Woke up this morning

>woke up this morning
>still no gf

Other urls found in this thread:


Daily reminder that every single one of you guys are special and you will find a qt gf/bf really soon.
Don't give up hope!

what does kissing feel like?

Roll your tonight over sideways and rub it against your lips

>euros & Olympic summer
This is literally the only time you cucks should be glad to not have a girlfriend

>woke up this morning
>zaza and pellè will still fuck their repsective gfs

what's up with these shill like r9k threads being opened on sp?

>it was another saturday night where i stayed home and shitposted until 4am

no regrets

>gf broke up with me on Wednesday

Shut the fuck up

>even his waifu left him

We all know that feel German bro

>gf is going to broke up with me eventually

i was made to die alone

good , even if you had a girlfriend you'd probably miss her pussy multiple times

Can someone post that old copy pasta about 'bro culture' itt?

I met a girl two weeks ago at a friend's birthday party in a bar. We talked and got along, then we hooked up last Friday and went to the movies and some art show. Then when I drove her home we kissed for a while and she was super into it. But fuck me, I didn't feel a thing, literally no emotion or rush or even a boner, and she isn't ugly, but I guess that because it had been a while that I didn't go out on a date that it numbed my feels or something.

>wanting to be a Chad


I'm absolutely sick of this shit on Sup Forums. This isn't bro culture. This is borderline sucking-another-man's-dick culture. You faggots need to wake up and realize this is a board for SPORTS, not group therapy. Take this shit to /r9k/. None of you will ever get a girlfriend, but will come here to talk about how you thought you had a chance with a girl, but missed out on it. Then the other 50 of the same cockslobbers on this board will hit you up with the "I know that feel, bro." It's the same thing, day in day out. There are sports on right now. "But I don't follow that sport, it's boring." Well guess fucking what? Who cares? If you wanted to talk about your faggy feels with other beta males, do it on some other board or down at your local mall's Hot Topic store. You cancers need to leave this board and come back when you have something worthwhile to contribute. Bro culture my fucking ass.

I'm absolutely sick of this shit on Sup Forums. This isn't bro culture. This is borderline sucking-another-man's-dick culture. You faggots need to wake up and realize this is a board for SPORTS, not group therapy. Take this shit to /r9k/. None of you will ever get a girlfriend, but will come here to talk about how you thought you had a chance with a girl, but missed out on it. Then the other 50 of the same cockslobbers on this board will hit you up with the "I know that feel, bro." It's the same thing, day in day out. There are sports on right now. "But I don't follow that sport, it's boring." Well guess fucking what? Who cares? If you wanted to talk about your faggy feels with other beta males, do it on some other board or down at your local mall's Hot Topic store. You cancers need to leave this board and come back when you have something worthwhile to contribute. Bro culture my fucking ass.

because you cared more about just getting a girl than about the girl herself m8

ideas are a worthless pursuit my friend, just go for love and carnal pleasures

>woke up today
>no more gf

Shut up you fool, I'd say you're a normie chad

I swear to fucking god Mehmet Çevik Eslan-Özer, i'll fucking fly to that shitty neighborhood in Bremen that you live in and evict you and your 10 siblings from that 1 bedroom shithole you live in and send you back to Turkey all by myself. Retarded autistic faggot

>didn't woke up today


>woke up

>woke up today
>went to the store
>qts everywhere in short shorts
>go back home and sleep

>euros getting buttmad over these threads

Pretty common stuff around 2011-12

A good feelio wheelio thread never hurt anyone

>woke up
>gf is asking when she can come to my place this week


most people that follow sports are normie chad. It's not like these are underground subcultures. We're talking about entertainment industries which generates billions in cash

>literally barefoot 12 year olds walking around in bikinis at the mall before going to the beach

Last time I had sex was 9 years ago.


hey pedro

more of these

2 weeks here and feels like an eternity. How do you do it?

You get used to it.

barefoot bikini wearing girls in...Norway? is that bizarro world?


Reminds me of this short story


Everyone in this thread should read it desu

>Woke up
>Didn't die in my sleep

Jesus Christ that must be tough, I had a booty call last night and I'm getting pretty desperate now

I felt the same but once a Käskopp said to me: "You get used to it", I felt better.


thanks Vettel


my wife hasn't born

I already have a wife's son

Jokes on him. My wife's first kid is a loser who will be flipping burgers for the rest of his life, thanks to his deadbeat father and me not giving two shits about a mistake, whilst our daughter is already set up for college.

That was really strange

>tfw no icelandic gf to celebrate with tonight after they beat france

jokes on him, my wife and my son are dead

>woke up this morning
>gf laying next to me already awake looking at shit on her phone
>get up, shit, piss, coffe
>she gets up and starts making me breakfast

Pic related. Hang in there bros. If I can do it, you can do it.

The fuck is that

How's Korean gf 2k16 coming along lads?



>yfw she was sending nudes to DeAndre while you were sleeping

They don't have biscuits and gravy in Canada?

>wake up
>Djokovic lost
>Federer 18th on the way

wtf is this

break in puke?

looked like a couple lumps of raw chicken in the thumbnail
full image is even less appetizing

More like I cucked this alcoholic loser who will have to watch his son live like shit because of his piss poor genetics passed on.

Biscuits and gravy, disgusting excuse for food made by Southerners

I really like Updike, but that was tedious

>biscuits and gravy

Your wife has a son that isn't yours. You're a cuck my friend.

I don't even interact with girls in my daily life anymore, if it weren't for your dumb feel threads I wouldn't even think of them as anything else than pretty creatures in porn movies

>woke up this morning
>there's a halo hanging from the corner of my girlfriend's four post bed

They're scones, not cookies. That example the OP showed was horrendous fast food tier biscuits n gravy. No real chunks of sausage, water like gravy, and god knows how awful biscuits.

Biscuits and gravy are delicious


I'm not white. By Sup Forums definition, I can't be a cuck.

Checkmate atheists.

>woke up this morning
>got myself a gun

>tfw girl I work with got hit by a drunk driver and died after getting off work ;_;
LITERALLY saw her 10 minutes before she died lads

Iktf man. Girl I went to high school with came to my friends house party to have a few drinks before leaving with her family on a road trip at night (for some reason), and an hour after I had just taken shots with her, she was hit by a drunk driver, died instantly.

She had her own section in the cities obituaries and everything.

>LITERALLY saw her 10 minutes before she died lads

not relevant.

>tfw the girl i like has an ugly boyfriend

what does it mean Sup Forums?

>tfw song is now stuck in my head

FUCK U M8. But really thank you for reminding me of the Sopranos.

You just don't understand women



lads should I check my gfs phone

he's probably a cool guy

Mean he actually has money, possibly big dick, and is "fun", as in he keeps he occupied and not bored.

You can have everything in the World, money, power, dick, etc. but the second you make her bored, she's gone.

it might be love. get off returnofkings

unlike you he is not in this thread

>tfw 23 KHV and no longer bothered by it anymore

who else /SuccumbToRelaxingDefeatism/ here?

do girls have see through eyes? How could she know he's got a big dick you dumb fuck

>relaxing defeatism
that's my whole life actually

Virgin detected

>tfw found out kid i knew in middle school got shot three months after his hs graduation
brought the >be american >get shot meme closer to home than i would have liked desu

I honestly can't tell if you're trolling, drunk on a Sunday, or just fucking retarded.

it's spooky pablo

I know, right. At first i thought I was being unhealthily cynical, but it soon became clear that i've just decidee to resign from everything since it's kinda /comfy/ to just accept things as they are and move on.

every saturday has been the same now for about 2 years. get 6-pack of beer before midnight, drink and shitpost until 3 or 4am

I don't want one. All other very real obstacles aside, I don't want a relationship. I don't want to put all that work in, and it's work, don't kid yourself. I don't want to spend that money. I don't want to concern myself with things like hygiene any more than I already do. I don't want to fucking deal with being presentable, any more than I already have to do. I don't want to keep the house clean. I don't want to shave my balls. I don't want to compete with every nigger who cares way more about getting laid than I care about my entire god damned existence.

I don't want it, don't want that girlfriend. Truth be told, my "soul mate" is probably as disgusting, crazy and ugly as me, and frankly I have higher standards than that, too.

So, I'll stay single, probably forever, because something broke up in my head years ago and very suddenly I couldn't possibly fucking care about sex, any more. I'm content to jerk off and not be bothered by how appealing or not appealing I am to some bitch I've dumped more money on than a prostitute, and spent more time with than I spend on myself.

I like being alone. Fuck it. God damn, fuck it. I know a lot of you anons are like this, too, you don't REALLY want it, and one day your sex drive isn't going to be able to keep tricking your brain.

Embrace the suck. It's your lot in life.

>ex texts me after like 2 years
>we hang out a bit
>decide it'd be fun to play basketball
>we play 21
>i absolutely wreck her 21-0

feels good man, but also bad knowing I'm probably catching feels again...

this thread reminds me of the old Sup Forums


27 here.

I just live now.