What does Sup Forums think about this fella

what does Sup Forums think about this fella

e g g s c u m

eggscum best scum

I religiously watched his rebirth series up to about ep 200

It kind of loses its charm once he knows everything about the game.

Same with afterbirth, i stopped watching after a few episodes because he'd learnt most of the new shit from streaming and so the episodes just became completely formulaic.

Enjoy watching the ridiculous misplays that are reposted to the subreddit

>he plays other games than isaac

nobody gives a shit m8

>he plays other games than isaac

i'd agree with you

but his stream of fallout new vegas, mass effect and skyrim are brilliant

i feel like his isaac series is enjoyable if you know more about it than him. His ignorance to learn more about the game is pretty funny, but that being said i havent watched the last few twenty episodes because i dont have enough time for it


i think he plays eu4

love the guy

NLSS is top tier. Love to have it in background whenever I am doing something.

Maybe my favourite Youtuber? Very funny, been with him for years. One of the most genuine people on the site, his circle is also fun.

Love him really.

although he constantly clarifies if he is not being serious which is a bit odd but understandable i guess

Oh God NL is best youtuber. His gungeon series is the bomb

i really loved his Xcom series, first time i see someone else trow a failed grenade and not rage about it

He's just about the only tolerable Let's Player.

Decent entertainment for when I'm bored and need something for distraction.

Seems like he's a good person, too.

pic related

he's also super shit at other games, like enter the gungeon

easily my favorite youtuber

that Josh guy is pretty alright, too

NL and Sleepcycles are the only let's players I can watch without cringing. Everyone else is cancerous.

God tier but Nick is a cunt

legit have ep 94 of gungeon in the background right now

Second this. I can't stand that whiny faggot sometimes. Still a great stream.

NLSS is probably the best thing on twitch his YouTube channel is probably top five and the circle of people he plays with are great because they feed off of eachother perfectly.

Doctor Venture?
He's a total loser. His two sons are pretty cool, though.
Not as cool as Henchman #21 though.

nlss is on you scum

oh fuck, you're right. tyty