Lets play a game Sup Forums

Lets play a game Sup Forums

Ask a freemason anything..... But if you get Dubs, Trips or Quads, You get banned

If anyone gets quints, I get banned

Are you up for the challenge?

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Pleas ban me

Is OP a fag?

Op here
Op is Always a Fag

Are you a member of the illuminati?

No, None of the conspiracy theories you see on youtube are real....But i do hear some things

what do freemasons do? and how do you join?

Freemasons are a bunch of under educated, and over ego'd fuck heads.

The basic idea is its a frat that makes good men better, think of a college frat, but more mature

To join depends on the jurisdiction, but for the most part, 2b1ask1, There should be a masonic grand lodge website in your area that can get you in touch with a local lodge. If it has times and dates for a meeting, go about 45 minutes before a meeting, meet some good people, get a free meal, and ask to join

Sounds like youd fit in perfect

How do you think I know this already? :)


How dank are your memes?

Nice dubs, Enjoy the ban

Why did you let the Jews and Rothschilds (Rothschildren?) take over the world?

Dank enough for you to be banned
Holy shit, 3 dubs in a row


Thats Bildeberg

How old is your grandmother?

There's nothing to ask a free mason. I'm a freemasonry as well. Any jagaloon can be one, you're not special.


Youre a freemasonry?


It means what lodge do you hail from?


Why did you let Bilderberg let the Jews and Rothschilds take over the world?


Will you kill me? I ask because I had typed out several questions and while looking for a pic to go w/ them my browser crashed.

Dear OP,

A couple of years ago, my religion teacher stated that the Free-Masons were a group of Satin worshipers, hell bent on destroying the Catholic faith, any truth to that statement?

From a lodge of the Holy Saints John of Jerusalem

Walk in the light, that others might follow your path through darkness.

You were about to ask a question that would expose us

Not true. The catholic church is doing a good job destroying itself

Specifically what lodge? Jurisdiction? State?

i want some of that free mason plox

lol... confirmed as someone who attended catholic school.

Does it hurt bad the first time a priest buggers you?


>Walk in the light, that others might follow your path through darkness.

Giving that info on Sup Forums wouldnt be the best idea.... Although, ill say that im AF&AM, and not PHA

a free and accepted mason should never reveal the secrets of his office

sorry Sup Forumsro, i meant to post at you

what would be a good question to ask?

Nah, my phone is shit, it happens every so often after I select a picture. Tho I was going to ask how will you enforce the bans? Like, are you in bed with the mods or something?

Will you sign my petition to join in?

I may have gone to a Catholic School but I'm still an atheist

No secrets from our lord, nothing to hide from the eyes that behold all.

Brother, you speak of information you shouldn't reveal though you expose yourself. You'll make it to your next heights soon enough.

I always sign petitions when asked, if i have anything to be afraid of, it comes out in the background check

Masonic Secret :)

Are you Clandestine? Or just stupid. Either way, Drink Bleach

my last rollerino?

I am AFM. Just remember to keep your actions square Brother.

Don't dodge the question.
Did it hurt when the priests fucked in the ass?

Also: rolling 4 dubs

Are you a religious organization? If so explain

good to see you are keeping the secrets, tell us your thoughts on jachin and boaz.

The two pillars that stood on the porch of King Soloman's Temple. That Boaz and Jachin?

I'm always on the level, although, im more round than square lately, KEK

No, but you have to be religious to join.

Pass on worthy Brother


This is faggots! I demand dubs/answers!

I have a question. Will you please fill me in on some decent secrets that isn't crossing the line for you? Like anything interesting really.'

Also, I see people that have masonic symbols on their car all the time? What does that mean? Does it just mean they're in or what?

What's the number one thing that could make my petition be rejected? Is the background check on the same level of one to get as a teacher?

It's called autocorrect, you child.

do not idle in action and pass by deliverance, brother.

Quinta roll

What do you mean by I have to be religious? What one?

What about them?

If I was a Demolay but stopped being active after 21, could I become a mason at some point? I know a few masons but we haven't kept in touch lately except for Facebook.

you just have to believe in a higher power and have the capacity to accept new concepts for that

What is your/the freemasons opinion on technology?

to be a mason, ask a mason

Can I b a mason?

r u religis

Whats your question?

The only real secret, is the experience. You get out of it, what you put in. I know thats vague , But Its one thing to read "secrets" online, and another thing to witness the forms and beauty thereof

Masonic symbols on cars are usually just a source of pride/a way to identify yourself to others who are masons. I have one, just in case a mason cop pulls me over ;)

You just have to beleive in a higher power usually, but its jurisdictional

DeMolay is a totally different thing. You dont have to be one to join the masons.

My opinion is that its great. Im a bit biased, as i am under 30

Where do you live?

yea yea yea

B& B& B&



Are you aware of the Mormon connection to Freemasonry? Joseph Smith was one. Can you tell us anymore about it?

Roll for ban


If were to become a mason, would I be selling my soul away? Or become closer to god? Are there downsides?

Ive dont know if ive ever met a mormon in my life. Enjoy your ban


no op but joseph smith borrowed/ stole a lot of masonic teachings for his own religion. He was not connected to them, only betrayed them, back in the day that was a death sentence.

Only downsides are the financial obligations

>back in the day

there are no downsides, in my opinion, the teachings are more philosophical and would definitely bring you closer to enlightenment. no soul signing, ps not op.

hood rat shit son

why do freemason faggots try to take over the world?
also hitler did nothing wrong

Does being a Freemason bring financial stability

You're not becoming a Jew, user.

for the most part its a social club more than a secret society

I wish, But masons spent the lost treasure years ago!

How much are the finanial obligations?

Depends on the lodge. ive seen them as low as $50, plus degree fees, And as High as $2000, for a lifetime membership. My dues are $75 a year, plus extra for any appendant bodies such as Shriners, or scottish/york rite

rip in peace user
I'll carry that torch for you.

How many other Brothers do we have in this thread?
What is your jurisdiction?
Any appendant bodies?

depends, usually around 150$ annually for the average member

Op here. Not a member of any other bodies, but in 26. Also, im Tyler of the lodge

>York RIte, Shrine

Mt. Moriah 292 los gatos california, and im 28 brother.

how do make monies

When you say forms of beauty, what do you mean? What will improve in my life? Is there any way to detail that or no?

How to best squat when shitting on freemasonry?
Is freemason membership increasing with more gay men coming out of the closet?

Are you the faggot in the tophat?
Enjoy the ban

Not really, its an experience

Will I play professionally