>Shmi says this
>Nobody helps her when she's left in slavery to be raped
Shmi says this
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She said it was cool.
The husband lost his leg to those sand niggers trying to get her back, it's not like he just said "fuck it, time to buy a new one."
her slavery was very pleasant, she had her own house and enough money to buy robots and podracers
No she didn't that shit was all Waldo's. Anakin was a good mechanic so Waldo had him working on mechanical shit. Really, I think C3-PO could be returned to Waldo if he really wanted to claim him in some kind of lost property case.
Anaking complained that he fears for his mother or padme and the advice he gets is that he should learn to let go..
You know what would be a great scene?
When he turned, he would meet yoda and throw it back to his face
>Younglings, your friends, your republic? Dont miss them, dont mourn them, train yourself to let go...
>Dont miss them, dont mourn them, train yourself to let go...
Well Yoda kind of let go.
he fought back and was forced to let go
>Anakin, you saved my planet and ended my peoples suffering by blowing up the droid control ship, you saved me personally by destroying those destroyer droids, is there any way that I, a Queen of a wealthy planet, can repay you?
Buy my mother out of slavery?
Shmi... had a hard life