Why do people pretend she isn't an objective literal 10/10?

Why do people pretend she isn't an objective literal 10/10?

Because she has a huge bulging forehead and weird eyes. Sage'd

Fuck off g hannelius guy



Because she looks like a real life Pepe with white skin and a whig. If Pepe also had treacher collins syndrome.

The resemblance is uncanny.

i thought pepe was popular


Oh sure he's popular, but he's not good looking.

My Grampa wants his eyebrows back.

how irrelevant of you


think that bitch needs to get back to the troll dungeon, hunchback shit imho

Ignore them. It's just the tired old "Maisie is not a 10/10 woman" meme.


It's entirely relevant, they could be twins.

And OP, I'm sorry, you're right. I was considering her in terms of the rating scale used for most of the non-british world. Of course in Britain she is a solid 10/10.


why much of a autism our you?

I don't know what you're trying to say, so I'll venture a guess that my answer to your inquiry is "no".

Here eyebrows are fucking heavy and thick

you are correct, she's an impish goddess