Sup brosephs
Taking Xanax 2mg
never tried it properly before
Best way to enjoy experience?
Sup brosephs
Taking Xanax 2mg
never tried it properly before
Best way to enjoy experience?
Doesn't really matter what you do, you won't remember it anyway
lol this
xanax is fucking gay
drink heavily and kill yourself
Mix will alcohol for best effect
I have some dodgy pharmacist press UK Xanax, 5mg, and red bars.
a stiff double of some alright whiskey that will be more than enough
Xanax isn't very common where I live but read up on the side effects. MDMA seems like a safer solution.
I have done a lot of drugs /r9k/
Xanax was the worst of them all. No j/k..
2mg is not going to do anything but make you feel a little relaxed / tired.
If you have weed / alcohol it amplifies the effects by a shit ton.
Also, probably more addictive then heroin. Fucks your neurochemistry and will give you seizures once you stop taking them.
-1/10 would not do again
Lol no alcohol thanks
Maybe next time
might smoke some bud just now
Well shit already popped them
How many do I need for the real thing?
I had to stop smoking weed when I was about 21, because the negative effects became a hell in my own mind.
7 years later I tried 2mg Xanax and could smoke 100% fine again.
This is unrelated, but how does one obtain Adderall legally?? Friend said it's helped him get his life together.
If you've never properly done them before 2mg will be fine, make sure you're at home or something because there is a100% chance you'll pass out
5mg is comfy as fuck, anything more on a low tolerance is going KO or going sleep walking.
You're going to pass out user
kill yourself
Xan is really not meant to get high off by itself.
It is best used in combination with things like weed / alcohol. 2mg + a bongtoke or two would put you on pluto. 2mg+ a beer or two would get you very buzzed.
Xan+Alcohol is a deadly combination if overdone but you are always fine with a low dose of each.
Also, would not recommend during the day since most likely you are going to pass out. Also, Xan effects GABA 1 or 2 receptors * been a while since neuroscience * which in return can shut off certain functions like feeling full from food / memory etc.
i used to take xanax and drink whiskey
i think....
You sir are right
Sounds about right. I am going to post a few Xanax tales.
Nighty night summerfeg
Stupid shit I have done while on Xanax+weed/alcohol.
I once misplaced my cell phone in the fridge and could not find it for hours.
My friend once walked through my screen door on Xan, twice... in one hour.
I once went downstairs and asked "When is dinner? I am hungry" 20 minutes after I ate dinner.
I left $600 dollars cash in my pants and spent hours searching for it.
Wasted ~$600 worth of weed making weed brownies fucked up on Xan because I put the hot butter DIRECTLY into a plastic container after I was done cooking.
Got impulses to steal things.. I never went through with it but it always stuck out in my mind because I am positive it was the drug making me want to steal. I have never stole anything throughout my life. At the time I was practically cash rich so I was not in need of money.
Was partying at my community complex hot-tub. It was like a Tuesday non-holiday near midnight and me and a few friends were fucked up on Xan / Weed and had a bunch of cups with Vodka. Next thing I know I have a flash-light being shined into my face.. I did not take kindly to this. Turned out it was a cop... I do not like cops and instantly started talking shit to said cop.... "I live here I can do whatever the fuck I want pig" kind of shit... For whatever reason he let us off with a warning. Me being fucked up on Xan/Alc/Weed I decided it would be best... honestly don't remember the rest but I know I woke up the next day with a fractured ankle and later had to go to the hospital.
I am sure I have plenty more but don't remember...
Side note, doing great in life currently. Stay away from Xanax kids!
crush and snort 1
you literally don'd feel it at all
Have anything more than 2 drinks and you WILL do something retarded that you won't remember.
anything, just relaxes you
I mixed it with alcohol. Nothing happened. Although I know i guy who killed himself that way
Idk, Xanax seems to have the second highest multiplier effect of anything I've ever taken. Don't fuck around with Seroquil guys...
Oh, Seroquel did give me a 4 hour erection once... that shit was odd.
take half a pill and take 10mg oxycodone or hydrocodone and just fucking enjoy yourself for the next 3-5 hours. kid lemme tell you, don't fuck with drugs too much. been an opiate addict for a long time, stay safe.
I nearly killed myself on xanax. I actually tried. I for some reason blacked out after 1mg, took another 4mg, drank half a bottle vodka, became psychotic and downed the rest of my bottle of vicodin (17x5mg/325mg) and ended up in the hospital getting checked for liver damage. I tried to drive, couldnt remember more than the last 30 seconds, was acting totally psycho.
Do not take xanax for any reason. This shit is the devil. I took it for anxiety, it didn't make anything better it just made me psycho. I did some crazyass shit. Nearly fucked my whole life up.
>Kid lemme tell you
oh shit this guys been through and seen it all
right? I spent a year taking benzo's and scotch every day, fucking have no clue at all about anything that year. zero memories.
you'd be surprised what i've seen. seen deaths, been involved with deaths, robbed, been robbed, sold, bought, shot, shot at, you name it - i've seen it or experienced it. went to prison 10 years ago, got out 3 years ago, don't fuck with no body anymore and stick to my script and personal dboy when i run out.