It kinda pisses me off how Europeans can speak English so well

It kinda pisses me off how Europeans can speak English so well.

I mean fuck!! Most Europeans hold a command over my mother tongue that most of my fellow countrymen could only dream of.

My question is, what about your 3rd and 4th languages? Can French people speak German as well as they can speak English, for example?

Pic related

Nice try, europoor.

English is primitive language, thats why Americans speak it

>hold a command

To the fucking oven

I speak English, Dutch and Russian

I'm also able to speak (rather read) Latin

Consider that:
>You're making a generalization based upon the individuals you see on Sup Forums.
>English is the current lingua franca.

Those living near the borders yes, the rest nope. Like in Saarland they can speak french. In Alsace they can speak german. Pretty much the Same in Switzerland those in Berne/Fribourg/Valais can speak both languages but those living at the extremity of the country like Saint-Gall and Geneva are way better at english than the other national language.

English is a literal creole language though. Someone who speaks German or any other real language can master English with ease, obviously. I'm not kidding.

Not at all. I post in several online international communities, and on most forums I am unable to distinguish Europeans from Americans.

I posted this because I just learned one of my friends on the Flat Earth Society is Dutch, but he speaks even more eloquently than I.

I would imagine Swiss folk would have a greater need than most when it comes to learning multiple languages, seeing as you speak French, German, Italian, and Romansch officially, and with everybody learning English to boot.

I speak four languages: English, German, Austrian and Swiss.

Cause we watch you show subbed. It helps to hear how native speakers pronounciate words. It helps a lot.
English-staright A's
Slovene- C to B

They can write it but they can't speak it at all. I can read like 90% of spanish but can't speak or understand someone talking to me in it.

>speaking swiss german


francois pls, it was just joke.

like an anglo saying he speaks english, american, canadian and australian.

I speak English, Dutch, Flemish, West-Flemish, French and German

They're probably exposed to it on a regular enough basis to make learning it rather easy.

only on the internet.

Well I speak Jamaican and Irish pretty well, but New Zealish is confusing as fuck.

Can you speak French or German as fluently as English?

Also what the fuck is Flemish?

I speak basic Spanish, but no, it's nowhere near as good as my English, and probably never will be.

Unless you count Danish and Norwegian as separate languages.I can speak those, but not write properly, because the spelling is pretty fucked up.

How closely related are Scandinavian languages? How much study would it require to learn Norwegian if you already know Swedish?

Or is it kinda like Italian and Spanish, where they can pretty much understand each other but some vocabulary ans pronunciation are different?

>How much study would it require to learn Norwegian if you already know Swedish?

I lived in Norway for about 2 years and by the end of it I was fluent though we could always communicate. I'd say it would take maybe a year of study if your not retarded to fully master Norwegian as a Swede.

>than I.
it's 'me'.

>hold a command over my mother tongue that most of my fellow countrymen could only dream of.
kek, nice bait

Why do you speak Russian

very eloquent
most dutch IRL speak a rather broken english though
maybe not on Sup Forums

>It kinda pisses me off how Europeans can speak English so well.
this is a meme stop perpetuating it


oh come on, engish vs american doesn't make sense since it is only the accent that is different. yet switzerdeutsch is far from deutsch and is a separate language indeed.

don't reply to me you perfidious plankton

dutch people are probably the best of non-natives overall

ok. why? better schools?

>Europeans can speak English so well

yes for dutch, nordics and finns
doubtful for french, germans
absolutely no for italians and southern europeans and all other irrelevant places


Depends how you would define broken english.
A lot of it depends on education. Lower educated youth speaks english quite well, they can hold a conversation but there are a lot of errors and pronunciations mistakes.
Higher educated youth usually speak english like a native and have to read Shakespeare in school in their final year.
On average most people speak english close to fluently with the exception of certain technical terms and a few grammatical and pronounciation errors here and there.

Of course, 99 out of 100 have an accent. Some slightly, some gravely.

Yeah, I think their school system is very good actually. In addition, their language is probably the most similar, and smaller countries don't have any substantial amount of internet users, so you're forced to visit english forums etc.

shakespeare is boring as shit desu

Shut you face, Kuuga, our English is great.

>hold a command
What does it mean? Europeans now control english?

French, Swedish
1st and 2nd being Welsh and English respectively

älskar ni kalaspuffar?

he would wear it as in the right, but left one is top lad

Proxy our just stupid

met welk doeleinde?

"Anglo media, basically. Music, games, movies, shitposting, you name it.

Suddenly I knew english. Got almost a perfect score on TOEFL and after that went to a exchange program in the US, studying there (STEM) for a year.
I'm not so sure about how long I took to write it "fluidly", I'd say it was a slow process that lasted my teenage years.

Learning a language is also an emotional thing. If you're really, REALLY interested on the subject you're paying attention to, like tv shows or a game, you'll eventually learn that language."


It's impossible not to learn english if you consume anglo media.

the poster above me is a liar
its possible to be a complete idiot and only know one language despite how much foreign media you consume

Is this some kind of autism test?

Right is obviously correct.

You never have to speak one of the other languages because they are mutually intelligible.

I mean, when I speak to a swede, he just speaks swedish. If there's something you don't understand, you just ask because you're not autistic.

>Can French people speak German as well as they can speak English, for example?

French people barely speak english, pretty sure it's the european country who speak the less english

Dogs don´t have arms so left is correct.

I speak french, belgian, swiss, luxemburgish and québécois pretty well

no such thing.

Since my native language is Romanian (suck on that,RuskiFags),here is a list of languages I have after English:
3.French (been doing it for about 4-5 years,still suck ass at it)
4.German (been doing for 3 years and I kinda am getting the hang of it but it's still very hard)
5.Russian (fucking history,why did you do this to us?) (learned it since childhood cuz my country is a ex-USSR country so the Russian language is still considered a teachable language in school) (this year,the government finally decided to consider it optional so we got that going for us,which is nice)

this desu


OP here. See what I mean? Europeans can speak English better than most Americans

speak West Flemish pls

I speak Dutch, English and Swedish fluently, Spanish and German shittily but conversationally, and I'm currently learning Russian.

Why would you list Flemish? It's not a language, just an accent with a few unique words. Also, what's West-Flemish? Another dialect that you're listing as a language?

I can speak Danish, German, Swissgerman and a bit french.

How would you compare your knowledge of Swedish to your English speaking abitilities?

>the european country who speak the less english
proven right

German - Native
English - C1
Spanish - B1
Portuguese - A2 learning atm

do you know what selection bias is

yes when you are biased in your selection and you elect trump

>What does it mean? Europeans now control english?

All your English are belong to us


>Be born in Ex-yu automatically speak 3 languages
Feels good mang

definitely the one on the left