Why aren't you playing League of Legends?

Why aren't you playing League of Legends?

Because I'm /supposed/ to be sleeping. Just got off a 15 game losing streak today in Diamond, the true elo hell.

I bet you support

Checking those trips.

I am though

because overwatch is out

Because it's a shit game for shit people. I'd rather be playing Planetside 2, thanks.

because they fucked over my main

Because Iron Banner is on and I enjoy raging at lag, titan shoulder charges, shotguns and a general distaste for the shit game that I can't seem to stop playing.

I need help.

Because its shit. I stopped playing 2vs3 ARAM rounds. I never saw a 5v5 game ever when I stopped it.

Come here and play Battleborn with me instead. The game may be dead, but at least much less AFK, flamers and kiddies. Also, less Russians.



i am

>shitty overwatch





because it tastes like purple

no, seriously, riots community is so full of hatred, i rarely see something as toxic on this board - and this used to be as unwelcoming as it gets on the whole big internets.


even i wouldnt go that far. jesus. PS2 is awful.


because overwatch is better



Dynamic Q

Because I'm plying smite league fag


toxic game is toxic

Because Im playing dota.



came to admire the trips, also cuz it sucks

I have all the good dota porn currently available. Which isn't much, but fuck if he doesn't have most of the porn by myself that handsome fishy fuck.



Because I'm an adult

Because im playing overwatch, you know a good game


>a good game
those don't exist on Sup Forums

overwatch ranked game out today

Enjoy your fad m8

nvm I didnt have that one. Now I should have all the good porn of dota available.

Being serious here, the game itself isn't terrible but the community for that game is AWFUL and made me never want to try and get into it... nobody is friendly or tries to help you out, they all bitch and moan and if they blame everyone else and lag when they lose.

Busy playing smite

because i know people who are addicted to this game and have played it for hundreds of hours and i'm too busy to waste that kind of time on a stupid fucking video game that won't even make me grow as a human being. seriously, whoever plays this shit needs to stop and go on a bike ride

Because Yorick hasn't been nerfed

if you have fun is it time wasted?


i know people who are addicted to Sup Forums and have put hundreds of hours and i'm too busy to waste that kind of time on a stupid fucking website that won't even make me grow as a human being. seriously, whoever browses this shit needs to stop and go on a bike ride

...i think you just inspired me to stop coming here. thanks user