Rate me, Sup Forums.
Rate me, Sup Forums
Would not eat corn cob out of ass/10
>problem glasses
>feminist sneer
I give you a rating of: NOPE.
awesome SoaD shirt. Id wear it.
Also would titty fuck hard.
300 pounds of pure menstrual cycle/10
> feminist sneer
> literally expressionless
> lips are unable to form opinions on gender politics
nigga what you saying
Serj would appreciate your 66655
This. Also, I would wreck your shit OP.. if only you were a real person and not some 15 year old kid trying to troll Sup Forums.
How should I put this. I would fuck you. You would be a really, by some guys though.
7/10 kik?
would eat your ass and pussy anytime
Sometimes I can't tell if the people here are actually retarded newfags or if they're just pretending.
all she needs is one of these and it is milking time
I think they dont know how to google search a image lol newfags
System of a down/10
Constantly triggered/10
So trolling aside, would you guys actually fuck her?
I want to say hurtful and inconsiderate things... But the shirt makes a good point...
Yeah but just because of them titties
Just for the tits
I'd cover those titties in cum so good
I'd love to but I'd honestly be afraid to.
My standards are pretty low, but this is a no from me.
wasted trips/10
>kill urself
and then see if I can milk her
that's an american psycho quote
i would date her
She looks like a pure femnazi bitch so I definitely wouldn't want a long term relationship with it, but I'm afraid that if she does want that and we fuck and I try to split she'll cry that it was rape or some shit. Fuck that chance I'll stick with normie chicks.
can someone provide a pic of what her tits might look like? not hers, just anybodys. I can't really tell how big they really are
She looks like a feminist and probably is so I thought her shirt would make me rage. But I actually agree with her.
False rape accusations are pretty rare, user. She'll probably just be really passive-agressive and maybe cheat on you. Worth a fuck tho
Im in love with this... those giant tits must be peachy or pink
so the phrase goes "if you like it put a ring on it"
Now my question is do I breed it or milk it first?
what do you guys think?
Well, you'll have to breed it first to make it produce milk, silly.
>False rape accusations are pretty rare,
That's a lie.
False rape accusations that are actually prosecuted (and so count in statistics) are rare. But the accusations themselves?
Where the fuck have you been?
well, that is the most fun option.
I could induce it via mechanical stimulation or hormones...and I can borrow a bunch of stuff from the dairy farmers from where I work.
tough choice...but then again. I should have some fun
tell me more about the red pill
I'm not sure she'd be a very good mommy cow, but you could work on that.
i would do both at the same time with this delectable cow.
Not one tits with timestamp demand. Son I am disappoint.
6/10 would fuck and bring to socialist union meetings
its already established this isnt the op you fucking newfag. You will address me as Ser if you ever talk about me. For I am a fucking Wizard God next to you.
What if newfags are the only one that point out newfags?