Stop listening to rap

Stop listening to rap.

I never started

But why does it matter to you?

Kayne west is awesome !
(But I only know one song by him)
Work it, make it, do it,
Makes us harder, better, faster, stronger!


daily reminder that varg is literally a nigger
>doesn't work
>takes welfare checks
>complains about government oppressing "his people"

He's also committed many crimes.

stupid vargposter
go back to middle school

name one

buring churches and killing that cunt

>many wounds on his back
>self defence
pick one

>doesnt work
but he does
>takes welfare checks
so? many migrants in his country live for free and don't contribute to their society
>complains about government oppressing "his people"
well yeah, they don't have freedom of speech

eat my ass fascist insect

Fuck you, dad.

wtf I hate rap now

Very wise words

>breaks into his friend's house through the window
>stabs him in the back 16 times (clearly showing he tried to run away)


fuck off kike

Noone ever said he broke into his home
It wasn't 16 stabs
They weren't all from behind.

the point is, it was blatant homicide

he got fucked in the ass because he was a pity jew

I'd kill a person that is threatening to kill me I see nothing wrong with that

I love this Varg meme. Makes me kek



He's inscrutable

Stop listening to metal.

If you are ok with going to prison for murder

b-but he could have potentially had a weapon or stun gun in the house!

Start listening to authentic fishing music.


Shave your face, boy.

He's got a point you know

it was the lamp dude

im gonna kill u mothefucker old style

who is this seaman daemon?


rap is trash

i'm listening to rap right now

Sup Forumstards defense doesn't count you cuck

Don't tell me what to do Varg. They're my ears

whats an ass fascist

you need to stop calling everything you don't like fascist

That image should say When_Keeping_It_Real_Goes_Wrong.png

shut up kike