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Did i miss any good stuff
fuck it; I'm listening to all Striborg releases in order starting now
Black Metal is a meme
Not really, kinda been shit lately
What's the best Striborg album to start with?
they're all bad
why is striborg suddenly a meme here
What are you listening to right now?
tourists just found out about the noisey one man metal doc
they're all pretty inaccessible
personally I'm partial to Spiritual Catharsis, but it might be really off-putting depending on what you want to get out of your black metal
I honestly thought no one made a /nbbmn/ thread for like a week there
Guess I'll have to just go through all the albums until I find one I can get into
I'm in a primitive mood
go back to your Krallice and DSO bullshit, faggot
all shared ideas are memes you dickcheese
striborg is numale bm along with those bands you just mentioned
>i sure like raw trve kvlt black metal like xasthur and leviathan and striborg after watching a doc XDD
Euronymous the cutie pie martyr of black metal > Varg the big bully
you reminded me of something
I just like muh autistic Tasmanian forest vibes, bro
Nobody thinks Greeks are white
looking for black metal that is on the borderline between BM and just noise
>i don't like striborg so i listen to only krallice and dso and such
striborg is like judas iscariot without any of the good riffs
one of the only bm artists simultaneously as vapid and pretentious as ildjarn
>top tier meme
>Current 93 reference
I completely forgot Equimanthorn exists
>judas iscariot
>good riffs
post ONE riff
we're gonna make the Ecofascist Pagan Ethnostate great again, folks
There is Greek NSBM though.
is ildjarn pretentious or just his fanbase?
check out stuff from Glossolalia Records, such as:
It was hilarious because it was a one-off thing where a guy was going nuts with buzzwords and I went to another thread where people were doing funny alterations to album cover arts and I did that one and half the thread got it.
Nice times.
Come to think of it I don't think he even has a "fanbase". I've seen him mentioned about as enough as it's worth mentioning.
actual shit taste now, don't bother defending raw bm if you don't 'get' ildjarn
those bands are objectively good in pretty much every way
i remember that thread, honestly couldn't handle that level of shitposting so i left, ur meme is top tier tho
can you leave your raceplay fetish art out of our thread, user?
fuck out of my black metal you normie weirdo
Honestly what the fuck is going on here I just wanted the name of a good Striborg album
>3 chords over 1 drum beat
>for 22 tracks
>for 52 minutes
there's nothing to "get", you mong. anyone who seriously wastes their time listening to ildjarn trying to "get" something must have severe self esteem issues
having a huge craving for incantation so listening to black/death
goddammit I thought he was going to talk about music piracy
I'm tired of seeing this autismos name in every fucking thread
>let's find out
fuck now i can't stop watching
Sometimes, some people are in the mood for truly boneheaded, raw minimalism. Man, you can understand people liking techno and power electronics, right? Well then you can understand why someone would be into Ildjarn.
""okay""; in essence, you're functionally no different than the aforementioned crypto-krallice and dso listeners
that video was good tho
You should go watch the ones where he talks about the early black metal scene and just shits on Satyricon
again your only attempt at rebuttal is ad hominem
ildjarn is an undeniable demonstrably talentless, unoriginal hack and you've been swindled buy much the same tactics that nargaroth fag used to swindle bm kiddies a number of years ago
Spiritual Catharsis
>people who like things I don't like have been brainwashed by the people who made said things
holy fuck, dude
minimalism just isn't your thing
Unlike Ildjarn, Nargaroth has actually released a good album.
Are any of you in a band/bands? What instrument(s) do you play? Share your music /nbbmn/
Sole effort called Iselder
All I have right now is a shitty cover, been working on a demo/album for the past year or so now
not bad for literal racist propaganda
slavers are bad for being slavers; to blame a whole huge group of people with thousands of years of history just for what some number of those people did is beyond retarded.
Of course some Arabs did bad shit.
I mean, I get that many people seem to be rather self-righteous and naïve (SJWs) regarding the shit he's talking about, but he's obviously framing things in a way that pushes his white nationalist agenda...
What's the best Finnish BM lads?
I've played the drums for almost 10 years.
I'm too shy and loser-ish to get into a band. That and I haven't owned a double bass pedal for like 4 years which tends to be quite essential. Just means I've had to learn to blast beat with single bass.
why would I invest depth to this when you've already revealed the preconceived scope of your unwillingness to "get" anything out of it beyond surface level depth? Ildjarn is the ultimate reduced microcosm of everything the Norwegians at the time were trying to express and synthesizes the subversive, transgressive ethos of punk and by extension first wave (revealed compositionally) with the german kosmiche/krautrock music that captured beauty in nature and the cosmos (revealed wholistically)
call me pretentious now because I see where he's going with this and how this ties into the lineage of the eternal music of la monte young, of the minimalism of reich, and of the alienation of the modern self (the other user was not exactly off base here) with the concurrently burgeoning techno scene -- moreover all this, it's just raging raw fucking hateful black metal and if you don't at least get *that*, then there's no use in going further into raw black metal
I just got myself a drum kit, an electronic one to be exact, I dont know shit about drumming and im not planning to take lessons. Do you have any advice for primarily guitar/bassist?
hey, user, this is actually pretty fucking sick
promising, at least
very gay post
I recommend my fellow /nbbmn/ browsers to ignore it altogether
Sounds like a shittier boring version of
how insecure are you that you can't stand to live in a world where people like things you don't like?
I have an electronic one too.
I can't be too helpful as I had a teacher for the first few years.
Basically, work on the foundations. Once you get the basics down it only comes down to working on speed and stamina which comes with time.
Pick songs that are somewhat achievable, keep trying until you can play them, then move on when you can.
If you only want to play something specific, like tech death or whatever, just endlessly practice what's appropriate and you'll manage (like tech death needs blast beats and fast double bass, just remember the Fleshgod drummer only drummed for a year before he played Mafia).
this is growing on me fám
listen to it some time
recommended tracks: Breathing Wounds, Perdition's Light, Circle of Eyes
So far I've had positive reception to a bunch of tracks I've showed people, but I change my opinion on my own stuff so often it ends up going in the bin
I am literally my own worst critic
what the fuck
how does ildjarn sound at all like goatmoon
i'm being baited but
transilvanian hunger is minimalism, ildjarn is the equivalent of behold the arctopus or orthrelm or something. like an art school project. it's too far gone to be worth anything more than a single listen for the sake of curiosity, even granting that the guy might have been an artistic genius. if it's minimalist black metal then it's too minimalist to be enjoyed so i guess it succeeds in that regard. but where burzum and darkthrone were hypnotic, ildjarn is boring
i already admitted that it was cool, how insecure are you to think i'm being sarcastic?
this shit is kind of lit
My unopened BM vinyl I plan on tearing into this weekend:
Transylvanian Hunger, Blaze in the Northern Sky, Nattestid, Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk
>me thinking someone on Sup Forums is being sarcastic means I'm insecure
nice try, buddy...NOT!!!
what does bait even mean in this context or can you not believe people are invested into music?
and the TH reference is exactly what I mean when I say it's the 'ultimate reduced microcosm' -- Forest Poetry, as an example, is Norwegian black metal stripped down through deconstruction and turned up to 11, which in terms of minimalism there really is no [too far gone] until you hit drone or actual single pitch music.
this is virtually major key TH and the lyrics sum up his ideal pretty succinctly
How much you pay for Darkthrone LP's?
Who /1488/ here?
I think 17 and 19.
I try to not spend too much, especially since I'm new to collecting. The most expensive record I've gotten so far is probably Emperor's special edition of Welkin for like 27
I don't get the hate Kodama's been getting
can't the fucking guy be inspired by Japanese shit???
Why the fuck would being inspired by anime for one album make him suddenly some sort of fedora-tipping weeb and not just Neige like Neige has always been Neige?
Internet people are so retarded
Japanese stuff is A-OK in my book. I mean the japanese are essentially honorary whites
what does that mean
I dunno, I got the album because I had already heard it and liked it and figured it would be a good gateway album to get my gf to listen to BM with me
Played guitar on this when I was like 19 or 20
who here /anno domini 1476/
Japanese aren't white but they're based as fuck
>often suicidal
>pretty interesting history
>they sell women's underwear in vending machines
seriously, how much for more based do you need to get?
The fact that you don't know means you aren't.
not like you or anyone cares but
my friend got married way out in bumfuck central PA, and we found this hole-in-the wall record store that had an unopened Nattens Madrigal vinyl for $8 and I'm still hating myself for not picking it up, and they just had their 3rd anniversary this summer
literally the only reason I had for not getting it was so someone else might get to enjoy that sweet find
yes I'm actually that retarded
consider taking your life you useless cunt, you're worse than the cunt who kept posting "idol"
The only problem is the bombs really fucked them up mentally as a nation. I think all their weird shit and social issuescan be attributed about 30% the bombs and 70% their traditions of respect and being subservient towards your superior.
is hate forest NSBM?
Does it matter if it is? Are you afraid of opposing viewpoints?
he has precisely one other song which sounds anything like this if i remember correctly and it isn't anywhere nearly as good. so this is proof ildjarn could have produced a halfway decent darkthrone clone which could also probably have been just as interesting as what he ended up doing
>Forest Poetry, as an example, is Norwegian black metal stripped down through deconstruction and turned up to 11, which in terms of minimalism there really is no [too far gone] until you hit drone or actual single pitch music.
this doesn't sound at all challenging either conceptually or in practice so i'm still failing to see why ildjarn's releases are at all laudable except for maybe their release/recording date
The only thing that annoys me about the album is the fact that the bonus track is alright, but to get the CD with the bonus track it costs way much more.
Otherwise yeah, it's an okay album, far better than Shelter. Remember weebshit has, justifiably, gained a lot of backlash of recent years so any hatred of it based on that alone should generally just be ignored.
honestly familia im just curious i love their music regardless
If you love the music then the subject matter doesn't matter. I've listened to plenty of songs about killing and violence but do I condone killing? That depends, but also besides the point. Personal beliefs should not taint the enjoyment of art
Anything similar?
ur so defensive about me not liking the subject matter i was just asking for an overall tl dr of the lyrical content
I never implied i was gonna get triggered by this nazi hack i dont really care lmao
Anyone like Uruk-hai?