Why? What did he do wrong?

Why? What did he do wrong?

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delet this


>when your parents are cousins

you get superlative athletic abilities?


but he's rich, he can afford for some kind of treatment to grow his hair back

>when your parents are four-legged

>when your parents are portuguese
I didn't deserve this

Well I now understand why he is so obsessed with his hair. Pretty sad desu

lack of dubes

Something like pic related but for hair

he must have dutch balding syndrome, we should check his family history

Good lord man just shave your head already. Das it mane

balding...with long hair - that's a red card right there.

>start going bald
>not just shaving your head and getting on with it
Why is he trying to hide it

>tfw just bought tickets to the Wales-Poortugal game
>tfw going with a Welshman

Can't wait to see Tsunaldo brought to his knees 2bh senpai.

That looks like one of those DBZ regen chambers

he did roids

truly ponyfags are the worst.

roids are know to speed up hairloss

Everyone know Bale is a genetic modified Clone, he is just aging really fast

The guy on the right is not Bale, it's a Bale lookalike.


he can't really shave his head because he has such a dopey looking face

best to just hang on til the bitter end for guys like that

pic related it's a guy who has clint eastwood face instead of dopey face

It's because of the roids they gave him when he got to Madrid btw.

So's creatine, mine started to thin slightly while I took it

He's heavily muscled, yeah, but he's around 4-5% body fat according to his trainer, so what he has is heavily exaggerated in appearance

>type creatine on Sup Forums

>go on amazon, 2 rows of creatine supplements recommended for me

what the shit dude

they're watching you

Install Gentoo


Doesn't work that way. Money means nothing if your hair doesn't stay when grafted, bad donor hair or if it doesn't respond to finasteride. Ask tiger woods.

almost he immediately as he got to spain too...really makes you think

>mfw I'm tracked by the CIA because they took the "Navy Seals" pasta very seriously

>millionare famous athletes are more insecure than you

They are in the public eye a lot more though. But yeah it looks pathetic

You take the creatine? Woah dude, that's hardcore stuff you need to get off it.

he's not balding, he's just hiding a kippa

thats the thing, if he just shaved it no one would care. le cut inside man was bald from about the same age but no one really gives a shit

people mock Bale because he is so obviously insecure about it and putting so much effort into trying to conceal it with that ridiculous hair cut

Clearly shopped mate. Nobody's calves look like that.

>gorillith bald


Or he can just have some decency and shave his head.


Is it real? Wow

Why is Sup Forums always so triggered by balding?

Because most everybody here is in their 20s and that's when the first signs of balding appear

the problem is not balding but wearing a shitty pony tail to hide it


We don't care if Robben is bald.

because balding is high-test and Sup Forums is low-test beta.

it's normal. i'm bald, and i'm not even 26 yet.

He's hiding it because with his monkey ass ears he would be Rooney-tier ugly if he was completely bald.

It doesn't always work though
Take a look at Rooney, he spent shit tons of money and he's already going bald again - at 30.

>He's heavily muscled
>Height: 5'10" (1.80m) Weight: 162 lbs (73.4 kg)
>162 lbs (73.4 kg)

He should ask Conte

Dunno where you got that from, but that's bullshit

conte just wears a hair-system/wig
a good one though, not like most old men i see walking around with a blatant wig as in pic related


well what's his real stats?

No, he did two transplants, the first one didn't work so he went to Canada and had a better one.

he's definitely over 6', those stats you posted are weird

there is no way bales bf% is that low

Poor Ralf

>tfw not balding, but I'm getting 3-4 gray hairs

Is this Normal at 28?

Ravanelli was completely grey/white by that age.

I have 2 grey hairs at 20. Then again, I'm pretty sure I'm also balding.

I have a friend that has dozens of them, or even more, and he is 20 or 21

Cheers bro's, if it is going to turn gray, I hope its all at once.

Nothing wrong with been a Silver Fox, just don't wanna be a salt and pepper men

I wish I had grey hair, it looks cool. at least on some people

23 and get a lot of greys

DUDE STOP IT RIGHT NOW. for the love of god please burn all creatine in your house right now. pic related


More like

More like


Fuck off, Jerry

More like

Gareth Bale? More like Gareth Bald amirite?

>be 21
>already salt and pepper man

girls my age think i'm an oldfag

My whole dads side is dutch :( my hair will be gone

>mexicannots think you need roids to look like this

I would look like a fucking freak if I went bald, and I'm alright looking with hair. It'd be a nightmare for some people.

Even then it takes commitment. You have to treat your hair with minoxidil, ketaconozole, and sometimes you even have to take finasteride. It's just not worth it. I'm balding and I've decided that I'm going to buzz my hair for as long as I can, and if I get to 35 and it's really bad, I'm just going to shave it off.

Like these two.


that is messed up

no way

He could be a good goalkeeper.

I'm getting my first grays too.

he doesn't. You can see by the low density he's got. It's a transplant. A really good one tho.

No Alpecin.
Best kept secret of /TdF/.

My sides have gone dark grey, my top is bald.
I'm 23.

>That looks like one of those DBZ regen chambers

Needs to get himself one of those DBZ rogain camera tho.

Wore the man bun too much. That thing is heavy on the head and pulls your on your scalp constantly.

t.manbun barbosa

Are you tall, Mehmet?

Nah. I was 30 before thinning began.

1.85, not bad for my country.


28 and no sign of balding yet.

>mfw i spent 2 hours trying to figure out who the fuck is Ralf

im retarded


Dem 90's man.

Roids are a thing in every competitive sport, get used to it. The more corrupt a country, the more dodgy stuff they use.