>last scene
>becomes cinéma all of a sudden
Memes aside, this was a very good film. How can Sup Forums be ALWAYS so fucking wrong?
>last scene
>becomes cinéma all of a sudden
Memes aside, this was a very good film. How can Sup Forums be ALWAYS so fucking wrong?
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There's a reason I call them reddi/tv/irgins
But I didn't say it was bad, and I'm Sup Forums
I watched that film on Sup Forums's suggestion. Seems like a lot of people do like it.
Sup Forums likes this movie.
great fucking film. proper kino.
heidecker's best stuff is all outside of tim and eric.
OP here. Anyone else felt the director/editor showed here a superb sense of when to end a scene?
Very good script too. Do you know if Tim had any say there or maybe in improvisation?
First time viewing was with a friend, he kept bitching about the movie making no sense and kept talking over scenes.
I think he got mad how T&E were ripping hipsters millenials and nu-males a new asshole though
I loved this movie on release and praise it in every thread I see it in.
Its great commentary on irony obsessed hipsters who are so "self aware and cool" that they are unable to form genuine connections with people and are unable to express any type of sincerity.
Living in NYC I am well aware of tons of people like this and the portrayals are so spot on. These people seem so hip and cool but they aren't "real" in any true sense. They make funny jokes but are empty inside.
Just watched it 2 hours ago. What a coincidence.
It was pretty fucking comfy.
What was the seizure scene tho? I don't understand his reaction to that at all. Even if he truly didn't give any fucks about others he would still surely care about his own life and complications that could arise from him not reacting to that girl having epileptic shock?
I didn't think about that in that scene as I was watching the performance aspect of it. What you say is interesting though, perhaps he was just used to people having seizures, like his brother that's in an asylum, or his dad?
I thought it was cool how it was so cheesy/tropey when he took a sip but then took another sip and spat some ice and kept chewing on some more which was more, 'real', I guess.
fine film, very haunting. unfortunately i think it was avoided/overlooked by many due to the cast/title; people thinking it was another weirdo garbage-tier Tim&Eric creation like The Billion Dollar movie
i especially liked the use of Basinski's Disintegration Loop, a swan song of the slow death of the modern man at the hands of toxic western culture;
>Basinski's Disintegration Loop
oh wow I don't even want to watch this film now. FUCK Basinski that asshole is a fucking bad joke
It is nearly unanimously enjoyed here.
Entertainment veers even further into true kinography.
i really liked basinski's loop. thanx. do you think is conceptual art or what is it? also, i thought the title of the movie was brilliant, unfortunately the poster with tim,s face makes it misleading
>dude im such a deep and intelligent person despite being a fat pile of shit with a terrible sense of humor that rots the brain
It's not that he's used to it, he just doesn't care about her. He's observing her and watching her like it's a spectacle for him
>a deep and intelligent person
And this was evidenced how?
cause Sup Forums doesn't have opinions it has objections
>this music sucks where's the dubstep
Go rewatch the scene again.
She shows hesitation in going through with fucking him throughout, with hesitating to take off her shirt, not wanting too much weed, constant delaying and body language etc.
She realises where she is and changes her mind, she sees him for what he really is in his shitty boat with his lame attempts at wooing her.
She fakes the seizure to get out of the situation and he probably sees through it, hence the awkward dingy ride when he drops her off.
>How can Sup Forums be ALWAYS so fucking wrong?
Every time we've had a thread about it, most people seem to have liked it.
Why even talk shit about a board you only visit casually?
That was Heidecker's magnum opus. For now, at least...
afaik he was transferring very old cassette recordings he had made, i believe to a digital format, but the equipment gradually eroded the physical recording surface of the tape as it was being transferred, little by little with each pass of the tape, resulting in the slow deconstruction of the original music, hence the Disintegration Loops.
he was living in Brooklyn at the time and while working on this project 9/11 happened. he recorded the final hour of the day as the sun went down, hence the visual aspect of the recording in that video. the mournful loop that slowly disappears echoes the context of the disaster particularly well imo.
recently a live orchestra performed the loop during a 9/11 anniversary in NYC
>yify rip upscaled to 1440
I don't think you're getting the most out of your monitor or malick, m8
it was from google