Who do you main in League of Legends?

Who do you main in League of Legends?


Biggest titties on the Rift.


This nigga

Currently plat 2 only playing ww

i main your mom, now fuck off you underage little cunt

I main mordekönig

fizz warwick lucian yasuo

dota 2 is far better in every way just go play that.

Jungle bros report in

Vel'koz masterrace

anyone here that wants to carry a gold 5 scrub to plat? or at least for a couple of games, u can tell me what im doing wrong n shiz

Shen, Garen and Braum

The mighty hentai master

Ma men Zac on top/jung and main champ
Peppa Pig on jung
Taric/Braum/Thresh support

I dont play mid/adc, but the times i have to, i go Ziggs mid and Sivir bot. Gotta push those lanes quick.


>Playing LoL
>in 2016
>Leave please

People are still playin this shit?

i'm planning on buying graves is it a good champ



How do you play him in this meta?

Kekko, no one ban him (low elo)
Pic isn't him, but I really, really, really like this image



Hell yeah

J4 noc vi.

Lee, Vi, Rengar, Elise, Graves, Udyr
all of them mastery 4 or above

Fiora looks like a French rendition of Ryuko

The pirate king

He lied, graves is the most broken Jungler

J..Janna top..

you mean Ryuko looks like a japanese rendition of Fiora, right?

rate my tumor

Thresh und Nami


As a Graves diamond player i can confirm it is broken af.


Oh word?

Come here lil bih i'll smack you up real guud. Consider this a challenge u fugget

I'll smack yo out the biz