Who do you main in League of Legends?

Who do you main in League of Legends?


mostly fun supports like tahm kench or blitzcrank

kindred but boy after 6.13 drops I'm gonna move to someone else. That 7 armor cut fucks her early clear and dueling so hard

Swain, hec, or sion. Pure aids

Illaoi, she goes hard as fuck this patch.

only the swain is aids really

Wukong, irelia, rumble, darius

Diana, Zed, Jhin

I'm a jack of all traits in league

You do realise she's no longer gonna get touched by monsters with the new move and attack speed slow on her W.


More like a fag lord bronze of all times

I dont really have a main since im a bronze fag but my highest mastery is yi yasuo and rammus



akali no skill champ lol just like kat

Nobody is denying this....

If you're not a Braum main then you're not a man.

I main the uninstall button, thats the best fucking choice i have ever made

Every Braum main I meet is a crybaby rager.

yeah u rite tho.

And I', not just talking about some cunt who decided he wanted to play Braum for a match. Most of the guys I played with had him in at least their top 5.

Cait is probably my best


Has always been op, but when i first started he really just confused the hell out of me. I have over 1000 games with him. Im definitely a bronzie with most every other champ, but i do just as well as my diamond and plat friends on kass.

When you play that many games... you laugh when you get "counter-picked" with a yasuo.

But yea.. i suck at the rest. Sorry Sup Forums

In carnage I bloom,Like a flower in the dawn.


I main Jhin, but be serious, Kat needs skills.

soraka and cait


>top champ
>level 5 mastery

Havent played him since the patch for 6 came out. Your point?

I've always mained Aatrox

i played a lot of malz before riot fucked him up

your nan


