Can you name a more cucked nation?
I don't see a single white person with a blue jersey on the field.
Can you name a more cucked nation?
I don't see a single white person with a blue jersey on the field.
Your very own stars and stripes.
So much butthurt
You know, France dosen't always surrender, sorry
I know it must be butthurt, righty. but football somewhat shows that multicultural mix might not be that bad. look at france. look at germany.
is your 1/256th icelandic heritage triggered ?
Inb4 muh french colonies
>look at the stands
>look at the fields
Actually, it seems to me that some slaves fighting for the entertainment of their owners. Is this thing what people call "cucked"?
B-but they're making millions of dollars and we're not senpai
>the close-up of the French girl with the black mixed-race baby
Icing on the cake
They designed the kit with so that it went blue (shirt) - white (legs) - red (socks).
>show a white player you don't know in a substitute jacket
>assume he's Icelandic
Says the country with all its blacks playing its own version of football...
>Implying pogba isnt white
I can name one
Durr a bunch of niggers are good at sports, time to ruin our economy and future and get rid of these borders
Pretty much. It would be hypocritical to criticize France for sending their well-bred poorly-educated underclass to win international tournaments when we do the same.
>time to ruin our economy and future and get rid of these borders
How do you make that leap?
He made it up. He needs something to hide the fact that he just hates black people.