Who eats pizza out of a god damn bag?
Poorfags like me of-course, but god damn. Totino's step your fucking game up.
Who eats pizza out of a god damn bag?
Poorfags like me of-course, but god damn. Totino's step your fucking game up.
does it really matter if it tastes good ?
If it tasted good then no, it wouldn't matter. Totino's doesn't taste good.
They need to fkin bring back the Mexican pizza >:(
Don't you fucking get that it's more convenient dude?
You can stack more of these packages than you can the boxes in the freezer you fucking pleb.
I mean holy fucking shit dude. You're a goddamn idiot.
>being poor enough to eat Totino's
>having enough money to fill your freezer with pizza
They're a fucking dollar you goddamn idiot.
>eating Totino's while writing this
Isn't a dollar all a person generally has when buying one of these things?
Agreed. They got rid of the box, made the pizza smaller and upped the price 20 cents. Fuck you Totinos.
went up to a $1.50 recently here. You dumb fucking nigger. I like totino's pizza but I'm not gonna drop 20 bucks on a stockpile. Also the pizza is square and although they say it's the same amount of pizza.. I question that shit. Plus it's fucking square. Round pizza or gtfo
Totinos are fucking awsome. Whoever don't like them ain't had one
Tostinos is god teir
This is the best shittiest pizza you can get. But man... so much sodium.
I fucking love totinos.
This is gonna sound super nasty but nuke it for like 4.5 minutes and then roll it up. Quickest way to make it, it just comes out chewy instead of crunchy
Another issue with this bullshit is that it claims in the top corner " same amount of pizza"
As what?
The Totino's in the box had several more grams according to the labels. I compared the old boxes to the new pizzas right in the store, they are giving less pizza for the same price
The superior race.
Listen here you motherfuckers. I am broke as shit. If I got $20, I'm stockpiling the shit out of these goddamn God's creations.
Oh excuse me fucking matesssssssss, $20 can get me a gallon of milk, a loaf of bread and a box of cereal OR 20 goddamn pizzas. 20 GODDAMN PIZZAS. They're not even that bad tasting man.
I fucking love these goddamn rectangle gifts from above. I just throw them in the shitty ass microwave for 6 minutes and they still taste good.
I nuke it but I haven't tried rolling it up. Worth a shot.
Are you niggers high? I mean if you are, that's fine, no judgment here, I'm just trying to make these opinions make sense is all.
>Round pizza or gtfo
You're autistic as fuck for this, but I'm right there with you because for some fucking reason I agree.
You will take less and Thank them for the privilege! Long live totinos pizza!!!
Fuck it. Out of pure spite against an user I will never meet I am eating nothing but Totino's until I either shit out my soul or freeze in place as if I looked back at Sodom.
Totino's pizza is absolute shite. Pizza rolls are gud tho
Honestly I mean something like Papa Johns or some other place greater or equal quality pizza is definitely better but when I'm at the fucking store and I want a frozen pizza. Totino's is the only choice.
Originally pizza was square. When it was Americanized, they made it round. The best pizza I've ever had was square, and it was also kind of thick. Square pizza or gtfo.
(Also, if it's square, the corners are there, meaning it's probably MORE pizza.)
It's not as wide though. nigger
>being able to afford luxuries like pizza
Son, you don't know what poor is.
I love the crust dude. It's kind of like a pastry.
For some reason I've seen people shit on DiGiorno a lot in pizza threads on here but that's my go to for frozen pizza. Red Baron is pretty good too.
I'm also suddenly reevaluating my life for having lurked enough pizza threads to notice trends in what brands Sup Forumstards do and don't like.
It has to be shrunken so the amount of pizza is equal b/c of the corners :/
Poorfag not homelessfag. What are you eating god damn bugs? I might reach that point but not yet.
Yeah, dude. My fucking sympathy meter is off the charts for you. Because if you're criticizing me for buying $1 pizza and telling me that's not poor, you must be eating your fucking wallpaper.
Tombstone is probably my second favorite.
>hasn't heard of food stamps
How fucking unfortunate
I once lived in a run-down hotel room with 0 income for two years and had to go camping in the summer because I had nowhere else to live. Have you ever had an empty refrigerator and no money to buy more food with? If not, you don't know what being poor is.
Boo. Hoo.
Look at you now, criticizing people for using the word poorfag on Sup Forums. You must be a goddamn millionaire now.
Hey hey hey. This is a thread about the wonders of Torino's brand pizza. Let's keep it upbeat, less negativity in front of the pizza :|
I forgot about Tombstone. They're way better than Totino's for sure. I haven't bought one of these in a while but if I remember right they're on the cheaper side too so if you're poor but want better than bottom shelf quality then there you go.
I have motherfucking foodstamps so I don't know what poor is? I'm gonna lose them soon anyway because I'm "able bodied" and not doing shit. I'll be at what you consider "poor" here real soon. Shut the fuck up and let me enjoy some god damn motherfucking pizza before I wither away like a diseased animal in the next 5 fucking years.
I eat rice mostly and get dried beans when there's a sale. Some days I just go hungry so I'll have enough food to last to the end of the month.
Not eligible for food stamps or any real government assistance due to various circumstances.
I don't want your pity or sympathy, just realize that if you can afford pizza you're not doing too bad in actuality. I haven't tasted pizza in over 5 years.
That's 4 Totino's pizza's and like 4 pepperoni on the fucking thing. Fuck that.
How did you pay for your run-down hotel room with 0 income, faggot?
Come to my house then dude. I'll make you a rectangle pizza. And buy you a beer.
I have no sympathy for you. I'm glad you got it bad . Actually that's a lie. I'm sorry bro.... I'll send you pizza
>(Also, if it's square, the corners are there, meaning it's probably MORE pizza.)
pizza is 3-dimensional
in other words they make the crust thinner
mama celeste is basically cheese and sauce on a piece of paper
True, but would suck your dick for some saucy paper
>because I'm "able bodied" and not doing shit
So why aren't you doing shit? Faggots like you are why liberals have such trouble getting social programs passed for people who actually need them.
He sucked some other homeless guys dick who says he owns the place but he really doesn't. He just enjoys sucking dick. Also how the fuck is this dude on the internet? Is he at the god damn library?
pfft... Do you pay attention to the budget?
I guess I'll get pappy to run over my leg with the 78' chevy sometime next month
used to eat these everyday afterschool, had to stop because pretty sure these can kill you
I used to eat these all the time but they were always too fucking hot and I would cook them to the point where half of it was stale for some reason. Sucked ass.
Yeah man! There was another brand I used to buy back in my brokefag days that was good too. French bread pizza is the shit.
Celeste Pizza (preferably Pepperoni)
In a box and its 99c. Trust me user, this shit is bombest frozen pizza. I Have tried them all.
Asian persuasion Nguyen
Mighty kind of you fellas to say so, at least.
Here, have some food porn.
used to love these but they used to burn the fuck out of the roof of my mouth even if they weren't that hot
These sucked honestly. Plus they're pretty high here. You can buy a whole Red Baron pizza for like 50 cents more.
I'm on my way! 13420 Fucc boi Avenue, right?
Dude, that's not funny. Like not even minimum kek. Faggot.
Stick to Facebook, faggot.
U made bro?
>found the fucc boi
Try the Tombstone Double Pepperoni. God Tier Frozen pizza.
Dude. I remember my first beer too.
Hurr durr
Summertime already? XDXDXD
Eat some real pizza pleb
I guess, dude. Nothing you've said so far has even produced the slightest chuckle from me.
The worst part is, I know how hard you're trying. And it's still not funny.
Protip: Soak the crackers in water (or chicken broth, YUM) for about ten minutes, knead a bit of dough into it, and it's like real pizza dough.
If you use free saltines, free ketchup packets, and american cheese slices you can make a few 12" worth for under a dollar.
How can you afford internet?
>real pizza from pizza hut
His parents, I'm guessing.
Who the fuck nukes these pizzas? The legitimately taste like a soggy peice of bread with ketchup when you do that... Nigger put it in the oven.
Just ate these. They were about $2.50.
I wouldn't get them again.
Why did you save this video twice, mate?
I have no idea.
Phone, which is not optional due to the nature of my work.
Yes, I do have a job and make money, and almost all of it goes to my sister's medical bills, so I don't have much left for food.
Such is life.
Thank you for being honest. Why did the suck though?
They're a smaller size now for the same price.
I bought this once and the pepperoni was fucking black. Didn't even bother to cook it. Spend a buck more and get a Jacks. Show some goddamn respect for yourself user.
Jokes on you, my mom is dead and my father went MIA in the army when I was 8 years old
those look disgusting
Because the macaroni and cheese filling seemed very dry. Idk if they are supposed to be that way. Maybe some other people have had better experiences and mine had just been sitting under a heat lamp for too long
I love this thread
It´s a shame it´s already dead
itt neckbeards who never learned to cook
I fail to see where the joke's on me. You're the one with no parents, faggot.
Bravo, man. You do you, and don't let anyone else stand in the way of that.
>moved to west coast
>tfw no ellios here.
Yeah, you're right.
just like batman
Jack Scalfani?