"The droid we seek is aboard the millennium falcon, in the hands of your father, Han Solo."

"The droid we seek is aboard the millennium falcon, in the hands of your father, Han Solo."

Could the movie have fucked up this reveal any more?

>not even halfway into the movie
>Snoke says his name as if Kylo wouldn't remember what his father's name was
>nothing is even happening in this scene

It's like the movie COULDN'T WAIT to tell us who Kylo Ren was AND assumed the audience was fucking retarded. Through the process of elimination, once he says "in the hands of your father" any moron could figure out that he was talking about Han Solo. With a few alterations it could have been a lot better.

>"in the hands of your father Han Solo" becomes "in the hands of Han Solo."
>cut out Han's line "Leia, I saw our son" and just leave it at "Leia, I saw him" and add a line like "he was here just minutes ago" or some shit like that.
>let Han's line "the face of my son" be the reveal, OR let Leia's line "Luke's a jedi. You're his father" be the reveal.

I know i'm not the only one who literally feels insulted by the way this movie conducted this big reveal so quickly and casually. Meme me if you must Sup Forums but you know this shit is the truth.

catering to the lowest common denominator vs. the passionate fan who's read every EU book

hm lets see

you don't have to be a passionate fan to be able to use the process of elimination.

one of these is the father of a grown human man. do I need to spell it out for you?

Your version is too complicated for average viewer. I agree that, at the very least, they should have removed the Han Solo part of that line.

Tfa was a dumb remake of anh

I agree OP. It didn't do much for me and I never really cared too much for anything past ROTJ.

I agree. The reveal hits at a very bad moment. The face reveal of Kylo to Rey was also weak.

Hey, guys! You know what could have made the prequels\TFA better? If they weren't shit. Yeah, thanks. That's all I had to say.

>not meant to be a big deal reveal

So you're glad the movie did what it set out to do?


You're mad?

Because you don't know how to watch a fucking movie?

They gave enough blatant hints up until this point, you'd have to be retarded to think this was a reveal