Le cum inside man

>le cum inside man

>kids already showing signs of early hair loss

ayy lmao

>Happy white family


absolute kek

thats not very diverse

I can't even tell who's serious and who's joking anymore

>2 year olds balding

remember to never go full dutch

The future's looking good
In 15 years we'll have two cut inside men

>people over the age of 40 are balding

No shit

And at least Robben isn't a faggot who tries to hide it like so many others do, and just shaved it off

>tfw my dad is bald too
I don't want to be bald lads

best thread

Holy shit his kids are born with the hairline of a 40 year old

the aryan dream...brings a tear to my eye

>mfw bald and reading this
>mfw I still audibly kek

it's too late m8, at least you're tall .. r-right?

it is usually inherited in female line

Yes I am

>dutch people
>bald problems

since fuckin when?

Why are they all white? What the fuck? Are they racists?

this is completely false, my mom's three brothers have full heads of hair, so much hair that their hairline is low and they look like fucking chimpanzees with such tiny foreheads. Meanwhile my hair is balding so fast I am contemplating using glue to keep some on. Just fuck my life sen pai


>>people over the age of 40 are balding
umm, it isn't normal in other countries

dunno which country you live in but in my country the only bald guys at 40 are white germanics


Being bald itself isn't so bad. It's more the crippling insight that you're using up your time at your physical apex that's depressing.


Just ignore Sup Forums horseshit. Your life will be better off

at least they're his


>Anneke Kuipers



Sure m8

Look at your own NT, you have more baldies than we do


>mfw I've seen young girls with almost no hair already

Something's happening we're evolving to ayy lmaos
Good thing I'm not following them at least not for the next 20 years


>posting Cafu

good goy