Tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

>tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

anyone here managed to quit smoking?

Yes mate I switched to vaping first, don't be a peer pressure faggot and get put off vaping by people calling you names, then I toned that down and went cold turkey... That was a year and and 2 months ago I still feel anxious as fuck from smoking cessation all the time and my lungs don't feel any better.

Congrats, but no one can congratulate you like yourself because they can't know what it means.

P.s. I smoked for 12 years and was at worst about 40 a day.

NeuroscienceFag here, if op goes "cold turkey" the duration of withdrawal is shorter.

You started this exact same thread with the exact same words yesterday.

With all the time you spend posting the same thread over and over again you could've actually done something about quitting you dumb faggot

i was smoking about 30 a day. And switched one day to the next to vaping.
Only vape at home and in car. Used 12mg for about a week, switched to 6mg for another week and i am now at 0mg. Been 2 months.
I still really want to light up, so i vape like crasy. I tried smoking one cig and it tasted like crap (actually like the first cyggy i ever smoked).

Its working for me, but i try to avoid vapping in public.

So how many fucking years will it last?

I'm working on it atm, using patches. They really seem to help with the nicotine cravings, and I'd rather kill the habit first and the addiction second rather than try and do both simultaneously.

It's dickheads like you who give us serious smokers a bad name. I genuinely enjoy smoking and have no intention of quitting but everyone thinks I'm a fucking junkie who is desperate to quit but just can't handle my addiction. Fucking kill yourself

I startet waay to early. Was like 12. Stoped after a year and started wirh 15 again. Stopped after about 3 months.
Here and there a cig. But i honestly developed some kind of fucking lazyness syndrome. I dont smoke or anything just because i find it fucking boring and useless. Never did weed either because of that. And i drink very rarely alcohol

Yeah, I refused to be slave to a fucking plant

You seem angry, I have the feeling that deep down you want to stop as well.

Haha wow spot the guy in denial.

Yet you breathe their oxygen, their waste. Shit, thats all of us

vape nation

This is the shit I'm talking about. I can't tell you how many unwanted conversations I've had about quitting, the look of confusion I get when I say I enjoy it and will smoke till I die.

yes, i havn't smoked a cigarette in 8 days.

before the 8 days began I went down to two or three a night whilst drinking profusely.

day 9: boom cold turkey

first few days sucked, but i feel better than ever actually now.

good luck OP

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>tfw I make this thread 75 times a day

anyone here managed to quit shitposting?

Yeah but that's free. When I smoked I was spending far too much on the addiction

not that user, nicotine has a half life of about 20 mins, brain needs like 3 days for receptors to adjust, rest is psychological

Physical addiction only lasts 3 days

Just don't reply


everything on Sup Forums is a repost and pasta, newfriends

Holy shitm every fucking day we have this thread. I literally smoke one cigarette a week and ive done this for about 10 years and yall niggers are complaining about how its hard to fucking stop. You just gotta grow stop being such a pussy and just not smoke a cigarette for 3 days. Thats fucking it. Then, if you still wanna smoke, dont. You fucking pussys.

Check em.

Confirmed never smoked more than 30 cigs a day for more than 5 years

why do yall smoke so much? how do you get to 30 a day where do you find the time??

Because nicotine is addictive and if you actually inhale the smoke you need more and more to get the same buzz which is why some people literally have one after the other

I'm a weekend 10 pack smoker. when do i get to the point of 10 a day etc?

good for you user, but noone gives a shit you fucking cuck hahaha

I was smoking 40 a day 3 months after I started smoking when I was like 15