Other urls found in this thread:
Giant desk. Not bad.
My mattress, I'll take it.
welp, it seems like i have a diamond chin :/
My keyboard, now I am rich.
my boxers. pretty sure I could still get them off. actually a pretty sweet deal. thx Sup Forumsro.
nothing... fuck
my pubes are diamonds
The air....we are all fucked. Good job user.
My Glencairn glass full of Scotch is now a giant ass diamond. Sweet.
Well a diamond knee sounds painful..
Stop being so edgy you faggot
oh silly my cock was already diamonds
My beer is diamonds. I cant retire, but i can go buy a newer plane and pay off my car.
I'll take it
Great, now my phone is worth more.
My phone
A blanket that I'm warped in. Nigga, call the fire department cause I don't know how I'd get out.
my head, can i still shoot myself?
Only if you roll a natural 20.
Im holding a diamond already what do i get? :(
doesnt matter dick is already diamonds
My bottom lip.... fuck me
Lump of coal nigga
My phone. I'm a lefty, but I'm on the toilet so there's a chance that might have to pick them out. Be worth it.
rolling then, also nice dubs
>my dick is diamonds
no change there
just got two testicle sized diamonds, im rich
My dick, son
It was closed, so.. my hand itself?
This is in my hand. Guess I sell it and am rich and can buy another guitar, plus several more?
my hair, diamonds
i got my ass a diamond dog now
>no warm doggo to chill with
>feels bad man
computer chair, pretty dope if you ask me.
Shame you could literly be touching anything else and had more.
Googled diamondfist. First result.
Huh. A toilet made out of diamond.
Let's shit in this for a while and sell it to Levian
Shit, here too
My left knee is now diamonds? I'm ok with that. I can buy myself a bionic leg, and use the rest of my diamonds to finance a trip, a marriage ring, and a nice house.
I was touching a doorknob, not bad.
My jacket. Cool.
Well, you could at least suck the poor guy off. Blue balls aint cool man.
Can we still shoot him?
Wait, nevermind. I need to sell it to Kanye.
And piss all over it first.
... My wall? Is my house I diamond now?
Can I have a new house? Please?
>muh dick
diamond teeth my negro
My head. Guess I'm dead :/
A pillow. Perfectly acceptable
This is a get thread for me.
It'd touching my phone and my right hand and my pants and the charging cable plugged into my phone.
oh fucking shit my beard is made of diamonds !!! can it count as facial hair so my moustache is diamonds too ? FUKIN AWESOME !
Diamond dick
oh shit nigga, with a roll like that i dont care that im dead
It looks like my daughter gets to stay a virgin
Which is plugged into the building, the whole building is diamonds.
My little sister's _____ is now a diamond. Not sure how I'm gonna explain this to my grandparents. . .
Same here
Your little sister's ______?
My phone.
I don't know how I'm posting this.
is that how they make levian chocolate diamonds
Thats connected to the earth. fucking diamond earth. thanks asshole.
phone....goddamd shuda bogt thicker
I was scratching my balls when I read this. My balls are diamonds...
my face is now diamonds
why the fuck do you need to finance a marriage ring? just chip off a piece of your knee and there ya go.
What, you expect me to superglue that shit to her finger? I want a real ring, not just a piece of pretty rock.
My teeth, Fuck
ps4 controller
oh my FUCKING god
My left hand is wedged between the chair I'm sitting in and the upper part of my ass/lower back.
diamond ps4 controller, guess i can sell it
My Pants....
Which are already a bit tight.
Does it turn them into like a bunch of diamonds and they fall to the floor?
Im fine,
If they turn the pants into a pair of diamond pants...... i dunno, how brittle are diamonds? It would be pretty thin?
I'd probably lose a bit of flesh coming out of them.....
my dick is diamonds I guess
Diamonds aren't brittle at all, so they'll probably remain on your legs making you trapped.
they ARE brittle you dumbshit
My dick was already diamonds user you fucking scammer
My mustache is now diamonds.
Man, diamonds are brittle as fuck, you can brake them just by pressing them hard with a Steel tool.
Source: well I'm a stonesetter and goldsmith