>It's an actress awkwardly covering her boobs in the sex scene episode
Why didn't she want to show them?
Too saggy is my bet.
Was anyone actually surprised that they fucked?
Of course not... it's Banshee, every hole is getting fucked!
Nope, I was waiting for it but that scene was bland.
she didn't show anything at all?
little bit of ass and that's it.
is that lydia?
I just love this show. What did everyone think of Calvin's full frontal dick shot?
Necessary for the scene.
I'm not feeling the wife's suffering tho, she should know how it is by now.
Is that Faith?
Those are some sweet tattoos
>not even erect
Wasn't this guy in TWD?
>pubes in the shape of the Reichsadler
That's some god-tier poetry right there
It's Agent Veronica (Eliza Dushku)
That's a sweet chest tat. Mirin.
hahaha wow
I'm actually happy for him.
His whore wife cheats on him, at least he gained some balls lately by killing nazi grandpa and """""""raping""""" his whore wife.
Why all the Aryans in really good shape? Even his father-in-law was a big guy
>germans and anglos
post Eliza ass
The guy looked like the Wolfenstein guy
T-there you go
>inb4 b&
WTF? Is she a man?
What an unfortunate body. Sad
>tfw she will never sit on your face and force you to eat her butthole (probably hairy)
Feel kinda bad for her now since she's going to be the serial killer's next victim
She developed an eating disorder and got /fit/ perhaps?
>Implying it won't be a last minute rescue.
nice dick
Honestly, they should have cast Jessica Alba as the FBI agent. There's something about her that is so achingly beautiful
Are any guys here secretly comparing their junk to this dude and feeling inadequate?
They just cast actresses willing to get nude, as they should.
The indian chick used a body double and was very disappointing.
this season feel very bland, it is the final season too. lets have another 30 seconds of Proctor looking into the distance acting depress and want to fuck his niece
Well I think every actress should have to get nude. What's the big deal?
>What's the big deal?
That's how usa rolls baby.
true. wouldve been better if we could binge it i think. especially with all the time lapses. it still is an amazing show and im pretty fucking glad it got on my radar.
the finale will make it all worth while i guess. they are still building up to it. has to pay off at some point.
I would like to see a "the gang gets back to their old antics" ending rather than an "everybody dies and everything gets destroyed" ending.
It's too bad this series was overlooked because it seemed like another skinemax softcore porn excuse.
>skinemax softcore porn excuse
Oh yeah, that reminds me... bring back Strikeback
job is getting more and more himself again. they just got attacked by proctor whilst deva was there. it will be total war and the gang reunited. but the fight between carrie and whatshername last ep didnt feel so great like the others. hope that isnt a clue for whats to come. because this series deserves to end on a high note. truly one of the better rides ive been on the last decade.
is it worth it strikeback?
>neckbeard can't figure out why someone wouldn't want to get naked on camera
Bigger than mine flaccid. I imagine he was fluffed though.
>slavic, aryan
ayyy masterrace
Why it can't be erected on screen though? Is it against the law?
To close to porn?
I've always wondered why HBO/skinemax/shotime/starz don't show penetration.
isnt that the most personal thing? i mean a flaccid cock doesnt mean anything. just like tits.
standards, sindication, dvd and bluray ratings (they would be rated X instead of R), international broadcast, etc.
I see hard nipples on tv all the time. Why no hard dicks?
probably shouldnt be ITT since I havent watched the new one but we never get any banshee threads
Probably better that we don't. Any time a show gets threads they are always shit
because of what i said in the post u replied to. and i guess its pretty hard to get one with 15 guys around you. not everyone can do that.
and basically this
Thought she was kind of hot back in the day, but then I realized she kind of always just had a man bod with boobs.
>when she invaded that crackhouse then picked up a random crackpipe and started smoking it
Previous episodes aside, that action sequence in the last episode was fucking glorious. Felt like an oasis in a desert. I feel like these 3 last episodes have all the meat now. Let's hope they keep the pace.
Scaring the girl like that just means happy family moving out of town ending (Lucas, Carrie, and their daughter)
Dead mans name.
Job had a hard life
That face is so fucking funny
must be wearing something to tie those puppies down, alphabet killer they were waving all about, she still looks fantastic