What's next step for motion pictures?
What's next step for motion pictures?
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More Sup Forumsedditor memes for sure.
is this real?
> rolls eyes
> mimics masturbatory gesture
>you will never get paid to teach freshman who are too young and impressionable to know your autistic head canon view of cinema are complete bullshit and basically fanfic tier
I love this chart.
Pure kino
Needs Capekinography as a subset of kinography
this is my favorite meme
You fucking proletariat moronic piece of shit.
"Genre" Kinography does not exist.
I'm even of the minority that believes genre works can achieve Kinography, but to divide Kinography into subsets is foolish and grossly irresponsible.
I bet you're one of those working class slimes that "think" (if you even truly can, critically, that is, and not just parrot what you read) that television series can achieve Kinography. Well try again, buster. You're wrong.
Now get the hell out of here and lurk moar. Hell, lurk at all, champ.
The extra pretentiousness of writing the original titles in Cyrillic.
That is the continuation of the citation on the previous line:
>DP/30: The Oral History of Hollywood. Los Angeles, Cali : "Melancholia", Sep 2011 Interview with Kiefer Sutherland
It's real and relevant:
>That is...the list is getting shorter
Who's left, bros?
>"utilizing partially or entirely self-made frames,"
Does that even mean anything?
Also, reminder that if you search "kinography" in Google, the first several results are Reddit an Imgur memes. Go fuck yourselves.
>needing Google to know about "kinography"
The reddit link was made by Sup Forums to troll newfags exactly like you.
Keep telling yourself, you meme-loving fuck.
Television could achieve Kinography, it's just that it never has and never will.
I don't agree, as television isn't a Motion Picture, but it could get close.
See: Boss
Why do you think it could reach those heights? Not being confrontational, just curious.
Couldn't television theoretically be any number of them? Or atleast a sub classification that borrows heavily the original concept.
>a sub classification that borrows heavily the original concept.
I'd roll with this.
>inb4 show, series, programme, special, serial, anthology
Here we go again. Thread #17267
'Kinography' is a real term; it is a translation of a phrase used by Soviet director Dziga Vertov in an interview about his film "Man With a Movie Camera"
In early 2015 someone added 'kinography' as a heading in a copypasta, and from there it took off as a meme on Sup Forums
What the phrase actually meant was 'absolute language of cinema', IE a type of filmmaking completely separated from the standards of stage acting like dialogue, focused instead on visuals.
The chart is wrong to restrict kinography to pure self-made stuff, but it is right in the divorce from traditional film methods
>In early 2015
It's been present for far longer than that.
Funnily enough, I actually have a link to the first usage saved in a note
You're right I was offbase, but it was late 2014, so just a few months off
Why you gotta jew Matt out of the equation?
>Posting the old version
>ywn relive Holiday 2014 on Sup Forums
It hurts, brotachi.
>University of Sluts and Chads
Literally and unequivocally Virtual Reality.
VR is the next step in motion pictures. In 50 years, barring some unforseen calamity, VR will have all but replaced Cinema & TV.
Television may not be in the genre of Motion Picture, but it is still moving pictures. In my mind, that is the only thing needed to achieve cinematic artistry.
Sadly, the advertising-driven politics of modern television means this will likely never become a reality, unless someone incredibly wealthy decides to fund their own show out of pocket.
How will angle shots with? Or will it be completely free floating?
is Kinovision different from Kino
Yes kinovison is an abstraction of kino. It's derivative of kino but distinct.