Who do you main in League of Legends?

Who do you main in League of Legends?

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i main sjokz

Lux, 'cause Lazors.

gnar because hes op af

tf adc ftw


Zilean ftw

I main the mlp faggot


The best waifu in league.

Poppy, have level 6 with her. Level 5 with Sivir.

I'd rather fuck Poppy

I don't know, Sivir's hot head attitude kinda turns me on.

i main Hitler

teemo jungle

i play smite instead because i'm not a loser


Smite is so fucking easy, way too boring.

Leona 500k points sage 7

Russia's winter passive counters Hitler hard though.

>implying league isnt easy as fuck
come back when you can play hon or dota fag

Angry one aren't you ?


In progress


eve main

Still mad Blitz got Nerfed

Top - Teemo, Yorick
Jungle - Volibear, Nocturne
Mid - N/A
Support - Thresh, Nautilus, Zilean

youtu.be/PJLF_PGBtWQ look

Twisted Faggot.

seriously people still enjoy this game ? did you discover the internet last week ?

This guy knows.

Huh, so we can safely assume you'll never lose your virginity then.

ez game ez life

Then make a smite thread dude, the question wasn't what game do you play.

I want to say he deserved it, but not really, avoid the pull, it's not that crazy hard.

Haven't played in a while, but my top three were bard, galio, and singed

Plz riot stop promoting your shit game, the game is so fucking garbage.


you know i know


If you play league you need death.

Try and guess

(the 2 losses are with retard premade)

why do so many dislike this game? even WoW threads don't get this much hate

>hit diamond promos
>expect to lose them anyways because of the laws of promos
>drop to plat 2 last night

hello other support main

Because of your poor csing i'd say gold - high silver

we play league because we want to die


kill urself if not bait

What do you guys think of the Ryze rework?

Because its painfully obvious riot is using bots. Plus no one likes it here

That one champ with the 'E' 'Q' combo

Also me

Mid: Cassiopeia
Top: Mao Kai
Jung: Gragas
Adc: N/A
Sup: Braum/Blitxcrank

>lvl 7 is for losers

do people still actually play that shit game?

Pantheon and karma in all lanes

Why would Riot use a bot on Sup Forums, of all places?

Viktor because insane robot dmg

Mid: Anivia
Top: Singed, Irelia, Malphite, Darius, Poppy
Jungle: Jarvan, Vi
ADC: None, Ezreal if I have to pick
Support: Sona, Vel'Koz

I hate meta (playing without TP on top, same picks since season 1, ain't playing "what is popular") and dynamic queue.

Also, ask me anything.

>karma in all lanes
you nasty user
dirty af

The best/easiest champ to ladder from bronze to plat right now?

In my opinion champs don't really mean much. Play whatever you like, for example I can get to Master with fucking Singed who is "tier 3 pick". What matters is your decision making and match ups knowledge - you have to be aware if you can dive enemy, where enemy jungler may be, if you should go drake/baron etc.

But really if I had to pick champ now, Anivia is way to go.

not op, but so many people I've played against underestimate him

What is the most important thing to learn in LoL?

Same, Lux, cause finales funkeln

There are children playing it, and the community will be toxic because of it.

I play this sweet mistress support.

That's not what I meant lol, I meant what is the most important thing to work on, and to think about when playing, to become better

Not playing it and getting a job.

I work 3 jobs, and earn a fuckton of money, so fuck off with your allegations

There are plenty of those, hard to choose one.

Firstly, decision making. You have to know what should you do in each moment. When to push tower, when to wait for enemy to kill him again (in bush), where enemy jungler may be (if he was seen bot, you can push lane to the limit for example). Some shit like that.

Then there is your own knowledge about match ups, champions, their skills/combos/cooldowns etc. For example people I play versus on top lane underestimate Singed and may gank him 1v2 where I got easy double or trying to kill me on level 2 when I am stronger than 90% melee champs.

People also cries about having "no mechanics". It doesn't matter. Mechanics are for koreans or "prowannabe" people. Of course it may be helpful (Flash over Malph ult, insec or some shit plays with Zed/Yasuo/LB or other cancer pick), but overall they are pretty pointless.

So in short - you have to know basics of the game and then use brain not to fuck it. Mechanics ARENT important, after 200 Lee Sin's games I can't even "insec" (I am known as Insect).

Three jobs and earn enough time to play league?

Sorry, I meant real jobs.


you need mechanics if you want to play good champs. or you could just play pantheon (;

i just played a game and wanted to troll, went lulu adc and we won. i was 10/3/5. her kit is fuckin dope

What "good champs" means?

Ever look UP to a yordle?

Elise the Waifu Queen, reksai and Annie

higher skill champs that can outplay low skill champs. ekko or lb for example. but nah the real thing is just knowing your champ's limits and playing smart tbh. or if u know u will get rekt by a better player then play passive and farm etc u know

I've had quite a few LeBlanc's and Zed's teleport into my Nunu ult back in S5. Shit is cash when they think you're just another damage soak.

How do you call people who beat me?
>cancer survivors

Good champs =/= higher skill cap champs. But yeah, knowing your champ's limits (and other champs possibilites) is the key to victory.

Meanwhile it's funny how people in lower divisions pick picks like Yasuo, Zed or Vayne thinking, that they will carry or sth (probably cause ya' know, "badass look" and "anime mechanics", also, usually people in lower divisions are younger than in higher divisions (there are exceptions, but from what I experianced via boosting, it's true). Those picks requires some smart thinking.


>Most animu skin in the game
>Still not picked as often as Zed and Yasuo

Wait, when in the fuck did he get nerfed?

Rumble is strong as fuck, no idea why they buffed him not so long time ago.

And actually aren't you happy when you see Yasuo in your team? There is a small percentage that he won't leave lane with 0/3 and 80 CS in 20 min and then, offended "for nothing" gonna splitpush whole game :^)

I started maining adc, i like lucian and vayne alot.