

ku jeni shqipe

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ku jeni shqipe

Urra,një vetjak shqiptar.
O djema,unë po përpiqem të bëj një gjuhë shqipe pa fjalë të huazuara

let's hope this doesn't turn out to be completely cringy.


You will have to go back

Jam tu gjet nji nuse per Toni Bombonin

Ta qifsha nonen suedez ta kaj motren qe e ki nese hala se ka kajt naj arap ose zezak


i know who shenki is, but who is furkan?

Shpjego vjen prej spiegare italisht,pra jo puro shqip.Unë po përpiqem të bëj një fjalor vetëm me fjalë shqip

shenki asht serb
vali asht shqiptar

shenki >> ex-yu
vali >> shq

>tfw saw the hot blonde slutty big-titted albanian girl I almost lost my virginity to once hanging out with some 30-40 year old looking ugly r9k tier geek
wtf wtf wtf
I demand apologies albania

you will have to invent your own words then, Shakespeare kid.

Shkodran user, ne cilen zone eshte ky vendi?

greket jan shqiptar

but user,you're a neet.

he said geek,not greek

I know
why she chose that old ugly guy?
I admit I didn't push hard enough
I just told her she was hot while I was drunk and she smiled
she also seemed to like me and talked to me often

ckemi, serbo.


o grecoman ku je qa po ban

Aty ku qiva nanen tate lolzzz

duke te te ngritur kacabunjte jam.
Si je, serbomani I malit?

>fjalor rruge

greek-tier scenery

sounds like you were too much of a coward to ask her out,better luck next time Belg-kid.

jam bo qytetar qetash, ma kan kajt jeten suedezet

>greek-tier scenery
Eshte ne Shkoder.


Vdes për kyt Kang.
Ju përshnes çuna


Would you rather prefer this?

kek,a mos je malsor?

Vorio Scutarius

jam old school pasha buken e nanes

Malësor thuje atyne kujt je msu me I than

A e njef Kush agim moDHen


allah ekber sa i mir ket foto

Kam ken nTheth

PO kyt vit Kam ken n'Mal tZi

Dhe une, vitin e kaluar dmth.

Kam qën me të dashurën HA

Sma hedh dot.
Tani jam duke sbutur nje nga prishtina.
Kaloma kete, lal.

Dua edhe unë të dashur

All that I have saved.


Fol shqip

>normie posting on this rare as fuck /shq/


Harrova fare.

5 veta qenkemi me te njejtin flamur.

Foto e lezecme.

Tani do të vendos një letër
Mbaroj rradhën
Hah,me këtë letër unë s'mund të humbas
Unë flijoj tre përbindësha per të thirrur Dragoin e Qiellit Slajfer

Klasa e 5-te te do ne telefon.




Ende e mbaj koleksionin e kartave qe e kam blere ne Durres kur isha 11 si kujtim.

keep 'em coming,we can do it.

Superraca gege tu rraportue

Une them rrofsh. A quhet?

You will have to go back

That OC ?

Quhet, por per te bere meme ne lidhje me /shq/ ne nuk njohim njeri-tjetrin.

A e ka pa kush kyt super video



a je ti meme master?

Memet e mija.Kam një faqe ne fb quhet Alboposting page

Yes,in fact I'm making one right now.
>Memet e mija
yours are Jeta Osh Qef tier so yeah, those aren't mine.

Ndiqni Idiokracine me mire.

In 2008 i burned down a shipq bakery just to fit in with my serb acquaintances, at the time.
I hit an honest albozerg bacer with a shovel on his head and he fell while my serb 'friend' whipped out his dick and started pissing on his head wound.
I tried to find any speck of regret for doing that but 9 years later i still havent found any.
If he died then and there, and i dont know what happened to him at all, i would still remain untouched by the whole situation.
Are albos human? I dont think they are.

>Kam një faqe ne fb
>Ndiqni Idiokracine



Are you a Bosnian Serb or a Bosnian human?

Deka tu kesh XD

Mos u merzit.
E thash, ironikisht.
Sjam aq I marre ta them "Plox bemani like faqes idiokracija! TLUTEM AAA!"

Ai eshte nje groshe.

i dont even know anymore

Cilin fis/fara jeni, e pse nuk jeni shaljan?

I urrej serpt e Bosnjes.Ti shikon flamurin e Bosnjes,pret që të përgjigjet Mujoja,kur fap,përgjigjet Raduvani

t. lost bean


Ky tipi eshte nje ekzemplar ne fakt.



Scerdilaidas u dal mir ne ket foto.


i dont think i want to go back
by ancestors long ago got lost and inflicted damage to the entire Balkan peninsula because of it.
We could have been a Bogumil Church, all by ourselvess, there would have been catholics, orthodoxses, protestants and us.
We could have been someone by now. We could have been good by now, we could have taken the idiotic lost minds such as serbs are now and taken them to wreck the world if we wanted to.
But my ancestors took islam only for money.
Why should i cherish the cult that the invaders brought?
WHY? give me ONE reason why should i cherish Islam.
You cant, because you are at conflict with yourself if you do, you fucking backstabing coward.
Thats what your entire 'nation' is. Backstabing coward. My family warred with serbs, but things were always clear with them. ALWAYS. I can still go among them and be myself, they allow it, they let me and are happy for me.
I live in a lost tribe, i cant carry that identity anymore. I have to restart the pagan rock praying of old. I have to run into the forest again and save anyone i can. It was always the salvation here, to run and hid into the forest and hills.
Where else. Im not bowing down to the jew world order, no matter how much money they give me.
You are the one who is truly lost, you pea.
Everyone gets a sweet but you, here, have a bean pod.

t. republika srpska

republika srbcka eshte nje gabim.
duhet fshire menjehere nga faqja e dheut.
Pastaj boshnjaket.

boshnjaket ma zi se serbet jan vlla

eshte I njejti mut por ndryshojne vec emrat.
duhen hequr qafe.

Hehehe gjenocid boshnjakësh Kur?

I like this guy.

Is shqiptar pronounced sjkiptar or sjiptar?

If there are blonde Albanian qt3.14s keen to marry me I will convert to islam for her

Kur kroatet, serbet e boshnjaket te fillojne prape.

>Polakë dhe belgë në vetjakun tim

I'll help you: First say Ta, then Kshifsha, Motren

go do that irl to randoms its funny LoLL

>converting for a woman
>not buying her for 500 euros like some do here

Ku shkoi mikpritja bre?

>te quash tjetrin mik kur ai te shan mbas shpine

If its true, Albania is a wondercountry

>We could have been a Bogumil Church, all by ourselvess,

bogomils were based, your ancestors did well

also pic related is what happened to them in ottoman days

fun fact: orthodox and catholics were mentioned in early Ottoman administration as "kuffar" while bogomils were called "krstjani".