What is his endgame?
What is his endgame?
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i'm all for a /chess/ bread leafanon, but we need a topic
>no physical activity
>implying sitting on your ass for hours at a time doesn't require some physical effort
casual pls
Chess really makes me think
checkmate, obviously
To display the intellectual superiority of the nordic master race.
I'm getting tired of playing the french and i dont want to play the memecilian guys what should i play vs 1.e4
let hell break lose
>chess doesn't belong on Sup Forums
newfag kiddies pls leave
Only thing that belongs on /asp/ is mandrama now
Just play the Sicilian you coward
Caro-Kann. It's like playing the French but without the headaches and with an active Queen's Bishop.
That's probably not a bad idea. thx m8
What the fuck is his problem?
I didn't know there was a Dungeons and Dragons board. Thanks, I'll check it out later
idk he always came off as a bit of a beta desu
well I know who's playing him in the inevitable biopic
Those are autists. You can have a chess or a go/weiqi board there, but it will be filled with people who have never played. That said, this isn't Sup Forums, not enough memes in chess.
What will happen if he takes the chess crown on american soil?
more nordic superiority
white mates in 5
I'm so conflicted right now. I both lol'd at and was triggered by this post. WHY CAN'T THEY EVER GET THE BOARD THE RIGHT WAY ROUND???? I mean, come on! By random chance they should statistically get it right 50% of the time. BUT THEY NEVER DO! This one even has the coordinates back to front! The alphabet is written RIGHT-TO-LEFT and no one even blinked when they made it! Just because it's alcoholic chess is no excuse!
>in 5
you might as well just tell me the game ends eventually
Playstyle was incredibly aggressive, but if that failed he was done.
^ this user gets it
it's one check after the other user
this bread is dead, this bread needs life
Scandinavian you bitch
who is your chess waifu?
>1.e4 d5
What 2... user?
skripchenko prolly
2. ...Qd5
3.Nc3 Qa5
autismboard is not a sport
> 07/04/16(Mon)08:04:00 No.69232874
4. b4!!
Magnus is a cuck
4. ...Qb4
Is that some gambit that i am not aware of?
Mental Gymnastics
Apparently so.
OMG the none real chess photos in this thread have the board set correctly 50-50. Just shoot me now and I die happy!
Why? This one looks fine to me
I'm gonna have to recant my previous statement. Both Kings are in check, but the glock still wins. "you may crack your opponent's skull with the chessboard, but it does not prove you are the better player"
thisand thiswe're batting
it's more like 4.b4?!
white does not get much of a compensation.
>50 post chess thread and still no appearance of the autistic norwegian
Play any sport without brain
>protip u cant