I've seen Donovan

strike back