What's the worst thing you've ever done, Sup Forums?

What's the worst thing you've ever done, Sup Forums?
We are here to listen, not to judge.

I drove past a car accident...

I could have saved someone's life and I didn't. It's all my fault and nothing I do will ever change that.

Threw a banana peel out of a moving vehicle, hit a motorcyclists. Watched from my rearview mirror as he ate shit. I'm sure he was fine though.

Why you didn't do it?

I was afraid I would die too. A lady was hit by a drunk driver while jaywalking on a frontage road. He got out of the car and was yelling at her saying he couldnt go back to prison. I was terrified of the guy and I wasn't about to confront him. Ambulance took 90 mins to arrive because nobody else saw it and other drivers assumed it was already being handled.

but you couldn't do anything but wait for the ambulance!

That's fucked up but I don't think I would have done it any differently.

I've told my mom I've hated her multiple times throughout my life.

I also use to swing my pet rat by it's tail when I was 4

I'm trained in emergency response and could have at least tried. I was terrified of the driver though and bugged off.

I shot a random innocent woman to get away from a drug deal gone bad.
I had just tried to sell a guy I thought I could trust a brick of coke in the back of a convenient store being used as a front, and he tried to stab me. I ran into the front and there was a customer waiting by the door blocking the way, and I reacted before thinking.
Every morning I see the surprised expression she had on her face when I ran out. There was a point where I thought about turning myself in, but decided it wasn't worth it. Hell I don't even know if she lived or not.

browsed /b

Replied to this thread.

You fucking animal.


I lived in a (white) ghetto as a young kid, but never trully became one of them. Mainly because i lived in good neighbrorhood before. There was a kid, who always wanted to talk with me, to go out with me and so on. And I did not care. He has a potencial to became something more than some white scum and i think he wanted my help... with worst parents, with worst friends.. but i did not care, I was just a kid who wanted to play on computer.. Well, now he is really white scum who did not even end high school. And I could help him

shit in a sink the toilet was broken

I see! The guy killed her, anyway. Sorry for your situation

From the way you write you sound half retarded yourself and probably unable to help anyone

One of my best friends died this year. The last thing I said to him is "would you fuck off?" Because I was having a bad day and he kept bugging me as I was trying to study for final exams. He went into a coma the next day and died a week later

He's a good friend he did what you wanted. There's no problem here

>we are here to listen, not to judge
summer is officialy here boys

At age 20, I was homeless. Well, not literally homeless. I traveled from one resentful relative to another on a monthly basis. During one of my short mooch visits with my uncle, I developed a crush for his daughter. Won't post age for obvious reason, but she had it going on. Upon being inevitably asked to leave, I stole her for to see if I could hack it and find some nudes. I was successful. My uncle won't speak to me anymore, but I honestly don't care. I only wish I could get more.

I accidentally killed one of our dogs when I was 10 and I still feel super bad about it.

drawing a blank maybe dump boring guys block family

Damn I wish i had a friend like that. One that dies when you tell them to fuck off

Her phone*

post them here, friendo.

Give me a minute, I have to send them to myself from my iPod.


I fondled and made out with a 9 year old girl (i was 22 at the time). I was a male nurse working in the pediatric division in a psichiatric hospital





damn fine

fucked an 11yr old boy up the ass when I was 15

I was born.

what did you do, go strait to your uncle and show him the nudes?


Nah. Pretty sure he put two and two together once her phone went missing, though. I left on unrelated bad terms anyways.

we HAVE the chatlogs

Accidentally clotheslined my kid when he was three. He is clumsy though so I don't feel too bad about it. Plus he is my oldest and I haven't accidentally my younger three, so it was a learning experience.

I killed a boy and hid the body in a well. The boy was 5. I tied him up for a week and beat his head into his chest. I killed him for fun. I feel i need to kill more