Did I like this?

Did I like this?

I guess there are some people who liked the multiple necro-rape scenes.

Although I think they took it a little too far when they had the dog masturbate with entrails.

Did anyone here even watch its cyber-punk sequel?
I thought it was decent, but a bit too derivative of Terminator and Anti-Christ

I liked it, it was like a spiritual sequel to blade runner
>I can't tell if I'm real or just another mechanical construct made to please humanity BARK BARK

>family approved
Is... is that allowed? A blatant lie right on the cover?

This movie is fucking sick holy shit

They never say what kind of family

Its a methphor for 9/11 and the iraq war

I think it was like an in-universe reference/joke
It's like 'family approved' but only people who've seen it would realise that's what Wallace Shawn's character says right before he makes Robo-Dog massacre the resistance fighters' families

I like this meme

keep it up :)

Wtf resistance fighters? I only got about halfway through the movie last night, but he was still in the city fucking up the local pd. I still can't believe they cracked that "Michael Dog-ner" joke, holy shit.

My sides

Why's that guy's head so fucking strange.

It was alright, but when the cyborg insurgent cell gets sold out to the Robo-Dog Corporation, I had to mute the TV. The entire raid and mass execution sequence was just too much.

It looks shopped back onto his neck, but they fucked up the aspect of it so his neck looks way too small for his huge jaw head.

This movie makes "All Dogs Go To Heaven" look like "Milo & Otis".

Layers of grim canine existentiality mixed with gratuitous violence and rape scenes.

>when he saw the robo-puppies assembly factory

That shit was heavy man. The look on its face was just crushing.


Fuck you for reminding me of this.

Is this part of the Canine Cinematic Universe?

Did I like this?

No, you certainly did not

That's just Casper's god tier jaw.

>dogs give it "two paws up"
>a wag in the right direction
>pitbulls rave "a film to dig up your favorite bone for"
>dog fancy magazine "who's a good boy? army dog's a good boy!"
>scooter the mutt "arf! rrrrARF-ARF!"
>Suzanne Somers "me and my golden retriever 'fetched' our best 'toys' and delighted in the interspecies romance"

>Suzanne Somers
Are we supposed to know her?

underage banned

Only if you're older than twenty

Get the fuck out.

She's hideous. Not worth knowing

some old hag who was in a TV show and promotes all sorts of stupid anti-aging products (which you can see work tremendously)

It's rough man
I watched it all in one sitting and kinda regret it
I spent the next day in bed scared to fall asleep in case I got more nightmares but unable to face the outside world

Sometimes you have to wonder how far is too far when it comes to art

The scene where the dog raped that toddler then bit his head off was fucking brutal.

>The suicide by cop scene
I think that crossed the line IMO.

what the fuck? does the movie really have those kind of scenes?? it looks like a kids movie from the poster...

This movie made me question the legality of bestiality and canine-legislation post-9/11.

>That scene where Army Dog rapes that Vietnamese loli and in a voice over he described how her pussy tightened around his dog dick when she saw her mother get her throat slit in front of her
How was this allowed?

it's highly critical/satirical of suburban Americans who happily send young kids to war with pride and then bake apple pies while smiling to themselves
A lot of people missed this so they made it more blatant in the sequel As far as I recall, a lot of parents' associations were up in arms and boycotted the films

I've got to say, the heroin OD scenes were directed well, but the scene afterwards where they butcher the corpse doesn't fit in very well.

thumbnail Belushi looks like 1080p Seagal

>Casper Van Dien

>Patrick Muldoon

What did they mean by this?


>Rex getting mangled up by a landmine and being rebuilt as nothing more than a weapon to fight the wars of a morally defunct government
I wasn't ready for this

I made the mistake of watching this with my mom. Holy shit, that scene where the dog piss and shit repeatedly over the severed head of the Muslim baby made her throw up in my lap.

this is probably the best forced meme of 2016 and it isnt even close either