Sup Forums, let's solve this once and for all: Who is the best young actress in Hollywood working today?
Sup Forums, let's solve this once and for all: Who is the best young actress in Hollywood working today?
Jessica Chastain
>no chloe grace moretz or daisy riddley
Emma Watson isn't working anymore
He said young, and Jennifer Lawrence is one of the best at the moment.
Best actress in Hollywood: Carrie Coon
Hottest actress in Hollywood: Vikander
Sersh > JLaw > Vikander > Stone > Olsen > Watson >>> power gap > Kstew & Emilia
Not sure but I can tell you its not Emilia Clarke, Emma Watson, Emma stone, or Kstew
> Elizabeth Olsen, Born: February 16, 1989 (age 27
Larson > Vikander > Ronan > Stone > Stewart > Lawrence > Olsen > Clarke = Watson
OP said good actresses
>He said young, and Jennifer Lawrence is one of the best at the moment.
If you mean overhyped, then yes.
She hasn't been good since Winter's Bone.
>lawrence higher than anyone
you have to go back
no he didn't.
Not one, THE best.
Highest pay, high prestige.
Sup Forums may not like her but she's indisputably Queen of Hollywood right now.
I'd switch Lawrence with Larson but this is good tbqh
I know we hate Jlaw cuz she's a terrible blue lady, but fuck she's way better than a dragon queen, moretz, and kstew
is this reallly the best of all young actresses? all these bitches ugly
stone i guess.
>Highest pay, high prestige.
>Sup Forums may not like her but she's indisputably Queen of Hollywood right now.
We are talking about talents and skills m8.
Larson, Ronan and Vikander are all superior to Jlaw who has been acting on autopilot since her first Oscar nom.
I don't know who they are
Apologies for the racebaiting, but Tessa Thompson deserves a shout. She's better than at least half of OPs picks.
Brie Larson, easily. She was fantastic in Room, and she's not a fridge or flat like Vikander.
>everyone but jlaw, vikander and sershalooking downright ugly
i see u
Ronan is overrated, fuck that Irish bitch.
sorry I meant
gas urself krager
she has rotten feet and looks already in her 30s
and room was overrated. the kid was better than her and deserved her oscar.
>Emma Watson
pick one.
To answer your question, Larson>Vikander>rest
She's better than your pig Waifu and Jlaw, cry more faggot
Daisy Ridley, but to truthfully answer you, Emma Stone.
>picking literally the ugliest 3
holy shit m8 nice shit taste fag
Not surprising that a footfag would be wrong.
bye hater, ronan has more talent in her one finger than all your waifus combined together
Goddamn, I love that Daisy lifts. Finally a worthy successor to Linda Hamilton.
Sorry OP, you seem to be missing someone
I, too, enjoy her getting /fit/.
After seeing Civil War I'm gonna go with Elizabeth Olsen. Never realized how qt she is, gives ScarJo a run for her money.
Also gotta throw Daisy Ridley in there. She's not as traditionally hot as some of the others but she did a great job in TFA and seems like a good person.
absolutely based
Has Daisy done anything exceptional? She only knows how to play an action hero with flat personality. Call me when she gives the same performance as Larson in Short Term 12, Ronan in Brooklyn, JLaw in Silver Linings Playbook, or Vikander in Ex Machina.
Scarjew is way past her prime, m7. Olsen blows her out of the water.
Lizzy is best
>After seeing Civil War I'm gonna go with Elizabeth Olsen. Never realized how qt she is, gives ScarJo a run for her money.
>Also gotta throw Daisy Ridley in there. She's not as traditionally hot as some of the others but she did a great job in TFA and seems like a good person.
We are talking about talent and acting skills, not looks.
Who is the hairiest?
>Call me when she gives the same performance as Larson in Short Term 12, Ronan in Brooklyn, JLaw in Silver Linings Playbook, or Vikander in Ex Machina.
So you want her in another remake of a movie already made like Episode VII. C'mon user, I'm a Reyfag, and I don't even want that.
Are you the one who made her cry?
I asked for actress, not autist.
Nah, not yet. Brie and Vikander are objectively the best actresses on that list. KStew is the worst.
All I am saying is Daisy has done nothing to be regarded as one of the greatest actress in her generation.
We'll see with her new roles but I remain skeptical.
young scarjo was ugly though. she peaked much later. don jon scarjo is best scarjo and made my dick diamonds.
isn't this against
Larson & Ronan > Vikander > JLaw & Stone > Olsen >>>> power gap >>> Watson > KStew > Clarke
>but I remain skeptical
Meh she's really nothing that special in the acting department. Nothing to complain about and nothing to write home about in that regard. I just have a thing for English chicks.
What's the cut-off here? 30?
You can say what you want about Ellen being a womanlet or a lesbo, but you have to admit she is genuinely talented as an actress and can run circles around women like JLaw or Kstew. Emilia and Emma S. are decent, but still not up to Ellen's abilities.
Visit to claim your prize!
It's a big prize
fuck, I don't want Sersh anywhere near the decadency that are delevingne sisters.
Well, I at least applaud you for your honesty and for not overhyping your waifu as some second coming of meryl streep *cough*jlaw fans *cough*
> don jon scarjo is best scarjo
Are you fucking serious? Don Jon Jo looked like shit. Scarlet was a legit bombshell in The Island and was generally hot till Iron Man 2. After that she has aged like milk left in the Sun.
>I asked for actress, not autist.
autism or not, she has wider range than 80& of actresses featured in OP's photo
Ellen, go to bed.
Scarlett Johansson > Elizabeth Olsen
Looks, talent, and personality.
Chloe Bennet is bretty gud. So is that other nerd girl on the show.
>you have to admit she is genuinely talented as an actress
I'm only attracted to and interested in Mid Right.
wtf is wrong with me ?
have you read that blind item? she simply drunk too much. quite surprising given she's irish.
god damn she looks fucking incredible in that pic
>reminder that she said she would do nudity in it and michael bay said no
you have patrician taste m8. welcome to the club.
Bottom center is Natalie Dormer aka Smirkfu, right?
She's 34. Not sure if she qualifies.
>dat sideboob
is she old enough i can waifu her without seem like a creep?
You're a good man.
>wtf is wrong with me ?
Absolutely nothing.
Damn, fuck that prick.
what was the last time she was good in a movie?
surely not the lesbian flick she made with julianne moore.
>INSISTING on going topless
oh no he memed at me
>age 27
more like side pancake
>swn beat you up and call you a sissy faggot
enjoy embracing the luminosity in your life
This is why threads discussing actresses always get shut down, they always turn into fucking waifu threads.
In terms of acting ability, Siersha and Larson are on top, closely followed by Emma Stone. Despite her status as a walking talking meme, JLaw does have some acting chops, but her ability is vastly overrated by the public. Olsen is usually good.
Kstew, Watson and Khaleesi flat out suck. Haven't seen anything with Vikander yet.
Waifu chart: Stone > Shiersha = Olsen
What did she mean by this?
>he thinks she was great in carol
cate blanchett made her seem like a student in high school drama club who can't emote to save her life
>swn nibble your earlobe
what a faggot
Agreed. I'd say that Sersh, Larson, Vikander (mostly thanks to her hustle and ties to Weinstein) are up for a long career. I think JLaw will crash like Meg Ryan in near future. Stone would me more appreciated if she stops following JLaw's path and stars in more drama and oscar baity roles.
It's 1 pm on the east coast, friendo.
>at the top
Your waifuism is clouding your judgement. She's bellow Larson, Vikander and JLaw.
Anything under 30 is young af.
>22 year old girl becomes a drunk crier after a few shots
sky is blue, pope is catholic, clarke can't act, what is new
That's if you're a man. A woman's prime is 16-22.
Ignore waifu posters and they will go away. They crave validation. Don't give it to them. Don't reply. Don't do anything. Pretend they are not there.
actress in that picture in terms of talent
>top tier
sersha and vikander
>high tier
>mid tier
olsen and k-stew (inb4 WAAAH TWILIGHT WAAAH WAAAH)
>low tier
frogface, hermione, kelly c
>shit tier