Shaka, when the walls fell.
Shaka, when the walls fell
Other urls found in this thread:
Earl Grey.
Good thread, having lots of fun today, boys.
San francisco, cock sucker.
Good tea... Nice house.
>Pavel, when the plane fell
Shran, when the pinkskins arrived
Garak, his pants hemmed, his face smug.
Why the fuck did I laugh
CIA, his stance akimbo!
another dumb tng thread
Big guy his mask removed.
Shaka Khan?
Myrcella on the ocean....
Yeah, the conception that DS9 threads are always shit is offbase. DS9, TOS, VOY, ENT, all often work fine.
If you want a Trek thread to be irredeemable shit, a TNG pic/reference is the way to go.
>engaging thrusters
>aft shields at 80%
>switching to auxiliary power
>patch in the lateral sensor array
>rotate shield harmonics
>vent plasma from the warp nacelles
>realign matter energy output
>shunt emergency power into the deflector dish
>access deck 12 through the jefferey's tubes in main engineering
>realign EPS conduits after taking the anti-matter assembly OFFline
Thread is as dead as it's franchise.
The thread last night hit autosage in like 2 hours. The problem is these threads are shitposts that get spammed every day by one autist
How the fuck could a trek thread autosage in 2hours if its been off the air for 10 years and there is no new news on Beyond?
>It's a "Porthos acts like a good pupper even though beagles are massive cunts in real life" episode
pic related is the same guy as OP
People were having an intense argument over the definition of 'false flag', who was a redditor, and the merits of each series.
Even in threads without irrelevant arguments you can sometimes hit bump limit in a few hours, because the amount of episodes is so huge there is an effectively infinite amount of discussions that one could have
>in a tiny tin can with recycled air
>feeds dog endless cheese
>doctor explicitly informs him that it causes gastrointestinal distress
Was Archer a sadist or did he just love dog farts?
Infinite Discussion
Infinite Combinations
Sounds like /got/ alright ,
The thread last night (boards.Sup contained 325 posts, began at 16:35:52, and ended at 23:17:37. The final post before bump limit (autosage doesn't exist and isn't a thing) was posted at 22:31:43. That's 6 hours, not 2.
That's what happens when you have newfags who try to turn it into a permanent 'general' with 'editions' and shit
Reminder that Picard never put milk in his Tea
>autosage doesn't exist and isn't a thing
You realize that autosage and bump limit are two terms for the exact same thing? If you reach a point where posts no longer bump the thread, that is functionally identical to posts automatically saging
>tfw tried posting a /stg/ last night and it only got 8 posts before it got archived
Woa - that's some good autism, friendo.
>it's a bald guy from Murder One episode
Sounds more like legitimate non memed autism
I look like a complete autist giggling at this shit
>look like
You meant to write "am."
It was. There was an actual autist in the thead
It was an orchestrated event meant to affect a specific change.
Why is it a meme to hate on Braga if ENT isn't that bad?
I'm at the end of S1 so bear that in mind
>Noh-Jay, when the profit was made.
He's mostly hated for Voyager.
ENT goes uphill, not down, you'll be fine.
ENT is the worst, but being the worst Star Trek is still pretty good.
how did his race manage to make spaceships when they speak like that, cant imagine the pain of passing a wrench to other engineer at docking bay when you communicate by metaphors
>ENT is the worst
You are wrong.
hyperspanner, when the bolt was loose
a species of autists would basically be a utopia desu
Because such a language is nearly impossible and it's natural evolution is that sentence structure without the need for the metaphors to represent such subjective ideas as "honor" or "pride".
While fun, the language is just the instrument used to create the story of two races finally reaching communication but at the risk of their own lives.