Is this a legit top show like the wire, sopranos, breaking bad, game of thrones, curb your enthusiasm, arested development, etc. or is it just a quirky, cult show or show with a loyal but weird following like ppl who watch dr. who and give themselves names?
i don't wanna waste my time if it's not a great show.
Ian Nelson
The first season is groundbreaking. The Wire and The Sopranos trump it in term of writing (The Wire being objectively number one followed by The Sopranos) but in terms of vision Twin Peaks trumps them all.
Also why do people always neglect the UK office it is the best written comedy series of all time. Curb pales in comparison imo.
Lucas Powell
just watched it did i like it?
Daniel Mitchell
it's a meme show first and foremost even if nobody called it that at the time. it is literally about a town populated by "quirky" memes. like the loglady meme, the girl in plastic meme, the coffee and pie meme and that's not even getting into all that black lodge nonsense with its dancing midgets spouting memetry. it was a bit of a revolution for what TV shows could do and paved the way for the shows you cite as examples of good TV but unless you have historical insterest avoid it and stick with the actually good stuff.
Thomas Edwards
Jaxson Sanchez
cont. Watch it up until they reveal the killer and then if you enjoyed it and want to see more finish the 2nd season through all the garbage to get the final episode, because the ending is great. And in my personal opinion you should watch the entire show just so you can watch the movie (TP: Fire Walk With me) in context because it's one of the greatest horrors/ psychological thrillers of the 90's.
Pay attention to this guy: Ignore this guy because he's an ignorant:
David Morales
Ignore this leddit baiter,
Its pretty good OP, second season falls through halfway but its worth the time investment.
Jacob Long
>Also why do people always neglect the UK office it is the best written comedy series of all time
It's too short. People don't like short shows, unless it's cancelled early so then you get that "too good to last" memery.
Oliver Sanders
Ayden Gray
I love The Wire, but I legitimately lose respect for anyone who says it has better writing than The Sopranos. Its writing isn't even as good as Mad Men's.
I feel like saying The Wire has the best writing ever has just become one of those conventional things that everyone just says without even thinking about it or knowing what they're talking about.