Just figured out this chick lives in my apartment complex

Just figured out this chick lives in my apartment complex.

Saw her at my panda express

I just got a creep shot. Anyone? Anyone?



good. now start fapping loser. cuzz you never gonna date her.

I don't want to. She's too grungy. But damn she's got a body tho. I'd smash if I didn't have a girlfriend and I knew she wasn't with some super buff douche


>I don't want to.
or you can't ; )

Okay and? You say you wouldn't do anything with her so what's the point of this thread?

To date her, don't want to. Bang, want to but won't try. Damn morals and whatnot. I don't want to cheat


Dude where you live? Plano? I love this little bitch.

I beat off to this bitches snap pretty regularly...

Big city in the hill country


Cool cool man. I want to rape this bitches asshole


Not op.
OP here. She's super short. She's always wearing that damn nose ring. She was bitching at someone on the phone because the gate wouldn't open to the gym. She sounded high maintenance. Also had a bejeweled pepper spray on her key chain lol

Quick shot

Just makes me want to rape her mote

Fucking more!

god i need some porno with fit girl

Yes sir


I see all of her pics but your creepshots of her drive me fucking crazy

Glad I could help. That's about it