How can we ruin this faggots new show? We need to make his life worse and worse, any ideas? Harass him in some way?

How can we ruin this faggots new show? We need to make his life worse and worse, any ideas? Harass him in some way?

Other urls found in this thread:

What new show?

Dude, he's fucking doomed currently.

He's just digging his whole deeper and deeper. He's already ruined his whole *show.*

There's nothing left to do but watch it burn...

i know he's a douche but what did he do to piss everyone off so bad?

What has he done again?


Call him a gnome and send him multiple gnomes to his house

He talked shit behind people's back and generally shitty things like exposing people's private info and faces

Stop making him money.

He went big cause all this fucking threads. Just leave him. He will be swimming in his own shit no time

It's sad how you parentage much. Also why do /b hate him so much? Apart from doxing which to his defence pyrotechnics did upload twitter videos and youtube videos of himself. Also if it's because he's racist then how can you not see the hypocrisy everyone on /b is racist in some way. I watch him because he's entertaining as fuck. Take this video for example.
I mean he's done some scummy things but who hasn't on /b. Also he's returning to drama alert in the next couple of days.

Wow auto correct again...


Somehow we need to hurt his money

is this fo real?

I would say ignore but this is Sup Forums

Post "That nigger alex" on all his videos. All of them. EVERY. SINGLE. FUCKING. VIDEO.

Yeah it's been out for ages have u been living under a rock?

More comments = better ranks on Youtube search

haven't been on Sup Forums in two weeks

Thread last night was mentioning how he raped his poor there's that.

You fags never take shit down anymore, though, so I suspect that this will just continue to be pissing and moaning until the thread 404s.

Can all you leafy fags fuck off already, yes, Keem is a fucking retard but the drama shitstorm he creates are amusing. We should be supporting him, not following the commands of a halfbread faggot who does nothing but shitpost 24/7 with his shitty opinions.

We are not leafy fans, we just hate Keemstar

Fuck Leafy, too.

Shut them the fuck down, or shut the fuck up already.

Why? He is just the typical Sup Forums user.


just like keemstar said. you're FUCKING NIGGER