Damn... really makes you think huh?

damn... really makes you think huh?

Other urls found in this thread:


>average american athlete is black

seems about right


I doubt anyone here has the dick to handle Serena m9

Reus is not the average European athlete, he is very thin.

So is she using steroids or what?

I would bang her anyway tbqh

She loves BWC though


Serena is truly disgusting

he is still able to dominate in europe though, somebody as skinny as him would never become a superstar athlete in america


this is now a /high test/ thread

So your complaint is that football requires actual skill and talent rather than just a good physique?

There are tons of superstar american athletes with that body, tom brady immediately comes to mind

>average america

>average euro

Yep, sounds right to me. Stay cucked


That is because American football is a much more physical sport that football, are you stupid?

He dominates the waiting room in the hospital.

lol what

tom brady just looks skinny because he is so tall

and being able to throw a football 60 yards requires a ton of strength

>the year 2016
>not getting rock hard over athletic women with toned muscles
>bonus points if she has a feminine dick


When did Rhonda Rousey change sports?


>The average american female athlete is a black trans man


literally the physique of someone who's been lifting 3 months

how can a sport be considered fun unless you get to look at the shirtless muscly black men when it finishes?


nice meme fetish

> argentines in charge of football knowledge

he and gotze were the best duo in football a few yeas ago


That sheboon doesn't even look human

>average american
>nigga on steroids
heh, funny

when is she gonna get busted for roids already

>tfw injuries already screwed Reus out of a WC medal and could very well deny him a EC

It's pretty tough but he still seems like a bit of an asshat

He plays for the second best team in a one team league how is that 'dominating football'?

you do realize brady is 6'6 right

>not liking penis

Sounds pretty gay to me.

he scored 23 goals last season as a midfielder, sounds pretty good to me


Is that the thinking behind BBC cuck porn as well?

would be 10/10 without tat

i want to lick reus body >.

Different sports require different builds.

Having said that, european players dominate tennis currently.

This, it's like comparing Phelps with Sagan